Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why the Better Utah Institute Must Be Stopped from Pushing Critical Race Theory in Utah

Why the Better Utah Institute Must Be Stopped from Pushing Critical Race Theory in Utah

By Bobby Darvish -

As a proud Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, former Imam, and now a Christian conservative Republican, I stand firm in my defense of Utah, a state that has long represented the values of faith, family, and freedom. The so-called "Better Utah Institute," a Democrat socialist organization, is actively pushing the divisive and destructive agenda of Critical Race Theory (CRT). They aim to undermine the very foundation of our state, seeking to transform Salt Lake City and the rest of Utah into the failed state that California has become. This must be stopped.

Critical Race Theory: A Poison to Utah’s Values

Critical Race Theory is an insidious ideology that seeks to divide people based on race, claiming that America—and by extension Utah—is inherently racist. CRT teaches that all white people are oppressors, and all people of color are perpetual victims. It promotes hatred, resentment, and division, rather than the unity and brotherhood that we as Christians strive to foster.

The Better Utah Institute, like their Democrat allies, wants to import the failed policies of California into Utah. California has become synonymous with lawlessness, homelessness, skyrocketing taxes, and the erosion of freedoms under Democrat socialist leadership. Why would anyone in their right mind want to bring these disastrous ideologies here? If you fled California because of its collapse, why try to recreate it in Utah?

Utah’s Sovereignty Under Threat

Utah is a sovereign state. The people of Utah have the right to reject destructive ideologies like CRT and preserve the values that have made this state a beacon of prosperity and freedom. If the Better Utah Institute wants to implement the same failed policies that destroyed California, they should be required to move back to California. Utah's sovereignty must be defended, and the people of Utah must take action to protect it.

I call for Utah to implement state sovereignty measures, including the potential for state passports or documentation, to ensure that those who wish to undermine our values and our way of life are prevented from doing so. This is not an issue of mere politics; this is about protecting the integrity of Utah's future.

The Role of the Utah National Guard

We have seen what happens when cities are left unprotected against radical ideologies. Look no further than San Francisco or Los Angeles, cities now plagued with homelessness, drugs, crime, and moral decay. If the Better Utah Institute continues to push their agenda here, Salt Lake City will be next. Therefore, we must be prepared to defend our state by all necessary means.

It may be necessary to call upon the Utah National Guard to protect the sovereignty of our state from ideological invasions. If these radical leftists want to bring the failed state of California to Utah, we must be prepared to resist them. We cannot allow Salt Lake City to become another San Francisco. The line must be drawn here, and the Utah National Guard should stand ready to prevent any attempt to invade our state with these dangerous ideologies.

Keep Utah Free

As a Christian conservative, I believe in the freedom of individuals to succeed based on their merit, hard work, and character—not the color of their skin. The Better Utah Institute and the Democrat socialists they represent want to destroy this by promoting a victim mentality and making race the central issue in every aspect of life. This is not the America we know and love, and this is not the Utah we want.

Utah has always been a place of refuge for those seeking a better life—whether it was the early pioneers fleeing religious persecution or people today fleeing the oppressive policies of other states. But we cannot allow those who fled failed states like California to bring their destructive ideologies with them.

If you want California policies, then go back to California. Utah is a state that values faith, family, freedom, and individual responsibility. We will not allow the Better Utah Institute to change that.


The Better Utah Institute is an enemy of Utah’s values, and they must be prevented from doing business here. Critical Race Theory, socialist policies, and Democrat ideology have no place in a state like Utah. It’s time for Utah to assert its sovereignty, protect its values, and resist this invasion of destructive ideas. Whether that means implementing state sovereignty measures, utilizing the National Guard, or simply standing firm in our convictions, we must defend Utah from becoming another failed state.

Utah is a beacon of freedom and prosperity, and we must keep it that way. Let’s stand united against the forces trying to destroy it.


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