Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Better Utah Institute: A Trojan Horse to Destroy Salt Lake City

The Better Utah Institute: A Trojan Horse to Destroy Salt Lake City

By Bobby Darvish –

As an Iranian-American, former Imam, and ex-leader within Islamic organizations like CAIR-Columbus and the Muslim Forum of Utah, I have witnessed firsthand the dangers posed by ideological extremism, whether from Islamists or Marxist-socialists. Today, I see another existential threat brewing in my home state of Utah—the radical Democrat socialists at the Better Utah Institute are trying to transform our peaceful, conservative state into a carbon copy of the failed liberal dystopias like Los Angeles and San Francisco. We must stop them before it’s too late.

Let’s be clear: the Better Utah Institute claims to be a "non-partisan" organization, but their agenda reeks of socialist Democrat ideology. They are hell-bent on turning Salt Lake City into the next progressive battleground, using the same policies that have destroyed California's cities. These "progressives" fled the homelessness, skyrocketing crime, and fiscal collapse of California, only to try and recreate the same broken system here in Utah. If these people want to live in a socialist experiment, they should pack their bags and move back to California. We don’t want their failed policies infecting our state!

California’s Failed Policies and Utah's Sovereignty

We’ve all seen what California’s progressive policies have done. Los Angeles is plagued with crime, drug addiction, homelessness, and soaring taxes that punish businesses and working families. San Francisco, once a cultural and economic hub, is now overrun by poverty and corruption, a wasteland where even basic public safety is a luxury. And what does the Better Utah Institute want to do? Import this failed model to Utah under the guise of "social justice" and "equity."

The truth is, their vision for Utah is nothing short of a hostile takeover. They have no respect for Utah’s culture of individual responsibility, faith, and free-market capitalism. They want to centralize power, impose state control, and erode our liberties—all in the name of progress. This is not progress; it’s the exact opposite. It’s regression into a socialist nightmare that will strip us of our freedoms and bankrupt our state.

Defend Utah’s Sovereignty

Utah has long prided itself on its unique identity—rooted in conservative Christian values, a robust work ethic, and a thriving capitalist economy. To preserve that identity, we need to protect our state’s sovereignty. This means recognizing the threat posed by the Democrat socialists who want to infiltrate and subvert our way of life.

The time has come to take drastic measures to safeguard Utah from this ideological invasion. We need to call upon the Utah National Guard to protect our borders from those seeking to bring California-style governance to Salt Lake City. We cannot afford to let them poison our communities with policies that are fundamentally at odds with our way of life.

State Passports: A Defense Against Ideological Invasion

One solution to this problem is the implementation of state sovereignty laws, including state-specific passports. This would allow Utah to regulate who enters and becomes a permanent resident. We cannot allow those who have ruined California to bring their destructive ideologies to Utah. If they want to live under socialist policies, they should go back to where those policies reign. Utah must remain a bastion of freedom and capitalism, and that requires taking concrete steps to defend our sovereignty.

Utah National Guard: Our Last Line of Defense

If these radical leftists refuse to stop, we may need to mobilize the Utah National Guard to secure our borders and protect our communities. This is not about exclusion; it’s about survival. We have the right to protect our state from those who would seek to undermine it. We must ensure that the failed policies of California do not take root here.

Conclusion: Keep Utah Free

The Better Utah Institute and its Democrat socialist allies are a threat to everything we hold dear in Utah. They want to turn our state into the very thing they fled from—a socialist disaster. If we are to preserve Utah’s unique culture, freedom, and prosperity, we must stand against this ideological invasion. State sovereignty, including state passports, and the calling up of the Utah National Guard may be necessary to defend our way of life.

We cannot let Salt Lake City become the next San Francisco. Utah must remain a stronghold of conservative values, capitalism, and freedom. If these progressive radicals want to destroy a state, let them go back to California. Utah is and always will be a place of opportunity, faith, and freedom—but only if we stand strong against those who seek to destroy it.


  1. "Better Utah Institute: A Progressive Vision for Utah?" Salt Lake Tribune.
  2. "California’s Decline: What Utah Can Learn," Deseret News.
  3. "The Rising Influence of Democrat Socialism in Utah Politics," Utah Policy Review.

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