Monday, September 16, 2024

Even if I Were an Atheist or Satanist, I Would Never Embrace the Swinging Lifestyle: A Response to "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" and 'Mom Talk on TikTok'

Even if I Were an Atheist or Satanist, I Would Never Embrace the Swinging Lifestyle: A Response to "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" and 'Mom Talk on TikTok'

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim conservative Christian and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I am profoundly disturbed by the normalization of the "swinging" lifestyle promoted by certain media figures. The "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" and TikTok’s infamous 'Mom Talk' participants have thrust a distorted image of LDS culture into the public eye, linking the faith to sexual deviance that stands in stark opposition to its moral teachings.

Let me make this perfectly clear: even if I were an atheist or a Satanist, I would never engage in or condone such an immoral and degrading lifestyle. Swinging—a practice where married couples consensually exchange partners for sexual activities—is a betrayal of the sacred bond of marriage and an affront to the virtues of trust, loyalty, and respect that are fundamental to any relationship, let alone one consecrated before God.

Swinging: A Symptom of Moral Decay

The rise of "stars" like those from 'Mom Talk' on TikTok who flaunt their participation in swinging is deeply troubling. Just as society once lifted up figures like Kim Kardashian, whose fame began with a sex tape, these TikTok personalities are turning adultery and marital betrayal into entertainment. To say this is vomit-inducing is an understatement.

Swinging is more than a lapse in judgment; it is a rejection of the very foundations of a healthy and moral society. Marriage is not just a contractual relationship but a sacred covenant. It is designed to foster love, stability, and mutual support between partners. When people choose to embrace swinging, they are not just violating their marriage vows—they are fundamentally disrespecting the human dignity of their spouse. It goes against every fiber of loyalty, trust, and commitment.

Even if I were a Satanist, I would still value loyalty, personal honor, and integrity. The thought of exchanging spouses as if they were commodities is disgusting to me, and it should be repugnant to anyone who values relationships based on respect and trust. The sexual revolution may have altered societal norms, but it cannot and should not force anyone to accept a lifestyle that tears apart the very fabric of human decency.

Misrepresentation of the LDS Faith

The media’s portrayal of "swinging" within some so-called cultural Mormons is not only misleading but grossly offensive to those of us who take our faith seriously. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches high standards of moral conduct, including fidelity within marriage.

Yes, there may be individuals who claim cultural ties to the LDS Church but engage in this disgraceful lifestyle. But let’s be clear: these people do not represent the Church or its members who genuinely strive to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Every community has its "rotten apples," but they do not reflect the values of the broader faith. The church cannot and should not be judged based on the immoral behavior of a few self-proclaimed members who have clearly strayed far from its teachings.

There is a significant difference between those who struggle with aspects of their faith and fall short in certain areas and those who blatantly disregard the most sacred commandments of God. Swinging is not just a "lapse" or a personal "weakness"—it is a willful rejection of moral law. The fact that such individuals have become media sensations and "influencers" is an indication of how warped our society’s values have become.

The Sanctity of Marriage in Christianity and LDS Belief

As a conservative Christian, marriage is sacred. In the Book of Mormon (BOM) and the Bible, the institution of marriage is upheld as one of the cornerstones of God's plan for His children. In the Bible, the union of man and woman is described as the representation of Christ’s relationship with His Church (Ephesians 5:25-33). Loyalty, sacrifice, and love are the building blocks of this divine institution.

In LDS theology, marriage is seen as eternal—an everlasting bond that can continue in the hereafter if sealed in the temple. How can a person who believes in the eternal significance of marriage throw it away for momentary, carnal pleasure? How can someone who has made sacred covenants before God exchange their spouse like a commodity at a market, disregarding the profound responsibilities of that bond?

Media, Fame, and the Degradation of Morality

This sensationalization of swinging among so-called "Mormon wives" is nothing short of cultural degradation. These media personalities, like those in 'Mom Talk' on TikTok, are no different from celebrities who have traded their dignity for fleeting fame. Just as society’s moral standards were lowered with the rise of reality TV stars made famous for their sexual exploits, we now see social media influencers who gain attention by publicizing their acts of marital infidelity.

This is not just a moral problem; it’s a cultural one. When adultery and betrayal become forms of entertainment, society is inching closer to total moral collapse. No person, regardless of their beliefs, should be forced to accept or respect such evil lifestyles. They may have found a way to glamorize their depravity on TikTok, but it is a shallow fame built on a foundation of sin.

Conclusion: A Call for Moral Clarity

Even if I were an atheist or a Satanist, I would never join in or respect the swinging lifestyle. It represents everything that is disloyal, untrustworthy, and shameful. The media may try to paint these cultural Mormons as representative of the LDS faith, but they are far from it. Faithful Latter-day Saints, like all Christians, uphold the sanctity of marriage and reject the moral depravity that comes with such lifestyles.

I refuse to respect people who live evil lives. The fact that they have found fame for their swinging stories is vomit-inducing and a reflection of how lost parts of society have become. We cannot allow the actions of a few immoral individuals to shape our perception of entire communities, especially one like the LDS Church that stands for high moral principles. Even if I were not a believer in Christ, I would still find swinging an abomination. Loyalty, trust, and morality matter, regardless of one’s religious beliefs.


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