Sunday, October 20, 2024

Critical Race Theory: A Globalist Marxist-Islamist Ideology Designed to Destroy America

Critical Race Theory: A Globalist Marxist-Islamist Ideology Designed to Destroy America 

By Bobby Darvish –

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, former Imam, Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus, and the President of the Muslim Forum of Utah, I have had an insider’s view into the way ideologies manipulate cultures and systems. Today, as a proud Christian conservative and Republican, I feel it is my duty to expose Critical Race Theory (CRT) for what it really is: a dangerous, un-American, globalist, Marxist-Islamist ideology that seeks to undermine and ultimately destroy the foundations of the United States of America.

CRT: A Marxist Weapon in America

At its core, Critical Race Theory stems from Marxism. Instead of dividing society by class (the bourgeoisie vs. the proletariat), CRT reinterprets the struggle as one of racial groups—oppressors (white Americans) vs. the oppressed (non-whites). This racial lens intentionally creates a permanent division, fostering resentment, victimhood, and dependency. CRT teaches that America’s institutions are inherently racist, and that racism is not just the result of individual bias but embedded in the very systems—legal, economic, and cultural—that make up the country.

This is an outright attack on the American dream. America was built on the idea that, regardless of where you come from, your race, or your religion, you have the opportunity to succeed based on your hard work and merit. CRT is attempting to erode that ethos by pushing a narrative that America is irredeemably corrupt, racist, and unworthy of loyalty. It negates the efforts of millions of immigrants—like myself—who have embraced the American way of life, seeking freedom and opportunity, not perpetual victimhood.

Globalist and Islamist Agenda: CRT's Real Purpose

But CRT is not just about race. Behind the veil of “social justice” lies a globalist and Islamist agenda aimed at eroding national unity and Christian values, which have been the backbone of American prosperity. Globalist elites, including those embedded in left-wing academia and politics, want to create a fractured and weakened America. Dividing people by race, fueling racial grievances, and teaching hatred toward white Americans and traditional institutions is their path to dismantling national sovereignty and capitalism itself.

Where does Islamism come in? The alliance between Marxism and Islamism may seem strange at first, but both ideologies share the same enemy—Christian, capitalist America. Islamists see America as a bastion of Western Judeo-Christian values that stand in opposition to Sharia law and Islamic imperialism. By promoting CRT, which weakens America’s unity and devalues its Christian heritage, they hope to pave the way for a future where the U.S. is easier to influence and ultimately infiltrate with their own ideologies.

As an ex-Muslim, I know firsthand how Islamist organizations operate. While CAIR and similar groups present themselves as defenders of civil rights, they often exploit the language of CRT to further their own political goals. They align with Marxist globalists, using racial division as a tool to destabilize America from within, under the guise of promoting “diversity” and “equity.” These are the same tactics that Islamists have used in the Middle East and North Africa to exploit local divisions, ultimately gaining power and control.

How CRT Threatens American Christianity and Capitalism

One of the most dangerous aspects of CRT is its assault on Christian values. It pushes the idea that Christianity, particularly when associated with whiteness, is inherently oppressive. This is a blatant attack on the foundational faith of this nation. America was founded by Christians, with Christian ethics and morals embedded in its Constitution. CRT, however, seeks to replace these ethics with secular, atheistic values, stripping away the belief in individual responsibility, hard work, and the inherent worth of every human being as a child of God.

As Christians, we know that in the eyes of God, all men are created equal (Galatians 3:28). There is no “oppressor” class or “oppressed” class based on skin color. CRT, by promoting racial division and resentment, is antithetical to Christian teachings of love, unity, and forgiveness. This makes it not only un-American but also anti-Christian.

Furthermore, CRT is an attack on capitalism—the very economic system that has allowed millions of Americans of all races to thrive. By framing capitalism as inherently racist, CRT attempts to replace it with a Marxist redistributionist system. This is no different from the socialist agendas I witnessed in Iran, where the promises of “equality” only led to more oppression and poverty. CRT advocates for policies like reparations and wealth redistribution, which will only further divide Americans and create a culture of dependency on the state. As a capitalist, I know that the true path to prosperity is through hard work, innovation, and free enterprise—not government handouts based on skin color.

Reject CRT and Defend American Values

America is at a critical juncture. If we do not recognize CRT for what it is—a Marxist-Islamist tool to destroy America—our country will descend into chaos. As a former Imam and Muslim leader, I have seen how ideologies use division to conquer. Marxists and Islamists have learned that the best way to destabilize a society is to pit its people against each other. CRT is their weapon of choice.

It’s time for conservatives—Christian, capitalist, Republican patriots—to stand up against CRT and defend America’s founding values. We must reject the divisive racial narratives being peddled by the far-left and globalist elites. We must stand firm in our belief that America is the greatest nation on earth, built on principles of freedom, meritocracy, and faith in God.

Critical Race Theory is not just an academic theory. It is a blueprint for the destruction of America, and it must be stopped before it’s too late.


  1. Rufo, Christopher. “Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It.” Heritage Foundation, 2021.
  2. Lindsay, James. “The Marxist Roots of Critical Race Theory.” New Discourses, 2020.
  3. Darvish, Bobby. “The Islamist-Marxist Alliance Against America.” Darvish Intelligence, 2023.

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