Saturday, October 19, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Dominion Machines Were 'Switching' Votes: A Wake-up Call for American Democracy

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Dominion Machines Were 'Switching' Votes: A Wake-up Call for American Democracy

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, former Imam, and now a proud Christian conservative capitalist Republican, I am deeply concerned about the integrity of American elections. In 2020, we witnessed accusations of widespread fraud, especially surrounding the use of Dominion voting machines. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a staunch conservative congresswoman from Georgia, brought these issues to the forefront when she claimed that Dominion machines were "switching" votes during the presidential election. Her claims, while controversial, highlight a growing distrust in the electoral process that should not be ignored by any patriotic American who values freedom and the Constitution.

For those of us who have fled tyrannical regimes—like my family and many other Iranian-Americans—this is not merely a partisan issue. It strikes at the heart of what makes America great: a free, fair, and transparent electoral system. When I lived in the Islamic Republic of Iran, elections were a mere facade. Votes were manipulated, the system was rigged, and the people were left powerless. The rise of the Islamic regime in 1979 led to the destruction of Iran's democracy, something that still haunts me as an exile. Watching America face questions about election integrity is deeply unsettling, especially since we know where this road can lead: tyranny and the suppression of individual rights.

Dominion Voting Systems and the 2020 Election

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s claims about Dominion machines were dismissed by the mainstream media as conspiracy theories. However, Greene is not alone in raising concerns. Many Americans, especially those in conservative circles, were shocked by the sudden and suspicious changes in vote counts during the 2020 election. Reports surfaced that votes were inexplicably flipped from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in crucial swing states. Dominion Voting Systems, which has been used in many states across the country, came under heavy scrutiny for their potential role in these irregularities.

Dominion has denied these claims, and many officials have dismissed them as baseless. But even if Greene's claims cannot be proven, the fact that so many Americans have lost trust in their voting systems is a problem in and of itself. Our electoral process must be transparent, above reproach, and entirely accountable to the people. Any suspicion of tampering or irregularities undermines the democratic process, and worse, it opens the door to government overreach.

Islamic Regimes and Election Corruption: A Personal Parallel

When I served as an Imam, one of the most disillusioning realizations I had was how theocratic regimes manipulate the masses through fraudulent elections. I saw how Islamists used taqiya (lying for the sake of Islam) to justify deceitful practices, and I see a frightening parallel in how globalist elites might manipulate democratic processes here in America. In Iran, we had voting machines that always “miraculously” favored the regime. The Guardian Council would disqualify reform candidates, just as certain state officials in the U.S. seem to silence conservative voices.

What Marjorie Taylor Greene is voicing is not just about one election; it’s a wake-up call for the future of the United States. If we do not address these concerns now, we risk descending into the same corruption that destroyed my birth country. I became an American because I believed in the values of freedom, fairness, and the rule of law. Now, as an ex-Muslim Christian and a capitalist Republican, I feel it is my duty to protect these principles from those who would erode them.

The Media's Role and the Left's Hypocrisy

Another disturbing element of Greene’s claims is the media’s swift dismissal. The mainstream media in America, much like the state-run media in Iran, has become an arm of the elite, pushing narratives that support their globalist agenda. It’s no secret that the left-leaning media outlets have sided with the Democratic Party and have consistently downplayed any allegations of election fraud, treating those who question the 2020 results as dangerous extremists.

But where was this skepticism when Democrats claimed Russia had “hacked” the 2016 election? Why is it that the media, and Democrats, can question election results when it serves their interests, but when conservatives raise valid concerns, they are labeled as conspiracists? The left’s hypocrisy is glaring and it is a danger to democracy. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s concerns may not be palatable to the media, but they resonate with millions of Americans who want answers.

Restoring Faith in the System

As a conservative capitalist, I believe that competition and transparency are the keys to a thriving democracy. Dominion Voting Systems, or any private entity entrusted with the core of our democratic process, must be held accountable. There needs to be an independent audit of the 2020 election and any future elections to restore public trust.

Furthermore, we must pass election integrity laws that ensure every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is discarded. Voter ID laws, bans on mail-in ballots except for specific cases, and complete transparency in the voting process are necessary reforms. The leftist push to weaken these safeguards only serves to fuel suspicions about their true intentions.

In conclusion, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s claims about Dominion voting machines are a reflection of a larger problem: Americans are losing faith in their electoral process. As someone who has seen what happens when election fraud is normalized, I am urging all patriots—whether you are Christian, ex-Muslim, or otherwise—to stand up for election integrity. The future of our Republic depends on it.


  1. Greene, M.T. (2021). Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Dominion Machines Were 'Switching' Votes. Newsweek.
  2. Dominion Voting Systems. (2020). Official Statement Denying Allegations of Vote Switching.
  3. U.S. Election Assistance Commission. (2021). Report on Election Integrity and Dominion Systems.

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