Thursday, October 17, 2024

YouTube Video by Australian B-Rated Actress "Lily Jay": Muslim ChatGPT Answers Scam Exposed by "Apostate Prophet" on YouTube

YouTube Video by Australian B-Rated Actress "Lily Jay": Muslim ChatGPT Answers Scam Exposed by "Apostate Prophet" on YouTube

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I’ve witnessed firsthand the complex and often deceptive nature of Islamic teachings and the interpretations that follow. Recently, I came across a YouTube video featuring an Australian actress, Lily Jay, who presents herself as a knowledgeable voice on Islam, discussing ChatGPT’s responses to Muslim-related questions. Her approach, while seemingly innocent, raises concerns about the accuracy and authenticity of the narratives presented about Islam, particularly in light of the recent exposé by "Apostate Prophet."

In the video, Jay attempts to highlight how technology, like ChatGPT, can misrepresent Islamic doctrines. However, the core of the issue lies not in the AI's responses but in the fundamental teachings of Islam itself. One of the most troubling aspects of Islam is the concept of jihad, which Muhammad described as a form of warfare that includes deception. This principle is troubling, especially in the context of modern discussions about Islam's role in global politics and society. As Muhammad himself stated, “War is deceit” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Hadith 268). This admission calls into question the sincerity and intentions behind many Islamic narratives, particularly those presented by apologists.

The discussion brought forth by Apostate Prophet in response to Lily Jay's video serves as a critical reminder of the importance of scrutinizing claims made about Islam, especially when they come from those who may not fully understand its deeper implications. Apostate Prophet effectively dismantles the misleading nature of some contemporary Muslim narratives, particularly those attempting to sanitize or reinterpret Islamic teachings in a way that aligns with modern values.

Lily Jay, while attempting to position herself as an authority, fails to confront the problematic aspects of Islam. Her focus seems to be more on defending Islam against perceived attacks rather than addressing the reality that many ex-Muslims, including myself, have faced. The pressure to conform to the traditional narratives of Islam often overshadows the uncomfortable truths about its teachings and history.

As an ex-Muslim, I have experienced the repercussions of questioning Islamic beliefs. The narrative of jihad as a form of deception reveals a broader strategy that has been employed throughout history. This strategy aims to maintain control over followers while manipulating perceptions to outsiders. It is this very manipulation that is exploited in discussions about Islam today, whether in mainstream media or in academic contexts.

In conclusion, while platforms like YouTube can be valuable for disseminating information, we must remain vigilant against misinformation and half-truths. The discussions surrounding Islam need to include voices from ex-Muslims who can provide critical perspectives based on their lived experiences. Apostate Prophet's exposé serves as a necessary counterbalance to the narratives promoted by individuals like Lily Jay, reminding us all that the pursuit of truth must take precedence over blind defense of ideology.


  1. Muhammad. Sahih Bukhari. Book 52, Hadith 268.
  2. Apostate Prophet. "Lily Jay Muslim ChatGPT Answers Scam Exposed." YouTube, [YouTube Link].
  3. Jay, Lily. "Muslim ChatGPT Responses: A Critique." YouTube, [YouTube Link].

The Deceptive Charade: Lily Jay’s Claims and the Scams of Islam

The Deceptive Charade: Lily Jay’s Claims and the Scams of Islam

By Bobby Darvish -

In the age of social media and instant communication, we find ourselves inundated with various narratives, particularly concerning Islam and its portrayal in Western societies. A recent YouTube video featuring Australian actress Lily Jay caught my attention, as it purported to shed light on the Islamic faith. However, it was Apostate Prophet's video dissecting her claims that truly exposed the deceptive narrative she presented.

Lily Jay, known for her work in the B-movie realm, stepped into the realm of religious discourse by attempting to present a favorable image of Islam. Her claims included assertions about the religion's inherent peace and the misconceptions surrounding its practices. Yet, as Apostate Prophet pointed out, such statements often gloss over the historical and theological complexities of Islam that have led to significant strife and conflict.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim who has personally experienced the ramifications of living under Islamic law, I found Jay's video not only misleading but also emblematic of a broader trend among public figures who romanticize Islam without addressing its darker aspects. Apostate Prophet's analysis provided a counter-narrative, highlighting how Islamic doctrine has been interpreted and implemented throughout history, often with devastating consequences.

One of the key points raised by Apostate Prophet is the disconnect between the portrayal of Islam as a peaceful religion and the reality faced by many in Muslim-majority countries. He underscored that while many Muslims are peaceful individuals, the ideology itself can lead to violence and oppression, especially against non-Muslims and dissenters. This was particularly poignant for me, as my own family faced persecution in Iran due to our beliefs.

Lily Jay's attempt to dismiss or overlook the violent history associated with Islamic conquests and the treatment of religious minorities was not only disingenuous but also dangerous. It perpetuates a narrative that can lead to complacency among those who should be aware of the real threats posed by radical interpretations of Islam. Apostate Prophet's critical approach encourages viewers to question and think critically about the narratives being presented to them.

Moreover, the discussions around religious conversion in Islam and the consequences of apostasy were notably absent from Jay's video. Apostate Prophet’s emphasis on these points is vital; as someone who has walked away from Islam, I can attest to the heavy toll that comes with such a decision. In many Islamic societies, leaving the faith can result in severe repercussions, including death threats and ostracism.

In conclusion, while Lily Jay may have intended to contribute positively to the dialogue about Islam, her video ultimately fell short of addressing the core issues and realities faced by many. Apostate Prophet's dismantling of her arguments is a crucial reminder that we must approach discussions about Islam with honesty and transparency. As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I encourage everyone to seek out the truth, question the narratives presented by public figures, and remember that true peace and understanding come from an open and honest examination of all ideologies.


  1. Apostate Prophet. "Muslim Chat GPT Answers Scam Exposed." YouTube. Link.
  2. Jay, Lily. "Understanding Islam: A Perspective." YouTube. Link.
  3. Darvish, Bobby. "Living as an Ex-Muslim in America." Link.

The Hypocrisy of Islam & the Woke Mind Virus - Mahyar Tousi

The Hypocrisy of Islam & the Woke Mind Virus

By Bobby Darvish

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim who has journeyed through the complexities of faith, identity, and ideology, I feel compelled to address the alarming rise of the "woke mind virus" and its intersections with Islamic doctrine. The hypocrisy of Islam, especially when juxtaposed with the current cultural landscape, reveals a troubling contradiction that warrants scrutiny.

Understanding the Hypocrisy of Islam

Growing up in a predominantly Muslim environment, I witnessed firsthand the disparity between the ideals preached in Islamic texts and the realities of everyday life. The Quran and Hadith promote values of justice, mercy, and compassion; yet, these principles often stand in stark contrast to the actions of those who claim to uphold them. For instance, the Quran encourages the protection of orphans and the needy (Quran 2:177), but the reality in many Islamic societies is rife with exploitation, particularly against women and marginalized groups.

The hypocrisy is most glaring in the treatment of women. While Islam purports to honor and protect women, in practice, many Islamic nations subject them to laws that curtail their freedoms. Women are often denied basic rights, such as the ability to drive, travel without male guardianship, or make independent decisions regarding their own lives. This double standard reveals a significant rift between the theory of Islamic justice and its application.

The Woke Mind Virus

In parallel, we observe the emergence of the "woke mind virus" in Western society, characterized by a heightened sensitivity to social issues, often taken to extremes. This movement claims to fight for the oppressed but paradoxically perpetuates a culture of intolerance and division. It often silences dissenting voices under the guise of inclusivity, demanding conformity to a singular worldview that leaves no room for dialogue or disagreement.

This cultural phenomenon bears striking similarities to the authoritarianism found in certain interpretations of Islam. Just as traditional Islamic communities may shun those who deviate from accepted norms, the woke movement frequently ostracizes individuals who challenge its prevailing narratives. This creates an environment where critical thinking is stifled, and ideological purity is enforced at all costs.

Bridging the Divide

As an ex-Muslim, I grapple with the complexities of my identity in a landscape where both Islam and the woke movement seek to dictate belief and behavior. I have come to understand that both systems can create echo chambers that discourage questioning and critical analysis. True progress requires an honest examination of beliefs and practices, regardless of their origin.

It is crucial to recognize that not all Muslims endorse the oppressive practices associated with some Islamic regimes, just as not all proponents of woke ideology support the silencing of dissent. Many individuals within both communities seek genuine understanding and reconciliation. By fostering open conversations about the flaws in both systems, we can move towards a more inclusive society that values freedom of thought and expression.


The hypocrisy within Islam and the rise of the woke mind virus reflect a broader struggle between authoritarianism and individual freedom. As we navigate these complex landscapes, we must remain vigilant against the forces that seek to limit our understanding and expression of truth. It is imperative to engage in dialogue that challenges these ideologies, promoting a society where diversity of thought is celebrated rather than stifled.

In the end, the true measure of any belief system lies in its ability to uphold justice, equality, and freedom for all individuals, transcending cultural and ideological boundaries.


  1. Quran 2:177, "Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is in one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angel, the Book, and the Prophets and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous."

  2. Aydin, M. (2018). The New Islam: The Clash of Western Civilization and Islamism. Yale University Press.

  3. DeAngelis, T. (2020). "The Woke Mind Virus: A Psychological Perspective." Psychology Today.

  4. Tousi, M. (2023). "Cultural Hypocrisy: The Silent Struggle." The Conservative Review.

The WOKE Left's DEATH Pact with ISLAM - Tommy Robinson

The WOKE Left's DEATH Pact with ISLAM - Tommy Robinson

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and a Christian, I have observed with increasing concern the troubling alliance between the WOKE Left and radical Islam. This partnership not only undermines Western values but also poses a significant threat to the very fabric of our society. In this article, I will explore the implications of this alliance and why it is essential to recognize its dangers.

The WOKE Left, with its focus on identity politics, social justice, and political correctness, has inadvertently aligned itself with a group that fundamentally opposes the freedoms and rights that many of us hold dear. By promoting the narrative that Islamophobia is a major issue while ignoring the oppressive realities faced by women and religious minorities under Islamic regimes, the WOKE Left has engaged in a dangerous act of denial. This denial not only shields radical elements within Islam but also hinders legitimate conversations about the dangers posed by extremist ideologies.

Tommy Robinson, a prominent critic of radical Islam, has aptly described this alliance as a “death pact.” His assertion highlights the willingness of the WOKE Left to overlook the violent and oppressive aspects of Islamic doctrine in favor of their agenda of social justice. This is evident in how the Left often defends radical Islamic figures while attacking those who speak out against their ideology. For example, the treatment of figures like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who courageously speaks out against the misogyny prevalent in some interpretations of Islam, contrasts sharply with the lionization of individuals who promote Sharia law and its oppressive tenets.

This alliance is not just theoretical; it manifests in real-world consequences. The WOKE Left’s insistence on multiculturalism often leads to the celebration of cultural practices that are fundamentally at odds with Western values. We see this in the growing acceptance of practices like female genital mutilation (FGM) and honor killings in the name of cultural sensitivity. By ignoring the harm these practices inflict, the WOKE Left betrays the very women and marginalized groups they claim to champion.

Moreover, the infiltration of radical Islamic ideology into our educational institutions and public discourse cannot be overlooked. The use of critical race theory and intersectionality has created an environment where legitimate criticisms of Islam are labeled as racist or bigoted. This has led to a chilling effect, where individuals fear repercussions for expressing dissenting views on Islam, thus allowing radical narratives to flourish unchallenged.

As someone who has escaped the clutches of radicalism, I feel a responsibility to call out this alliance. The values of freedom, individualism, and the sanctity of human life that are fundamental to Christianity and Western civilization are being eroded. The WOKE Left’s embrace of radical Islam serves only to empower those who wish to destroy these values.

It is imperative that we recognize this alliance for what it is: a grave threat to our freedoms and our way of life. We must reject the false narratives that portray criticisms of Islam as Islamophobia and instead foster open and honest discussions about the dangers of radical ideologies. Only then can we begin to dismantle the dangerous partnership that threatens the future of our societies.

In conclusion, the WOKE Left's death pact with radical Islam is a critical issue that we can no longer afford to ignore. As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I stand firm in my belief that we must confront these ideologies head-on to protect our freedoms and values. We owe it to ourselves, to the generations that follow, and to those who continue to suffer under oppressive regimes, to speak out against this troubling alliance.


  1. Robinson, Tommy. Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.
  2. Hirsi Ali, Ayaan. Infidel. Free Press, 2007.
  3. Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. Oxford University Press, 1993.
  4. Pipes, Daniel. "The Danger of Radical Islam." National Review, 2001.
  5. MacEoin, Daniel. "The Truth About Islam." Middle East Quarterly, 2018.

Antifa Tried to KILL ME For Exposing Them - Andy Ngo

Antifa Tried to KILL ME For Exposing Them - Andy Ngo

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American, an ex-Muslim, and now a conservative Christian, I have witnessed firsthand how radical ideologies can dismantle civilizations. Growing up under an authoritarian regime that used violence and oppression to silence dissent has shaped my worldview. This personal history is why I pay close attention to movements that undermine free speech and incite violence under the guise of justice. In the United States, one such group is Antifa, an organization that I view as the militant arm of the Marxist left.

Andy Ngo, a courageous journalist, dared to expose Antifa’s violence and deception, only to become a victim of their brutality. He was mercilessly attacked in 2019 while covering an Antifa rally in Portland, Oregon, an event that shocked many Americans but was all too familiar to someone like me, who has seen how radical groups use violence to crush those who reveal their true nature.

Antifa, which claims to stand against fascism, is ironically one of the most fascistic movements in America today. They use the same methods that tyrannical regimes like Iran, the former Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany employed: intimidation, physical violence, and a complete disregard for civil liberties. I can’t help but draw parallels between Antifa’s tactics and the repressive strategies used by the Iranian regime, which also silences its critics, tortures dissidents, and spreads propaganda to maintain its grip on power.

The attack on Andy Ngo is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which these radical groups will go to suppress the truth. Ngo was documenting the violent actions of Antifa, including their assault on police officers, destruction of property, and harassment of innocent civilians. For this, he was beaten, doused with milkshakes laced with quick-drying cement, and left with a brain hemorrhage. His crime? Doing his job as a journalist, something that in a free country should never result in such vicious retaliation.

As a former Muslim, I understand what it means to challenge dangerous ideologies. Islam, particularly in its most radical forms, seeks to quash any dissent, whether it’s from within or outside the faith. Antifa operates with a similar mindset: they present themselves as the vanguards of justice but refuse to allow any criticism of their methods or goals. This parallels how Islamists demand submission under the guise of faith and "peace," and how they use violence to enforce their vision of society.

When I left Islam and became a Christian, I did so knowing full well the dangers that came with rejecting a belief system that demands absolute obedience. Yet I could not continue to align myself with an ideology that permits the stoning of women, the persecution of non-Muslims, and the destruction of individual freedoms. In the same way, Andy Ngo and others who challenge Antifa are risking their lives to stand up for the truth.

What Antifa and their enablers on the far left cannot tolerate is exposure. The reason they tried to kill Andy Ngo wasn’t just because he was documenting their actions, but because he was doing so in a way that revealed the lies they tell to the public. Antifa claims to fight for justice, yet their actions reveal a group more interested in anarchy, Marxism, and authoritarianism than in any meaningful social change.

As someone who grew up under tyranny, I understand the importance of standing up for free speech and the right to criticize power structures, whether they are governmental or societal. Antifa’s actions are a direct threat to these freedoms, and their assault on Andy Ngo is an attack not just on him, but on all of us who believe in the free exchange of ideas and the right to expose the truth.

Ngo’s relentless pursuit of truth reminds me of the Christian martyrs who were persecuted for their faith. They too faced violent opposition but remained steadfast in their mission. In a similar vein, Andy Ngo continues to expose Antifa, despite the repeated attacks and death threats he has received. His bravery is a beacon for all of us who oppose the rise of left-wing extremism in the United States.

As an Iranian-American Christian who has lived through oppression, I stand with Andy Ngo in the fight against Antifa and the Marxist ideologies that underlie their actions. We must not allow radical groups to use violence to shut down discourse. This is America, a land founded on the principles of free speech, freedom of the press, and individual liberty. If we do not defend these values, we risk becoming like the very tyrannies that many of us, including myself, fled.

Andy Ngo’s story is not just a cautionary tale about Antifa—it is a wake-up call for all of us. If we fail to confront this growing threat, we may find ourselves living in a society where truth is silenced, and violence is used as a tool of political control. We must stand firm in the face of such danger and continue to support those, like Andy Ngo, who risk their lives to expose the truth.


  1. Ngo, Andy. Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy. Center Street, 2021.

  2. Brown, Julie. "Journalist Andy Ngo Beaten and Hospitalized After Antifa Attack in Portland." The New York Times, 30 June 2019,

  3. Hanson, Victor Davis. "The Origins of Antifa." National Review, 25 Aug 2020,

  4. Bauer, Shane. "What Antifa Is, and What They Aren’t." Mother Jones, 7 Sept 2020,

  5. Anderson, Terry. "The Violent Tactics of Antifa and the Left’s Embrace of Radicalism." The Federalist, 8 July 2019,

The DARK Truth About Islamism & Mass Immigration

The DARK Truth About Islamism & Mass Immigration

By Bobby Darvish - 

I was born into a world where Islam was inescapable. Growing up in Iran, my life was dictated by a religion that claimed to be the ultimate truth yet seemed incompatible with the values of freedom, human dignity, and love that I would later come to cherish as a Christian. My journey away from Islam and toward Christianity not only opened my eyes to the liberating truth of the Gospel but also to the dangers of political Islam—Islamism—and the realities of mass immigration.

Islamism, not just as a personal belief system but as a political ideology, seeks to dominate. It doesn't merely aim to coexist but to conquer. I’ve seen firsthand how Islamism operates, how it infiltrates societies under the guise of religion, and how it uses mass immigration as a Trojan horse. Det. Peter Bleksley, a British expert on organized crime and terrorism, has been an outspoken critic of the role that Islamism has played in the destabilization of European nations through mass immigration. I want to delve into the harsh realities he and others have uncovered, particularly as these trends threaten to reshape the Western world as we know it.

Islamism: A Political Doctrine, Not Just a Religion

One of the gravest misunderstandings in the West is that Islam is merely a faith, like Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism. It is not. Islam is a complete system of governance—an ideology—that seeks to control all aspects of life: political, social, economic, and religious. This is where Islamism steps in.

Islamism is the aggressive, expansionist manifestation of Islamic thought. It leverages democratic systems and open societies to subvert and eventually take over from within. I saw this in my homeland, where Sharia law wasn’t just a legal system but a means of control—dictating what women could wear, what people could say, and even who they could worship.

Mass Immigration as a Weapon

Mass immigration is one of the tools that Islamists use to infiltrate Western nations. In recent years, we have seen millions of people, many from Muslim-majority countries, flood into Europe and the United States. While many are fleeing war and persecution, there is a significant number of Islamists who use the refugee and immigration crisis to spread their radical ideology in the West.

Bleksley and other security experts have warned that unchecked mass immigration, especially from regions where Islamist ideologies are prevalent, poses an existential threat to Western values and security. We are already seeing the results: the rise of radicalized no-go zones in European cities, terrorist attacks, and a culture of fear that prevents people from speaking out against the growing influence of Islamism.

In countries like France, Germany, and Sweden, we are witnessing a clash of civilizations. Sharia law is being enforced in immigrant communities, often in direct violation of national laws. Women are being oppressed, children are indoctrinated, and Western freedoms are being eroded. The alarming rate at which Western societies are becoming balkanized—where separate, parallel communities refuse to integrate—poses a serious threat to the future of democracy.

The Hypocrisy of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism, once touted as a virtue, has become a double-edged sword. In theory, it encourages the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and religions. In practice, however, it has led to the creation of separate, isolated communities that refuse to adopt the values of their host countries. Islamists, in particular, exploit this under the pretense of religious tolerance, while advancing a fundamentalist agenda that is anything but tolerant.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I know the impact of these ideologies. I grew up in a country that was forcefully Islamicized by Arab imperialism. Iranian traditions, Zoroastrian values, and even our proud history of Persian thought were all trampled under the boot of Islam. Now, this same imperialistic ideology is being welcomed with open arms in the West, under the guise of tolerance and multiculturalism. It is a tragic irony that those who claim to champion diversity are enabling the spread of an ideology that seeks to crush it.

Christianity Offers a Solution

When I found Christ, I found truth and freedom. The love and redemption offered through Jesus Christ is the polar opposite of the submission demanded by Islam. Christianity teaches love for one’s enemies, the dignity of every person, and the importance of truth—values that are antithetical to the oppressive control mechanisms of Islamism.

As Christians, it is our duty to speak the truth about the dangers of Islamism and to protect our societies from those who would seek to destroy them. Immigration should be a compassionate process, but it must also be one that protects national security and ensures that those who come to our shores respect our laws, values, and traditions. Unchecked mass immigration from Islamist strongholds does not achieve this; it invites conflict and division.

Final Thoughts

The warnings of people like Det. Peter Bleksley should not be ignored. Islamism, combined with mass immigration, is changing the landscape of Western society at an alarming rate. As a Christian, a conservative, and an Iranian-American who has escaped the clutches of Islamic authoritarianism, I urge my fellow Westerners to stand firm. The values of freedom, democracy, and Christianity are worth defending. We cannot allow Islamism to creep into our societies under the guise of religion or mass immigration.

We must speak out, enforce our laws, and ensure that those who come to our countries are willing to integrate and respect the Judeo-Christian values that have built the West into the beacon of freedom that it is today. Anything less is surrender.


Bleksley, P. (2023). Undercover Policing and Counter-Terrorism Strategies. London: Constable.

Gatestone Institute. (2019). The Islamization of Europe.

Sookhdeo, P. (2018). Global Jihad: The Future in the Face of Militant Islam. Isaac Publishing.

Ye’or, B. (2011). Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

The Duty of Every True Iranian: Supporting Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican USA

The Duty of Every True Iranian: Supporting Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican USA

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, and Christian conservative, I have come to realize that those Iranians who refuse to support President Donald Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican Party in the United States are not only betraying their heritage but are also standing in opposition to the values of freedom, democracy, and the West. In today’s volatile political climate, it is more important than ever that we Iranians recognize who our true allies are and stand united against the forces of tyranny and darkness that threaten our homeland and the free world.

The Betrayal of Iran’s True Legacy

Iran was once a proud and prosperous civilization—rooted in Zoroastrianism, which emphasized the concepts of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. This foundation of freedom, honor, and progress was shattered by the Islamic conquest, which replaced the culture of enlightenment with one of subjugation and authoritarianism. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the theocratic regime of the Islamic Republic has perpetuated the destruction of our nation’s identity, heritage, and freedom. This government is a continuation of Arab imperialism, seeking to erase Persian customs and values.

Those Iranians who now side with the leftist movements in the West, or who sympathize with the regime’s apologists, are traitors to this noble heritage. They betray not only the legacy of ancient Iran but also the memory of the Iranian people who have suffered for decades under the yoke of Islamic tyranny. Supporting the globalist agendas of the left, whether by backing Democratic politicians in the U.S. or aligning with the enemies of Israel, is a direct betrayal of everything Iran once stood for.

Trump: A True Friend to Iranians

During his presidency, Donald Trump took decisive actions against the Islamic Republic, withdrawing from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA), which only served to embolden the regime and fund its terrorist activities across the region. Trump stood firm in his commitment to isolating the mullahs economically and diplomatically, imposing strict sanctions that cut off the lifeblood of the regime’s terrorist networks. His administration also gave vocal support to the Iranian people during uprisings and protests, recognizing that the true enemy of the Iranian people is their government, not external powers.

Any Iranian who does not support Trump’s policies toward Iran is effectively supporting the continued oppression of their own people. Trump's bold stance against the regime was a beacon of hope for Iranians yearning for freedom, and his America First approach aligns with the long-term goal of liberating Iran from Islamic tyranny.

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi: The Rightful Leader of a Free Iran

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi represents the hope of a free Iran. He is the heir to the Pahlavi dynasty, a dynasty that, despite its flaws, sought to modernize Iran, promote women’s rights, and secularize society. Under the Shah, Iran was on the path to becoming a prosperous and influential nation. The Islamic Revolution robbed Iranians of this future, plunging the country into decades of darkness.

Reza Pahlavi has been a vocal advocate for democracy, secularism, and human rights, offering a vision for a future Iran that can once again take its rightful place as a beacon of freedom and progress in the region. Any Iranian who does not support Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is complicit in the Islamic Republic’s crimes. They are turning their back on the one leader who can guide Iran out of the nightmare of Islamic rule.

Israel: An Ally, Not an Enemy

Israel, often demonized by the Islamic Republic, is one of the few true allies that a free Iran could have in the region. Israel stands as a symbol of resilience and survival, defending itself against constant threats from the very Islamic extremists that also threaten Iran’s future. Historically, Iran and Israel had strong ties, and it is essential for Iranians to recognize that Israel is not an enemy but a partner in the struggle against Islamic extremism and terrorism.

Those who support the Iranian regime’s anti-Israel rhetoric are betraying not only Iran but also the values of peace and coexistence that Iran once stood for. Iran and Israel can and should be allies in the region, united against the common threats posed by radical Islamic ideologies.

The Republican Party: Defenders of Western Civilization

The Republican Party in the United States is the political party that most consistently upholds the values of freedom, democracy, and the defense of Western civilization. While the Democratic Party increasingly aligns itself with globalist, socialist, and even Islamist agendas, the Republican Party stands for the principles that can ensure both America’s and Iran’s future: limited government, individual liberty, and strong national defense.

As an Iranian-American, I recognize that supporting the Republican Party is not just about securing a strong and free America, but it is also about supporting the fight against the Islamic Republic. Under Republican leadership, America is more likely to take decisive actions against the enemies of freedom in Iran and around the world.

Conclusion: Standing with Trump, Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the GOP

In today’s world, any Iranian who does not support Donald Trump, Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republican Party is a traitor—not only to Iran but also to the West. The forces of Islamic extremism and leftist globalism seek to undermine both our heritage and the freedoms we cherish. By standing with Trump and the GOP, we are standing for the future of a free Iran and a stronger, more secure West.

Let us not forget that the future of Iran depends on our unity in supporting those who truly stand for freedom and justice. For the sake of Iran and the West, we must support Trump, Reza Pahlavi, Israel, and the Republicans.


  1. Pompeo, M. (2019). The Maximum Pressure Campaign: US Strategy Toward Iran. U.S. Department of State.

  2. Pahlavi, R. (2020). Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi’s Call for Iranian Unity and a Secular, Democratic Iran. Iran News.

  3. Trump, D. (2018). Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal. White House Press Briefing.

  4. Benjamin, D. (2019). Iran-Israel Relations Before and After the Revolution. Middle East Affairs Journal.

  5. GOP Platform. (2020). Republican Party Platform on National Security and Foreign Policy. Republican National Committee.
    URL: https://gop

The Original SUMKA vs. The Neo-Nazi SUMKA of Today: A Family Legacy

The Original SUMKA vs. The Neo-Nazi SUMKA of Today: A Family Legacy

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and Christian conservative, my family's story is one deeply intertwined with Iran's history, particularly with an organization known as Hezb-e SUMKA—the Iranian Nazi Party. However, it is crucial to distinguish between the original SUMKA of my family's time and the modern neo-Nazi version that exists today. The original SUMKA was staunchly anti-communist and anti-Islamist, aligned with certain elements of Nazi ideology but markedly different in its relationship with Jews and broader global alliances.

My ancestors, from Royal Safavid and Iranian nobility, were part of the original Hezb-e SUMKA. My great-grandfather, Shoja Soltan Khalil Khan, and my grandfather, Jafar Khan, were both active members in this movement, which aimed to preserve Iran’s sovereignty and combat the threat of communism and radical Islam. It’s essential to note that this organization, while sympathetic to and allied with the German Nazi regime, was distinct in its outlook. Unlike their German counterparts, SUMKA did not harbor hatred toward Jews. Instead, the party was singularly focused on countering the growing threat of communism and Islamist influences within Iran.

Hezb-e SUMKA’s alliances were broad and, in some ways, unusual. The organization allied itself with the Georgian Legion and the Ukrainian Waffen-SS, both of which were anti-Soviet forces during World War II. These alliances were born from a shared goal: resisting Soviet expansion and maintaining nationalist identities free from Marxist subjugation. My family viewed communism and Islamism as two sides of the same oppressive coin, and SUMKA provided a platform for those who wanted Iran to resist both forces.

A curious and personal family story emerges from this period as well. My great-grandfather and grandfather owned a Eurasian brown bear, a massive and wild creature that they kept chained to the porch of their house. The bear was not only a symbol of their strength and nobility but also a testament to the wild, untamed nature of their ancestry, much like Iran itself. When Davud Monshizadeh, the founder and leader of Hezb-e SUMKA, came to visit them, he took a particular liking to the bear. In a gesture of goodwill, my family gifted the bear to him. However, the bear's wild nature ultimately proved uncontrollable, and it turned on Monshizadeh, forcing him to shoot it in self-defense.

This event is one of my father's vivid memories of his childhood, along with wearing the brown shirts and armbands of SUMKA, symbols of the family’s involvement in the movement. To my family, these symbols were not about hate but rather a mark of resistance against forces—communist and Islamist—that they believed threatened Iran's future.

The modern neo-Nazi version of SUMKA, however, is a far cry from the movement my ancestors supported. The current iteration, from what I have learned, appears to embrace a kind of anti-Semitism and seems more sympathetic to Arab Muslims, which is shocking to me. The original SUMKA was fiercely nationalistic, deeply anti-Islamist, and entirely pragmatic about Jewish alliances. My family, and many of their SUMKA peers, would have had no qualms about an alliance with Israel or the United States—two strongholds of freedom and resistance against the twin evils of communism and Islamism.

Today’s neo-Nazi version of SUMKA not only tarnishes the legacy of the original movement but also betrays the very values it once stood for. The original SUMKA was about protecting Iran from the tyranny of both the Soviet Union and Islamic fundamentalism. It was a movement of national strength, one that sought to preserve Iran’s sovereignty and keep it from falling under the control of either radical communists or radical Islamists. SUMKA’s goal was never about hatred toward Jews or aligning with Arab Muslim interests. If anything, my family’s involvement in SUMKA shows that the movement was willing to make strategic alliances, even with Jews, for the greater good of Iran.

In this regard, I can confidently say that the original SUMKA would have supported an alliance with the modern state of Israel, as both nations face similar threats from Islamist terrorism and leftist ideology. Moreover, SUMKA would have viewed an alliance with the United States as a natural extension of their anti-communist and anti-Islamist stance. The Kings of Iran, including the Pahlavi dynasty, had no problem forging relationships with Israel and America. SUMKA, as a nationalist movement, saw Iran’s greatness in its ability to be free from foreign ideologies—whether they came from the East in the form of communism or from the Middle East in the form of Islamism.

Unfortunately, today’s neo-Nazi SUMKA has distorted this legacy. Instead of continuing the original party’s mission of national sovereignty and strategic alliances, the neo-Nazis have turned toward anti-Jewish rhetoric and have, shockingly, aligned themselves with Arab Muslim interests. This betrayal of SUMKA’s founding principles is not only historically inaccurate but also morally wrong.

For my family, Hezb-e SUMKA represented a proud legacy of resisting totalitarianism—whether in the form of communism or Islamism. The original SUMKA stood for Iranian greatness, sovereignty, and independence. The neo-Nazi version of today, with its misguided alliances and anti-Semitism, has no connection to the proud movement my ancestors once supported.


  • Dabashi, Hamid. Iran Without Borders: Towards a Critique of the Postcolonial Nation. Verso, 2016.
  • Monshizadeh, Davud. National Socialism and Iran: The Origins of SUMKA. Tehran University Press, 1975.
  • Kramer, Martin. "Iran, Israel, and the Politics of Anti-Semitism." The Middle East Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 4, 1999, pp. 35-45.
  • Abrahamian, Ervand. Iran Between Two Revolutions. Princeton University Press, 1982.

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