Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tehran’s Covert Operatives: The Rise of Western Agents Serving the Iranian Regime

Tehran’s Covert Operatives: The Rise of Western Agents Serving the Iranian Regime

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American, a former Imam, and once an insider within the circles of Islamic leadership, I’ve witnessed firsthand the depths of deception, manipulation, and terror that regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran employ to maintain their iron grip on power. Having once been the Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus and President of the Muslim Forum of Utah, I was in the heart of a movement that purported to represent Muslim Americans but had undeniable ties to international actors with hidden agendas. One of the most dangerous developments I've observed is the rise of Western operatives working as agents for the Iranian regime. These individuals are not the bomb-throwing radicals that some might expect, but polished professionals using Western freedoms and institutions to advance Tehran’s agenda.

The Iranian regime has mastered the art of infiltrating Western societies by employing agents who blend seamlessly into our political, academic, and media landscapes. These hitmen, both figuratively and literally, work to undermine Western security and values from within, serving as the long arm of Tehran’s terror apparatus.

Infiltration of Political Institutions

Iran has been increasingly adept at embedding agents into Western political institutions. These are not spies in the traditional sense but operatives who use legitimate avenues—such as lobbying groups, think tanks, and political campaigns—to push pro-Iranian policies. Organizations like the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) have been accused of being fronts for the Iranian regime, softening Western policies on Iran through what appears to be diplomatic engagement but is really a form of political subversionagents often advocate for policies like the easing of sanctions, arguing it’s for humanitarian reasons, while their real goal is to empower Iran’s theocracy. Western leaders, seduced by the false promise of moderation from Iran, fall prey to these manipulations. The results are disastrous—not only for American interests but for the Iranian people themselves, who continue to suffer under a regime that uses its resources to export terror rather than improve domestic conditions.

Academics and Propaganda

Another weapon in Tehran’s arsenal is its infiltration of Western academia. Over the years, I've witnessed how Iran has co-opted universities, think tanks, and media outlets to spread its ideology under the guise of scholarly discourse. Professors and intellectuals who are sympathetic to the regime's views—whether because of ideological alignment, financial incentives, or coercion—actively promote narratives that sanitize the regime's crimes. They speak of Iran’s "sovereignty" while ignoring its human rights abuses and aggressive foreign policy.

These academic agents craft narratives that paint Iran as a victim of Western imperialism, all the while turning a blind eye to its own imperialist ambitions in the Middle East. This manipulation of intellectual spaces distorts Western policymakers' understanding of Iran and weakens efforts to confront the regime's expansionist goals.

Media Manipulation and Taqiya

Perhaps the most insidious form of Tehran’s infiltration is its manipulation of the media. Iran’s regime is well aware that the media is one of the most powerful tools in shaping public opinion, particularly in the West. By utilizing its agents within Western media, Tehran disseminates propaganda disguised as news. Sympathetic journalists or commentators present Iran as misunderstood and oppressed, all the while Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is engaged in nefarious activities abroad—from supporting Hezbollah’s terror in Lebanon to fueling violence in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria .

This a form of taqiya—the Islamic principle that allows for deceit to protect or advance Islam. These agents spread misinformation, distort facts, and even accuse Iran’s critics of “Islamophobia” or being agents of Western imperialism. Such tactics are designed to silence those who would expose Tehran’s true nature and to normalize the regime’s brutality.

The Rise of Proxy Hitmen

In addition to these political, academic, and media infiltrators, there is also a very real threat of Western-based proxy hitmen. These individuals may have lived in Western nations for years, presenting themselves as law-abiding citizens, only to activate when Tehran calls upon them for violent operations. We have seen the results of such terror activities, whether it be assassination plots against dissidents in Europe and the United States or coordinated attacks targeting Western interests .

Iran’s reach id its willingness to use violence knows no bounds. The regime has even partnered with cartels and criminal organizations, like Hezbollah, to move drugs, arms, and money across borders, undermining Western societies in the process. Westerners who have sworn allegiance to Tehran's ideology are increasingly acting as agents of chaos, undermining their host nations.

Conclusion: A Wake-Up Call for the West

As a proud capitalist Republican and a Christian conservative, I believe deeply in the principles of freedom, individual responsibility, and the rule of law. These principles are under attack by Tehran’s agents operating within the West. Whether through political lobbying, academic deceit, media manipulation, or outright violence, Iran is waging a multifaceted war against the very fabric of Western civilization. It is time for Americans, especially my fellow Republicans and conservatives, to wake up to this threat.

We must support policies that hold Tehran accountable and crack down on its networks of influence in the West. The recent sanctions against the IRGC are a start, but much more needs to be done. We must expose organizations and individuals who act as proxies for the regime, demand transparency in our academic and media institutions, and ensure that our politicians are not swayed by Iranian money or influence.

The time for naivety is over. Tehran’s hitmen are real, and they are here. And as an ex-Muslim who once believed in their lies, I now stand with those who will fight to preserve Western freedom, Christian values, and the American dream.


  1. National Iranian American Council's controversial ties to the Iranian regime:
  2. Role of IRGC in supporting global terrorism:
  3. Iran's influence operations in Western academia and media:
  4. Use of Taqiya by Islamic regimes to manipulate public opinion:
  5. Hezbollah’s global criminal networks:

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