Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Lithium: The New Oil and the Future of the Islamic World’s Defunding of Marxism in America

 Lithium: The New Oil and the Future of the Islamic World’s Defunding of Marxism in America

By Bobby Darvish - darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

As a former Imam, ex-Muslim leader, and now a proud Iranian-American Christian conservative, I’ve spent much of my life fighting against the lies of Islam, Marxism, and globalist agendas. Having been deeply involved in organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Forum of Utah, I saw firsthand how dangerous these ideologies can be when weaponized to attack the foundations of America—our constitutional republic, capitalist economy, and Christian values.

In recent years, the Globalist Red-Green Axis has gained momentum in its efforts to destabilize the West. This unholy alliance, between radical Islamists and Marxist leftists, is eroding our freedoms by infiltrating our schools, media, and politics. However, the tides are turning, and it may surprise many to learn that the key to this reversal lies beneath the ground: lithium, the new oil.

Lithium: A Game-Changer for America and the World

In 2023, a significant discovery of lithium deposits was made in Alabama, right here in the heart of America. This revelation has profound geopolitical implications, especially in the context of the energy wars that have fueled global conflict for decades. For much of the 20th and early 21st centuries, oil was the driving force behind the economic dominance of Middle Eastern countries, particularly those in the Islamic world. The wealth generated from oil exports funded not only their luxurious lifestyles but also their political influence in the West, including the support of Marxist organizations like the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Lithium, often referred to as "the new oil," is the essential component in the production of batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy storage, and countless other technologies that are key to the future economy. With lithium becoming increasingly important, the world’s reliance on oil will soon fade, and with it, the wealth of the oil-rich Islamic states that have used their petro-dollars to fund global jihad and the promotion of Marxism in America.

The Climate Change Agenda Will Backfire

One of the biggest ironies of our time is how the very globalist elites who push the climate change agenda may be sowing the seeds of their own undoing. The global transition to renewable energy, while motivated by their desire to establish control over the masses through "green" policies, will inevitably lead to a decline in oil demand. Nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Iran—longstanding backers of Islamic extremism and their Marxist allies in the West—have been propped up by the riches of oil. But as the world shifts to clean energy and lithium-based technologies, the power of these nations will shrink dramatically.

With less oil revenue, their ability to fund left-wing universities, woke corporations, and Marxist political movements like Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, and the Democratic Party will diminish. This defunding will strike at the heart of the woke cult that has been spreading like a virus across American and Western societies, eroding traditional values, family structures, and the very fabric of our constitutional republic.

The Islamic World’s Funding of Marxist Groups in America

Many people don’t realize the extent to which Islamic nations fund leftist groups in America. The alliance between radical Islamists and Marxists is not a new phenomenon. From the time of the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has funded radical leftist movements globally. Islamic leaders understand that by undermining the Christian foundations of Western civilization, they weaken their greatest enemy. The globalist left, driven by their hatred of capitalism and their obsession with "equity," has become a willing ally to jihadists.

In universities across the United States, from Ivy League schools to state institutions, millions of dollars from Islamic foundations pour in each year to fund programs that promote critical race theory (CRT), intersectionality, and a revisionist history of America. These programs have indoctrinated an entire generation of young Americans to despise their own country, reject free markets, and embrace Marxist ideologies that align with the goals of global jihadists. Marxist professors, backed by these funds, poison the minds of students against the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.

With the decline of oil revenues, however, these radical Islamic regimes will no longer have the resources to fund their leftist allies in American universities. The source of much of the anti-American and anti-Christian rhetoric we see today will dry up as the wealth of oil-producing nations collapses.

The End of Oil Dominance and the Rise of Lithium

Alabama’s new lithium discovery is just one of many across the globe. From South America to Africa and now the United States, lithium is becoming the most sought-after natural resource for the 21st century. As nations compete to secure this precious metal, the geopolitical map will shift dramatically. No longer will Middle Eastern oil sheikhs have the same leverage they once enjoyed over the West. Their influence will wane, and with it, the global jihad will lose its primary source of funding.

America, blessed with lithium reserves and abundant renewable energy potential, stands on the brink of a new era of energy independence. No longer will we be beholden to foreign oil producers who seek to undermine our values and our sovereignty. This energy revolution will not only strengthen our economy but will also starve the Islamic-Marxist alliance of the funds they need to continue their assault on American values.

A Defunding of Radical Leftist Universities

One of the most significant effects of the shift away from oil will be the defunding of leftist universities that have been propped up by Islamic money for far too long. Schools that have been hotbeds of anti-American sentiment, promoting Marxism, anti-Christian values, and even anti-Semitism under the guise of "social justice," will find their coffers running dry. The woke professors who have been brainwashing students into believing that America is the source of all evil in the world will be out of a job.

Without the financial backing of oil-rich Islamic states, the academic elite in America will face a reckoning. The climate change agenda they have been pushing, believing it would usher in a globalist utopia, will actually be the very tool that destroys the financial support system of their radical ideology.

Conclusion: A New Era for America

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and Christian conservative, I can see clearly how the global landscape is changing. Lithium is the future, and with its rise, we will witness the decline of the oil-rich Islamic states that have long funded jihadist and Marxist movements in the West. The climate change agenda, meant to bring about a globalist control over our lives, will instead defund the very forces that have sought to destroy America from within.

America has always been a beacon of freedom, capitalism, and Christian values. With the rise of lithium and the decline of oil, we have an opportunity to reclaim our country, defund the enemies of liberty, and ensure that the next generation inherits a nation that is stronger, freer, and more prosperous than ever before.

The time for patriots to rise is now. The globalist Red-Green Axis will soon find themselves without the resources they need to continue their assault on America. Let us seize this moment, embrace the future, and ensure that the principles of capitalism, Christianity, and constitutional republicanism continue to guide this great nation forward.


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