Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Lithium: The New Oil—A Looming Blow to Islamic-Backed Marxist Groups in America

 Lithium: The New Oil—A Looming Blow to Islamic-Backed Marxist Groups in America

By Bobby Darvish - darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, former Imam, and former Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus and the Muslim Forum of Utah, I have firsthand experience with the ideological battles that are threatening the foundation of Western civilization. I converted to Christianity and have since embraced a conservative Republican worldview, which stands in direct contrast to the insidious forces of Marxism and Islamic jihadism that are working to undermine America's values. One of the most significant factors in this struggle for dominance is the geopolitical power of oil. However, a new shift in the global energy market is underway, and it is poised to sever a key artery of funding for the enemies of American freedom—namely, the discovery of vast lithium reserves right here in the United States, particularly in Alabama. Lithium has become the new oil, and the consequences for both Islamic funding and the Marxist movements they support in America will be profound.

The Role of Oil in Islamic Jihad

For decades, the Islamic world has relied on oil revenues to fund jihadist activities and support their global agenda of spreading Islamic supremacy. From Saudi Arabia to Iran, oil wealth has not only fueled domestic economies but also exported radical Islamism around the world. The House of Saud, for example, has funneled billions of dollars into the spread of Wahhabism—a radical strain of Sunni Islam—throughout the world. Similarly, the Islamic Republic of Iran has used its oil money to finance groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

These oil-funded jihadist networks are not limited to the Middle East. Their influence extends far beyond, into the Western world, including the United States. Marxist movements in America, particularly the Democratic National Committee (DNC), have benefited from this Islamic oil wealth. This is not a conspiracy theory—it is well documented that radical Islamic groups have been known to form alliances with far-left Marxist organizations, united by their shared hatred for Western democracy, capitalism, and Judeo-Christian values. The DNC has become a key ally in this unholy alliance, pushing radical policies that are destroying the very fabric of America. But with the global energy market shifting away from oil to lithium, the source of their power is drying up.

Lithium: The New Oil

As the world transitions from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, lithium has emerged as one of the most valuable resources of the 21st century. Lithium is a key component in the production of batteries, especially for electric vehicles (EVs), and as the global demand for EVs skyrockets, so does the demand for lithium. The discovery of massive lithium reserves in Alabama is a game-changer, not only for the American economy but also for global geopolitics. This new "white gold" has the potential to replace oil as the primary source of energy wealth, and it is found right here in the United States.

The lithium discovery in Alabama is part of a broader trend in the U.S., which is quickly becoming a leader in lithium production. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. has significant lithium resources in states like Nevada, North Carolina, and now Alabama, which could rival the world's largest lithium producers like Chile, Australia, and China. With proper investment and development, America could soon become a lithium powerhouse, and this shift could upend the entire global energy market.

The Impact on Islamic Jihad and Marxist Movements

The implications of this shift cannot be overstated. As lithium replaces oil as the most valuable energy resource, the Islamic world will lose one of its most potent tools for funding jihadist activities. This, in turn, will weaken their ability to bankroll far-left Marxist movements in the United States, like the DNC, which have long benefited from Islamic petro-dollars.

The DNC, which has increasingly embraced Marxist ideals, has been a key player in the destruction of American values, promoting policies that undermine the Constitution, weaken the military, and erode individual freedoms. Their alliance with radical Islamists has only strengthened their ability to wreak havoc on American society. But as the Islamic world loses its oil wealth, this alliance will crumble.

Without oil money, countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran will struggle to maintain their influence over global jihadist networks. The funding of terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah will dry up, and the DNC will lose a key source of support for its radical Marxist agenda. In short, the discovery of lithium in Alabama and other parts of the U.S. could be the beginning of the end for both Islamic jihadism and Marxist movements in America.

A New Era of American Energy Independence

The discovery of lithium in Alabama is not just a blow to Islamic jihadists and their Marxist allies—it is also a victory for American energy independence. For too long, America has been reliant on foreign oil, making us vulnerable to the whims of OPEC and the oil-rich nations of the Middle East. But with the rise of lithium, America has the opportunity to become a global leader in renewable energy, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and ensuring that our energy future is secure.

The Biden administration, however, seems blind to this opportunity. Instead of investing in domestic lithium production and promoting American energy independence, they continue to push radical environmental policies that weaken America's energy security. This is yet another example of how the DNC's Marxist agenda is destroying the country from within. They are more interested in appeasing their far-left base than in securing America's future.

As a Christian conservative capitalist, I believe in the power of the free market to drive innovation and economic growth. The discovery of lithium in Alabama and other parts of the U.S. represents a golden opportunity for America to assert itself as a global leader in the renewable energy market. But this will only happen if we have leaders who are willing to stand up to the Marxists in the DNC and put America's interests first.

Conclusion: The End of the Islamic-Marxist Alliance

Lithium has become the new oil, and its discovery in Alabama is a major blow to the Islamic-Marxist alliance that has been working to destroy America. As the Islamic world loses its oil wealth, it will no longer be able to fund jihadist activities or support Marxist movements in America. This is a victory for American freedom, but it is only the beginning. We must continue to fight against the forces of radical Islam and Marxism, and we must embrace the power of American capitalism to secure our future.

As an ex-Muslim who has seen firsthand the destructive power of Islam and its alliance with Marxism, I am confident that the rise of lithium will be a turning point in this battle. The enemies of freedom are losing their source of power, and with strong leadership and a commitment to American values, we can ensure that they are defeated once and for all.


  1. U.S. Geological Survey. "Lithium Reserves by Country." https://www.usgs.gov
  2. Energy Information Administration. "U.S. Oil Imports by Country of Origin." https://www.eia.gov
  3. Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad, Natana J. DeLong-Bas.

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