Sunday, October 20, 2024

Affordable Housing in Utah Comes with More Republican Capitalism, Not Democrat Socialism and Tax Hikes

Affordable Housing in Utah Comes with More Republican Capitalism, Not Democrat Socialism and Tax Hikes

By Bobby Darvish -

As a proud Iranian-American ex-Muslim and former Imam, I’ve seen firsthand the destructive nature of ideologies that limit freedom and stifle economic opportunity. Now, as a Christian conservative and Capitalist Republican, I’m here to tell you that the solution to Utah’s affordable housing crisis is not found in Democrat socialism or higher taxes. It lies in the values that made this nation great—free markets, limited government, and individual responsibility.

Look at what happened in Texas, particularly in Austin, a once-thriving center of innovation that has now been overrun by Democrat policies imported from California. Austin’s skyrocketing housing prices and oppressive tax hikes are a direct result of liberal mismanagement, where government intervention and socialistic ideals are taking a toll on residents. The same Californians who ruined their own state are now fleeing to Texas and Utah, bringing their failed ideas with them. In Utah, we must be vigilant in protecting our state from the same fate.

Republican Capitalism: The Path Forward for Utah’s Housing Crisis

Utah, like many states, is facing an affordable housing issue. But here’s the truth: more government intervention is NOT the answer. The Democrats want to raise taxes, impose more regulations, and expand bureaucracies to fix the problem. These are the same failed policies that wrecked California, causing an exodus of people from Silicon Valley. They're coming to Utah’s Silicon Slopes now, with their bankrupt socialist ideas in tow.

Republican capitalism offers a real solution. By reducing regulations on land development, cutting taxes, and fostering a business-friendly environment, we can encourage developers to build more homes at prices people can afford. Capitalism rewards innovation, and when private businesses are given the freedom to compete, they will find creative ways to meet demand.

Look at states that have embraced capitalism—like Florida and Texas (outside of Austin). They have lower taxes, fewer regulations, and a robust housing market that allows people to find homes without having to depend on the government. Utah needs to follow this model. It’s free markets that will create affordable housing, not some socialist plan that increases our taxes and sends more money to government programs that only make things worse.

Why Austin's Fall Should Be a Warning

In Austin, what we saw was an influx of Californians who brought with them their Democrat ideologies of big government, high taxes, and excessive regulation. Austin, once a hub of creativity and economic growth, is now grappling with unaffordable housing, traffic congestion, and a declining quality of life. The tech boom in Austin attracted new residents, but instead of embracing the free market principles that built Texas, they implemented policies that restrict growth and increase costs.

The city imposed excessive zoning laws and regulations on developers, making it harder and more expensive to build new homes. They introduced tax hikes under the guise of “funding affordable housing initiatives.” But instead of helping people, these policies backfired—creating a situation where housing costs surged, and the middle class was pushed out. This is exactly what we don’t want for Utah.

Keep California Democrats Out of Utah

Californians fleeing their self-made disaster are now flocking to Utah’s Silicon Slopes. They come here to escape the high taxes, over-regulation, and homelessness that have overtaken their cities. Yet, many of these same people continue to vote for the policies that destroyed their home state. Let me be clear: Utah doesn’t need Democrat socialism. We don’t need California’s failed ideas about rent control, tax hikes, or government-subsidized housing.

California used to be the land of opportunity, but today it’s a place where businesses are fleeing in droves. Their heavy tax burdens, suffocating regulations, and liberal governance have made it nearly impossible for the middle class to survive, let alone thrive. By contrast, Utah has prospered by adhering to Republican values. We have low taxes, a pro-business environment, and a community that values hard work over government handouts.

If we allow the California Democrats to import their policies here, we’ll end up just like them—overrun by homelessness, a broken housing market, and a weakened economy. We cannot afford to let that happen. If these people want to live under socialism, they should go back to California where their policies already dominate. Utah must remain a bastion of freedom, where capitalism thrives and the government stays out of our way.

Solutions for Affordable Housing in Utah

To solve the housing crisis, we need to reduce the barriers that government puts in place. That means rolling back restrictive zoning laws that make it impossible for developers to build affordable housing. It means cutting taxes on businesses and individuals to incentivize investment in new housing projects. We also need to encourage private-public partnerships that leverage the innovation of the private sector with the infrastructure support of the government—but without letting bureaucrats take over.

It’s also time to embrace new technologies in homebuilding, such as 3D-printed homes and modular housing. These innovations can drastically reduce the cost of construction, making homes more affordable for everyone. Capitalism rewards innovation, and if we want affordable housing, we need to let the free market do its job.


Utah is at a crossroads. We can either embrace the failed socialist policies of California and watch our housing prices soar while our economy crumbles, or we can stand firm in our commitment to Republican capitalism. As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian conservative, I know what it’s like to live under oppressive regimes and ideologies that rob people of their freedoms. We must reject the failed ideas of Democrat socialism and instead embrace the values of free enterprise that have made Utah a beacon of prosperity.

Let’s keep California’s Democrats out of Utah and ensure that our state remains a place where families can afford to live, work, and thrive. Republican capitalism, not Democrat socialism, is the key to solving Utah’s housing crisis.


  1. Texas Public Policy Foundation, "The Consequences of Overregulation in Austin,"
  2. Utah Policy, "How Silicon Slopes is Driving Utah’s Economic Boom,"
  3. Reason Foundation, "Affordable Housing: How Free Markets Provide Solutions,"

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