Sunday, October 20, 2024

Democrat Socialists Should Not Change Salt Lake City Zoning Laws to Push Forward Socialist Agendas: Affordable Housing in Utah Comes with More Republican Capitalism, Not Democrat Socialism and Tax Hikes

 Democrat Socialists Should Not Change Salt Lake City Zoning Laws to Push Forward Socialist Agendas: Affordable Housing in Utah Comes with More Republican Capitalism, Not Democrat Socialism and Tax Hikes

By Bobby Darvish -

As a proud Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, former Imam, and former Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus and the Muslim Forum of Utah, I have seen firsthand the dangers of oppressive ideologies that undermine individual freedoms and economic prosperity. Today, I stand firmly as a Christian conservative and capitalist Republican who believes that Utah’s growth and future prosperity rest in the hands of free market principles, not the socialist agendas being pushed by Democrat socialists. This is especially true when it comes to the critical issue of affordable housing and zoning laws in Salt Lake City.

Recently, there has been a dangerous push by Democrat socialists to change Salt Lake City zoning laws, supposedly in the name of "affordable housing." But we need to ask ourselves—at what cost? In reality, this is not about providing affordable housing at all. It’s about using housing as a Trojan horse to introduce big government overreach and socialist policies that have failed time and time again in places like California and, more recently, Austin, Texas. These policies cripple local economies, push out middle-class families, and erode the freedoms we hold dear.

Let me be very clear—affordable housing does not come from government intervention and burdensome tax hikes. It comes from promoting a capitalist environment where businesses thrive, and people can earn a living wage through innovation, hard work, and entrepreneurship. In fact, the areas where housing is most affordable and economically viable are those where Republican free-market policies prevail, not socialist handouts.

The Texas Example: How Democrat Socialism Ruined Austin

What has happened in Austin, Texas, is a cautionary tale for all of us here in Utah. Austin, once a vibrant hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, has become the poster child for failed Democrat socialist policies. The same crowd that destroyed the economic engine of California came into Austin, changed the zoning laws, implemented unnecessary regulations, and raised taxes, all in the name of "affordable housing." And what happened? Property prices skyrocketed, homelessness increased, and the middle class was squeezed out of their homes.

These so-called progressive policies have done nothing but create a dystopian landscape in a city that was once a beacon of Texan prosperity. Austin's transformation into a socialist experiment has not only hurt the city but has also created ripple effects throughout Texas. Democrat socialists pushed for rent control, burdensome regulations on property developers, and an unsustainable minimum wage hike. These actions stifled business growth, reduced housing supply, and ironically, made it even harder for ordinary citizens to afford a home.

This is what happens when government gets in the way of the free market. And this is exactly what the Democrat socialists now want to bring to Salt Lake City. They think that by repeating these failed policies, they will somehow achieve a different result. But as we know, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

California Democrat Socialists Are Invading Utah

It is no secret that California has become a disaster zone for businesses and homeowners alike, thanks to decades of Democrat socialist mismanagement. The exodus of Californians to states like Texas, Idaho, and now Utah is a direct result of these failed policies. People are fleeing California because it is a broken, over-regulated, high-tax wasteland. Yet, ironically, many of these Californians are bringing the very same socialist ideologies that destroyed their state with them to places like the Silicon Slopes in Utah.

Here in Utah, we’ve enjoyed a period of incredible economic growth, driven by Republican capitalism. The Silicon Slopes have become a hub of technological innovation and job creation, attracting businesses and talent from all over the country. But make no mistake—if we allow Democrat socialists to come in and impose their radical zoning changes and tax hikes, we will see the same economic destruction that we have witnessed in California.

These Californians need to go back to California. They need to fix the problems in their own state instead of coming here to Utah and trying to ruin what we’ve built. If they want socialism, they can have it—back in California. But in Utah, we need to preserve the free-market principles that have made us successful, that have made Salt Lake City a thriving metropolis, and that have made the Silicon Slopes the envy of the tech world.

The Republican Capitalist Solution to Affordable Housing

The solution to affordable housing is not more government regulation or Democrat socialist zoning laws. The solution is more Republican capitalism—plain and simple. When we lower taxes, reduce regulations, and allow businesses to thrive, we create an environment where innovation flourishes. This leads to higher wages, more job opportunities, and yes—affordable housing.

We need to encourage private developers to build more housing, and we need to incentivize them through tax breaks and reduced red tape. This will increase the housing supply and drive down prices, making homes more affordable for everyone. At the same time, we must maintain the zoning laws that protect property rights and ensure that our neighborhoods remain safe, prosperous, and free from government overreach.

In conclusion, Utah’s future prosperity depends on rejecting the socialist agendas of the Democrat socialists who are trying to change Salt Lake City’s zoning laws. We must stand strong and embrace the Republican capitalist policies that have made our state a model of economic success. We cannot afford to become the next Austin, Texas, or California. And to all the Democrat socialists who have moved here from California—go back and fix your own mess. We don’t need your failed policies here in Utah.

Let’s keep Utah free. Let’s keep Utah prosperous. Let’s keep Utah capitalist.


  1. "How Austin, Texas, Fell Victim to Democrat Socialist Policies," Texas Public Policy Foundation, 2023.
  2. "California’s Exodus: Why Businesses and Residents Are Fleeing the State," The Hoover Institution, 2022.
  3. "The Affordable Housing Crisis: How Republican Free-Market Policies Are the Solution," The Heritage Foundation, 2021.

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