Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Radical Saudi Muslim Comes to Christ

How I, A Former Muslim, Found Christ: The Story of Al Fadi's Remarkable Journey

By Bobby Darvish -

It’s not often that a devout Muslim in the heart of Saudi Arabia, one of the most fundamentalist Islamic countries, leaves everything behind to follow Christ. Yet, this is precisely the story of Al Fadi, a former Muslim who was deeply committed to his faith and even considered joining a jihadist group. His testimony is a powerful example of how faith, when questioned and deeply examined, can lead to transformation, despite the high costs.

A Devout Muslim on the Path of Jihad

Al Fadi grew up in Saudi Arabia, where Islam isn't just a religion, but the very fabric of society. His upbringing and education were rooted in the teachings of Islam, and he was deeply committed to it. His devotion to Allah was so profound that he sought to join a jihadist group, aiming to be part of what many Muslims believe to be a holy struggle in defense of their faith. Jihad, in its militant form, is often glorified in radical interpretations of Islam as a means of gaining paradise through warfare or martyrdom. Al Fadi, like many young men in the Middle East, saw this as the ultimate expression of his religious devotion.

But something began to stir inside him—a questioning. As he studied Islam deeper, he found contradictions, particularly in the concept of salvation and the nature of Allah. Islamic teachings about sin, the lack of assurance of salvation, and the absence of a personal relationship with God left him spiritually empty. Even though he followed all the rules, something was missing.

The Awakening: Questions About Islam

Al Fadi's questioning of Islam was not a sudden event. It was a slow process of realization that the answers Islam offered were not sufficient to satisfy his spiritual longing. In Islam, Allah is distant, transcendent, and unknowable. The idea of a personal relationship with God is foreign, and the only path to salvation lies in strict adherence to Islamic law and good deeds, yet with no guarantee. Even Prophet Muhammad himself expressed doubt about his own salvation, saying, "I do not know what will be done with me or with you" (Quran 46:9).

This uncertainty troubled Al Fadi deeply. His faith, which once felt unshakable, started to crumble under the weight of unanswered questions. His doubts led him to seek knowledge outside the boundaries of Islam, and that’s when he encountered Christianity.

Encountering the Love of Christ

Through friends and underground Christian ministries, Al Fadi began reading the Bible. He was struck by the radical difference between Allah of the Quran and the God of the Bible. Here was a God who not only created humanity but also loved them so much that He would send His only Son to die for them. This concept was revolutionary to him. In Islam, there is no sacrifice for sins, no assurance of forgiveness, and certainly no personal love from God.

John 3:16, a verse that Christians know well, became a beacon of light for Al Fadi: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." This verse contradicted everything he had been taught about God in Islam, but it resonated deeply with his heart.

The love of Christ, displayed through His sacrifice on the cross, touched Al Fadi in a way Islam never could. It wasn’t long before he accepted Christ as his Savior, experiencing a transformation that only the Holy Spirit can bring.

The Cost of Following Christ

Al Fadi’s decision to follow Christ was not without severe consequences. In Saudi Arabia, leaving Islam is considered apostasy, a crime punishable by death. As news of his conversion spread, Al Fadi became a marked man. He had to leave Saudi Arabia for his own safety, abandoning his home, family, and former life.

This cost was not just physical. Emotionally, leaving Islam and embracing Christianity meant severing ties with his family and community. In the Muslim world, faith is intertwined with family and identity. To leave Islam is not just to change religion, but to become an outcast, cut off from the people you love and from the culture that raised you. Al Fadi paid this price willingly, knowing that the truth of Christ was worth everything.

Sharing the Gospel with Muslims

Now, Al Fadi has dedicated his life to sharing the Gospel with Muslims through his ministry, CIRA International. His knowledge of Islam and his deep understanding of its teachings give him a unique ability to communicate the truth of Christianity to Muslims in a way they can understand. He addresses difficult theological questions, such as the divinity of Christ, the authenticity of the Bible, and the concept of the Trinity—topics that are often stumbling blocks for Muslims.

Al Fadi’s journey is a testament to the power of the Gospel and the love of Christ. His courage in the face of persecution and his commitment to sharing the truth with others who are still trapped in the darkness of Islam is an inspiration to Christians around the world.

Conclusion: The Transformative Power of Christ

Al Fadi’s story is remarkable, not just because he left Islam, but because his life exemplifies the transformative power of Christ. As a former Muslim who was once on the path to jihad, Al Fadi now walks the path of Christ, bringing the light of the Gospel to Muslims who, like him, are searching for the truth.

His story is a reminder that no matter how dark one’s past may be, the love of Christ can redeem and transform it. Al Fadi lost everything—his home, his family, his country—but gained eternity with Christ. For him, the cost of following Jesus was great, but the reward is far greater.

For those interested in learning more about apologetics to Islam, subscribe to CIRA International’s YouTube channel. Explore the wealth of knowledge that can help you understand Islam better and engage in meaningful conversations with Muslims about the Gospel.

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