Sunday, October 13, 2024

Dalia Ziada and Israel’s Crucial Role in Defending the Middle East Against Islamist Terrorism

Dalia Ziada and Israel’s Crucial Role in Defending the Middle East Against Islamist Terrorism

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I’ve seen firsthand how much hatred Israel faces from the Muslim world. Yet, despite this wave of anti-Israel sentiment, Dalia Ziada, a brave Egyptian human rights activist, stands firm in her belief that Israel plays a vital role in protecting not just itself but the entire Middle East from the destructive forces of radical Islam. In a time when Arab leaders publicly condemn Israel while secretly hoping for its success, Dalia Ziada’s bold stance is a breath of fresh air.

Israel’s ongoing battle against groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran-backed militias is more than just a fight for its own survival. As Ziada points out, these terrorist organizations have destabilized the region for decades, causing destruction not only in Israel but across the Arab world. The rise of Islamist extremism has wreaked havoc on Arab countries, turning cities into warzones, crushing economies, and causing millions of people to live in fear. In this sense, Israel is not just defending its borders—it’s defending the broader Middle East from complete destruction.

Ziada rightly highlights that while Arab leaders continue to express public outrage at Israel’s military actions, many secretly wish for Israel’s success in eliminating terrorist threats. This is because they understand, perhaps more than anyone else, the devastation that groups like Hamas and Hezbollah bring to the region. But unlike Israel, which openly confronts these threats, many Arab nations lack either the military strength or the political will to take a stand. For these leaders, Israel is doing the dirty work that they cannot or will not do themselves.

The irony, of course, is that Israel, a country often vilified by its neighbors, has become the Middle East’s most effective shield against the encroachment of radical Islamist forces. In confronting groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, Israel isn’t just ensuring its own survival—it is preventing the region from falling into the hands of extremists whose ultimate goal is to destroy both Arab and Jewish societies alike. Israel’s military operations, far from being acts of aggression, are acts of defense, not only for the Jewish people but for the Arab people as well.

Ziada’s perspective on Israel’s role in the region is a powerful reminder that the narrative of eternal hostility between Jews and Arabs is not set in stone. In fact, many Arabs recognize that Israel’s fight against Islamist terrorism aligns with their own desire for stability and peace. However, due to the complex and deeply entrenched political dynamics of the region, few are willing to say this out loud. Dalia Ziada is one of the few voices brave enough to call it what it is: Israel’s war against radical Islam is not just its own; it is a war for the future of the entire Middle East.

Moreover, Ziada believes that history will look favorably on Israel’s efforts. When the dust settles, and the radical Islamist threat is finally neutralized, she argues that people will remember Israel not just as a Jewish state but as a country that played a crucial role in saving both Jews and Arabs from Islamist extremism. It’s a bold prediction, but one that carries weight when we consider the destructive path that groups like Hamas and Hezbollah have already carved across the region.

Israel’s fight is a fight for freedom from religious tyranny, and it has taken the responsibility of defending the Middle East from the radical Islamist menace. As someone who once lived under an oppressive regime in Iran, I can understand the importance of such a battle. And as Dalia Ziada reminds us, this isn’t just Israel’s battle—it’s a battle for the survival of a region desperate for peace, security, and freedom from Islamist terror.


  1. Darvish Intelligence Reports
  2. Ziada, D. (2023). Middle East Defenders: Israel’s Battle Against Terrorism.

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