Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Significance of the Scofield Bible in My Faith Journey as an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian

The Significance of the Scofield Bible in My Faith Journey as an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American who grew up in the United States since 1974, my journey to Christianity has been one of profound transformation and discovery. Coming from a background steeped in Islamic tradition, my eventual conversion to Christianity—specifically as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)—was marked by many pivotal moments. Among them, the Scofield Bible played a crucial role in shaping my understanding of Christian theology and my personal relationship with God.

From Islam to Christianity

My early years in America were colored by the cultural and religious influences of my Iranian heritage. Islam, with its rituals and doctrines, was the religious framework of my upbringing. However, as I became more immersed in American culture, I began to encounter different perspectives on faith and spirituality. The values of freedom, individualism, and critical thinking that are deeply ingrained in American society led me to question the tenets of Islam that had once seemed unassailable.

As I explored Christianity, I found a message of love, grace, and redemption that resonated deeply with me. However, it wasn't until I encountered the Scofield Bible that many of the theological questions I had began to find answers.

The Scofield Bible: A Tool for Understanding

The Scofield Reference Bible, first published in 1909, is a study Bible that includes detailed commentary, cross-references, and footnotes to help readers understand the scriptures. What makes the Scofield Bible unique is its dispensationalist approach, which divides biblical history into distinct periods or "dispensations" where God interacts with humanity in different ways.

For someone like me, coming from a completely different religious background, this structured approach to understanding the Bible was incredibly helpful. The Scofield Bible provided a clear and systematic way to study the scriptures, making the complex narrative of the Bible more accessible and understandable. It helped bridge the gap between my previous religious beliefs and the new Christian doctrines I was learning.

The Impact of Dispensationalism on My Faith

Dispensationalism, as presented in the Scofield Bible, emphasizes the literal interpretation of the Bible, the distinction between Israel and the Church, and the future fulfillment of biblical prophecies. This framework was instrumental in helping me reconcile the Old Testament's covenant with Israel and the New Testament's message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

In Islam, the concept of prophecy is also significant, but it is often interpreted in ways that support Islamic supremacy. The Scofield Bible’s interpretation of prophecy, however, illuminated the continuity of God's plan throughout history—first with the Jews and then with all of humanity through Jesus Christ. This was a revelation to me, as it highlighted the universal nature of God’s love and His plan for salvation, which starkly contrasted with the exclusionary nature of Islamic teachings I had grown up with.

How the Scofield Bible Shaped My LDS Faith

Although the Scofield Bible is not part of LDS scripture, its dispensationalist perspective has parallels with the LDS understanding of God's dealings with humanity through different dispensations or periods of time. The concept of dispensations is central to LDS theology, where it is believed that God has revealed His will to prophets in different eras, culminating in the Restoration through Joseph Smith.

The Scofield Bible, with its detailed commentary and cross-references, provided me with a deeper understanding of how God's plan has unfolded throughout history. It helped me see the continuity and consistency of God’s interactions with humanity, which in turn reinforced my belief in the restoration of the gospel in the latter days through the LDS Church.

A Personal Reflection

Reflecting on my journey from Islam to Christianity, I am grateful for the tools that have helped me along the way, with the Scofield Bible being one of the most significant. It not only deepened my understanding of the Bible but also helped me connect with the broader Christian tradition while finding my place within the LDS Church.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, my faith journey has been anything but conventional. Yet, it is through these unique experiences that I have come to appreciate the richness and diversity of Christian thought. The Scofield Bible, with its dispensationalist approach, has been a vital resource in my spiritual growth, guiding me toward a deeper relationship with God and a fuller understanding of His eternal plan.


In conclusion, the Scofield Bible has played a crucial role in my journey to Christianity. Its clear, structured approach to biblical interpretation provided me with the tools I needed to transition from a Muslim background to a Christian faith centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ. As I continue to grow in my faith as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I remain grateful for the insights and understanding that the Scofield Bible has provided.


  1. Scofield, C. I. The Scofield Reference Bible. Oxford University Press, 1909.
  2. Blomberg, Craig L. From Pentecost to Patmos: An Introduction to Acts through Revelation. B&H Academic, 2006.
  3. Ryrie, Charles C. Dispensationalism. Moody Publishers, 2007.
  4. Tanner, John S. The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints. Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1987.

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