Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Dr. John Dehlin: A Product of Globalist Red-Green Axis Ideology Attacking the LDS Church

Dr. John Dehlin: A Product of Globalist Red-Green Axis Ideology Attacking the LDS Church

By Bobby Darvish

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian and member of the LDS Church, I find it deeply concerning to witness the ongoing attacks on the Church by individuals like Dr. John Dehlin. His criticisms, often framed as intellectual discourse, are not merely personal grievances or scholarly debates. They are, in fact, rooted in a broader ideological agenda—one that has been heavily influenced by the globalist Red-Green Axis, a coalition of leftist ideologues and Islamist forces that seek to undermine Western Christian institutions, including the LDS Church.

The Globalist Red-Green Axis and Its Influence

The Red-Green Axis is a term used to describe the unholy alliance between radical leftist ideologies ("Red") and Islamist movements ("Green"). This coalition is united in its opposition to Western civilization, traditional Christian values, and the sovereignty of nations that uphold these principles. The Red-Green Axis has infiltrated various sectors of society, including academia, media, and entertainment, spreading its anti-Christian and anti-Western agenda through these powerful platforms.

In academia, this ideology manifests as a relentless push for cultural relativism, the deconstruction of traditional values, and the promotion of secularism over religious beliefs. Colleges and universities, where young minds are shaped, have become breeding grounds for these ideas, turning students away from their faith and heritage and towards a globalist, secular worldview. The media and Hollywood, too, play crucial roles in this ideological campaign, consistently portraying Christianity and its adherents as backward, intolerant, and out of touch with modern society, while promoting ideologies that align with the Red-Green agenda.

Dr. John Dehlin: A Case Study in Ideological Subversion

Dr. John Dehlin is a prime example of someone who has been deeply influenced by this globalist Red-Green Axis. A former member of the LDS Church and a graduate of Brigham Young University, Dehlin's journey from faith to criticism mirrors the trajectory of many who have been exposed to the corrosive effects of academia's radical ideologies.

Dehlin's attacks on the LDS Church are not just critiques of doctrine or history; they are part of a larger narrative aimed at undermining the Church's authority and credibility. Through his podcast, "Mormon Stories," and various other platforms, Dehlin has consistently pushed a narrative that aligns with the globalist agenda: questioning the Church's teachings, challenging its leaders, and sowing doubt among its members. His focus on issues like LGBTQ rights, gender equality, and the historical actions of Church leaders are framed in a way that resonates with the leftist agenda, portraying the Church as an oppressive institution in need of reform or outright rejection.

This narrative is precisely what the Red-Green Axis seeks to promote: the weakening of Christian institutions from within, making them more susceptible to secular and Islamist influences. By undermining the LDS Church, Dehlin and others like him are inadvertently—or perhaps deliberately—furthering the goals of this globalist coalition.

The Dangers of Ideological Brainwashing

The ideological brainwashing that individuals like Dehlin undergo in academia, media, and Hollywood is dangerous because it distorts their perception of reality. It replaces a worldview rooted in faith, tradition, and truth with one that is relativistic, secular, and ultimately destructive. This is not just a problem for the individuals themselves but for the broader society as well. When influential figures like Dehlin use their platforms to attack the Church, they contribute to a cultural shift away from Christian values and towards a globalist, secular society that is hostile to religion.

The LDS Church: A Beacon of Truth in a Troubled World

In these challenging times, the LDS Church stands as a beacon of truth and stability. It upholds values that are increasingly under attack in a world dominated by the Red-Green Axis. The Church teaches its members to be self-reliant, to value family, and to seek truth through prayer and study. These principles are in direct opposition to the ideologies promoted by Dehlin and the globalist forces that influence him.

As members of the LDS Church, we must recognize these attacks for what they are: part of a broader, more insidious agenda aimed at weakening our faith and our institutions. We must stand firm in our beliefs, support our leaders, and resist the influence of ideologies that seek to destroy what we hold dear.


Dr. John Dehlin's attacks on the LDS Church are not isolated incidents of personal disillusionment or intellectual debate. They are part of a larger ideological war being waged by the globalist Red-Green Axis, a coalition that seeks to undermine Western Christian values and institutions. As members of the LDS Church, we must remain vigilant and steadfast in our faith, recognizing these attacks for what they are and standing firm in our commitment to the truth. Our Church, our values, and our faith are worth defending against the onslaught of secularism and radicalism that seeks to erode them from within.


  1. Lutzer, Erwin. The Church in Babylon: Heeding the Call to Be a Light in the Darkness. Harvest House Publishers, 2018.
  2. Murray, Douglas. The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam. Bloomsbury Continuum, 2017.
  3. Horowitz, David. Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left. Regnery Publishing, 2004.
  4. "Understanding the Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration, and the Agenda to Erase America." The Center for Security Policy. https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/red-green-axis/

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