Friday, June 21, 2024

Why Christians, Including LDS, Should Vote for Trump on Morals and Values-Based Thinking

Why Christians, Including LDS, Should Vote for Trump on Morals and Values-Based Thinking

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the question of whom Christians, including members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), should support is paramount. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for traditional Christian values, the preservation of religious freedom, and the upholding of moral standards that align with biblical teachings. In contrast, Joe Biden represents a platform that many Christians believe endorses atheism, Marxism, Islamism, and values reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah. This article explores why Trump is the clear choice for Christians concerned with morals and values.

Trump's Support for Religious Freedom

One of the cornerstones of Donald Trump’s presidency has been his unwavering support for religious freedom. Trump has repeatedly defended the rights of Christians to practice their faith openly and without persecution. His administration has taken significant steps to protect religious liberty, including the protection of the rights of religious organizations to operate according to their beliefs without government interference.

Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits federal funding for NGOs that perform or promote abortion overseas, a move celebrated by many pro-life Christians . His Supreme Court appointments, including Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, have tipped the balance of the court in favor of conservative, pro-life, and pro-religious liberty rulings .

Preservation of Traditional Family Values

Trump’s policies have consistently supported the traditional family unit. He has opposed the radical gender ideology that seeks to undermine the biblical understanding of gender and marriage. The Trump administration reversed Obama-era guidelines that allowed transgender students to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity in public schools, restoring the rights of local schools to set their own policies in accordance with community values .

Moreover, Trump’s economic policies, which led to a booming economy pre-pandemic, created jobs and opportunities for American families, enabling them to thrive and support themselves without excessive government reliance .

Biden’s Platform: A Threat to Christian Values

Joe Biden’s platform stands in stark contrast to the values held dear by many Christians. His policies and those of his party have often been aligned with atheism, Marxism, and secular humanism.

Atheism: The Democratic Party has increasingly embraced a secular agenda that often marginalizes religious voices. The removal of God from the Democratic National Convention’s platform in previous years and the promotion of policies that contradict religious teachings are troubling signs for many Christians .

Marxism: Biden’s support for policies that resemble socialist ideologies, such as universal healthcare and the Green New Deal, aligns with Marxist principles. These policies promote government control over many aspects of life, reducing individual freedoms and undermining the free-market system that allows religious organizations to flourish independently .

Islamism: While promoting religious tolerance is important, Biden’s approach often appears to favor Islamic interests over Christian ones. His administration has shown support for policies that some believe may undermine Judeo-Christian values in favor of multiculturalism and appeasement of radical Islamic ideologies .

Values of Sodom and Gomorrah: Biden’s stance on issues such as abortion, LGBTQ rights, and other social issues represents a moral departure from biblical teachings. His support for late-term abortion and the Equality Act, which could force religious institutions to act against their beliefs regarding gender and sexuality, are seen by many Christians as akin to the moral decay depicted in the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah .

The LDS Perspective

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share many of the same values and concerns as other Christians. The LDS Church emphasizes the importance of family, religious freedom, and moral integrity. Trump’s policies resonate with these core principles. His defense of religious liberty ensures that LDS members can continue to practice their faith without fear of government retribution. His stance on traditional family values aligns with the teachings of the LDS Church on the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman .

In contrast, Biden’s policies pose a threat to these values. The potential for increased government intervention in religious matters and the promotion of social policies that contradict LDS teachings make his platform a concerning choice for Latter-day Saints.


For Christians, including those who are LDS, voting for Donald Trump is a decision rooted in the defense of religious freedom, the preservation of traditional family values, and the upholding of moral standards based on biblical teachings. Trump's policies and actions have consistently aligned with these principles, making him the clear choice for those who prioritize morals and values in their voting decisions. In contrast, Joe Biden’s platform represents a shift towards atheism, Marxism, Islamism, and the values of Sodom and Gomorrah, threatening the very foundation of Christian beliefs and practices in America.


The Mexico City Policy: U.S. Department of State. (2021). "Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy". Retrieved from
Supreme Court Appointments: The Heritage Foundation. (2020). "Trump's Legacy on the Courts". Retrieved from
Transgender Policy Reversal: U.S. Department of Education. (2017). "Dear Colleague Letter". Retrieved from
Economic Policies: White House. (2020). "President Donald J. Trump’s Accomplishments". Retrieved from
Democratic National Convention: Fox News. (2012). "Democrats Drop 'God' From Party Platform". Retrieved from
Universal Healthcare and Green New Deal: National Review. (2020). "The Marxist Foundation of the Green New Deal". Retrieved from
Biden’s Approach to Islamism: The Washington Times. (2020). "Joe Biden’s Embrace of Islam". Retrieved from
Abortion and LGBTQ Rights: Family Research Council. (2020). "Joe Biden's Radical Policies". Retrieved from
LDS Church on Family and Marriage: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (2020). "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". Retrieved from

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