Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives and the Globalist Red-Green Axis: A Personal Perspective

The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives and the Globalist Red-Green Axis: A Personal Perspective

By Bobby Darvish - darvishintelligence.blogspot.com 

I want to address something that's been bothering me about how conservative faiths, like the LDS Church, are being portrayed in today's media. Hulu's show, The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, is the latest example of this misrepresentation. I watched it and immediately recognized the familiar playbook of what I call the "Globalist Red-Green Axis." For those unfamiliar with this term, it’s a dangerous alliance between socialist-leaning forces (the "Red") and Islamist agendas (the "Green"). Together, these movements seek to undermine traditional conservative institutions—churches like the LDS and other Christian denominations—by portraying them as oppressive, backward, or hypocritical.

As an ex-Muslim who once held leadership roles within Islamic organizations such as CAIR and The Muslim Forum of Utah, I am all too familiar with how the Red-Green Axis works. I grew up in Iran, which was a proud, culturally rich nation until the Globalist Red-Green Axis turned it into the Socialist Islamic Republic of Iran. In the same way, these media attacks on churches are intended to slowly dismantle and delegitimize the moral authority of conservative institutions. They did it in Iran, and now they’re trying to do it here in the West.

Before I converted to Christianity, I spent 22 years living among Mormons, so I know firsthand that this show doesn't reflect the reality of practicing Latter-day Saints. What it showcases are the outliers, the "Jack Mormons" as we call them—those who may be culturally tied to the Church but don’t actually live according to its teachings. These kinds of people exist in every religious tradition, but singling them out does a disservice to the many faithful members who strive to live Christ-centered lives.

The real agenda behind shows like this is to create division and doubt, not only among Mormons but also among other Christian communities. The media loves to point fingers at anything that resembles strong moral standards, because those standards present a threat to the cultural and political dominance that globalist forces are pushing.

The message is clear: "If we can take down the Mormons, we can take down anyone." It’s all part of a broader effort to undermine the family, gender roles, and religious liberty—all bedrock principles in conservative Christianity. But here’s where I see a fundamental flaw in their strategy: their efforts are not working. In fact, they're only making people more aware of what’s really going on. When I converted to Christianity and became a Republican, I saw through the distortions in the media and began to appreciate the value of conservative faiths and principles even more.

Shows like The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives serve a greater purpose for those who want to push a leftist, globalist narrative, but for those of us who have lived through actual oppression—whether in Iran or under the thumb of misguided left-wing policies—they’re laughable at best and deeply offensive at worst. They don’t represent truth. They represent a twisted version of reality meant to alienate people from the values that can save families, communities, and even nations from moral decline.

The Globalist Red-Green Axis might try to bash conservative churches, but here’s the reality: they’re not going to win. As more people become aware of what’s happening, they’ll realize that strong, morally-centered institutions are our greatest defense against the very tyranny that this Axis promotes.

Sources like Hulu can twist the narrative all they want, but those of us who have lived through the effects of their destructive ideologies—whether in a mosque or in Iran—will continue to fight for truth.


  1. Gatestone Institute. "The Red-Green Axis: Islamists and Leftists Working Together to Undermine the West." Gatestone Institute, 2019.
  2. Rubin, Michael. "How Iran Became an Islamic Republic: The Rise of the Globalist Red-Green Axis." Middle East Forum, 2018.
  3. The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives. Hulu. Directed by Gregori J. Martin, 2023.

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