Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mitt Romney: The Betrayal of a Jack Mormon and a RINO Who Puts Mexico Above America

Mitt Romney: The Betrayal of a Jack Mormon and a RINO Who Puts Mexico Above America

By Bobby Darvish - darvishintelligence.blogspot.com 

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim Christian, and proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I’ve always held strong convictions about both my faith and my country. It's not often that these two worlds collide in such a public and political way. However, when Mitt Romney—a supposed member of my church and someone who carries the Republican title—decides to attack President Donald Trump, it’s impossible to stay silent.

Mitt Romney, in my view, is both a "Jack Mormon" and a Republican In Name Only (RINO). For those unfamiliar with the term, a "Jack Mormon" refers to someone who identifies with the LDS Church but doesn't live according to its principles. And let me be clear—by betraying both the Church and the Republican Party, Romney fits this description all too well.

First, let’s look at his role in the Church. As a Latter-day Saint, Romney is supposed to be guided by principles like loyalty, integrity, and love for one’s fellowman. Yet, in his repeated attacks on Donald Trump—who I believe has done more to preserve America’s Christian values than any president in recent history—Romney has demonstrated neither loyalty to the faith nor respect for those who believe Trump is the right leader for America. President Trump’s defense of traditional values and his America First agenda aligns with the principles of self-reliance and community strength that the LDS Church advocates. Yet, Romney, like a Jack Mormon who only picks and chooses which parts of the faith to follow, has turned his back on these principles.

Now, let’s turn to Romney’s political betrayal. As a Republican, it’s expected that he would stand for conservative values like small government, personal freedom, and, above all, loyalty to the nation. But Romney has shown time and again that his allegiance is not to the party of Lincoln or Reagan. By voting to impeach Donald Trump and consistently aligning with Democrats on key issues, he has solidified his position as a RINO—a Republican who acts like a Democrat. What’s worse, his continual attacks on Trump, a man who has single-handedly revitalized the Republican Party, show that Romney is more concerned with his own political gain than with the future of this country.

But Romney’s betrayal goes deeper than politics and faith. He is not just a disloyal Mormon or a RINO; his family ties to Mexico raise serious questions about his true loyalties. While I don’t hold his heritage against him, it's worth noting that Romney’s family fled to Mexico in the late 1800s to escape U.S. anti-polygamy laws. This isn’t just some footnote in history—it’s a crucial part of understanding Romney’s political choices today. With a family that still has deep roots in Mexico, one has to wonder where his loyalties truly lie. Is Romney truly committed to America First, or is he influenced by his familial connections across the border? When he criticizes Trump’s hardline immigration policies, is he doing so because he believes in open borders for America—or because he has more allegiance to his family’s Mexican past than to American sovereignty?

In contrast, Donald Trump has consistently fought to protect American jobs, secure our borders, and put the interests of the United States above all else. Romney, on the other hand, seems more concerned with his own standing in the media and the globalist elite.

Mitt Romney has failed both his church and his country. His actions show that he is not a man of principle, but one of convenience—willing to betray his faith and his political party when it suits him. And as far as I’m concerned, anyone who stands against Trump, a man who has done more to Make America Great Again than anyone in recent history, is no true Republican or Latter-day Saint.

Mitt Romney might carry the name of the Church and the Republican Party, but his actions prove he’s neither a true member of either. In my eyes, he’s just a Jack Mormon and a RINO who’s done more harm than good to the values that so many of us hold dear.


  1. Romney’s Family History and Mexico Connections
    Many people are unaware of Mitt Romney’s deep family ties to Mexico. His ancestors fled to Mexico to escape U.S. anti-polygamy laws. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it raises important questions about where his true loyalties lie. Could his family’s history be influencing his stance on immigration and other issues? (Source: The New York Times, “Mitt Romney’s Mexican Roots,” April 2012).

  2. Romney’s Attacks on Trump
    Romney has been one of Donald Trump’s most vocal Republican critics, voting twice to impeach him and calling Trump a threat to democracy. However, Trump’s policies—especially on immigration, national security, and the economy—align closely with the values of many conservative Americans. It’s worth asking why Romney continues to attack a president who has done so much for our country. (Source: The Washington Post, “Mitt Romney’s Lonely Bid to Convict Trump,” February 2021).

  3. Jack Mormon: A Historical Term with Modern Relevance
    The term "Jack Mormon" historically referred to someone who identified as a member of the LDS Church but did not practice its teachings faithfully. In Romney’s case, his consistent divergence from the Church’s values of loyalty and integrity, especially in his political career, makes this an apt label. (Source: LDS Living, “What is a Jack Mormon?” May 2018).

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