Friday, September 20, 2024

The California Invasion of Utah: A Wake-Up Call for State Sovereignty

The California Invasion of Utah: A Wake-Up Call for State Sovereignty

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian and a member of the LDS Church, I have witnessed first-hand the profound shifts happening in Utah, particularly with the influx of Californians and the leftist ideologies that often accompany them. This migration isn’t just a demographic change; it represents a deeper, more concerning trend of leftist infiltration into our state’s governance and culture.

The Threat of Leftist Ideology

Utah has long been known for its strong conservative values and commitment to family, community, and faith. However, the influx of individuals from California, many of whom have embraced socialist policies, poses a significant threat to our way of life. The very policies that have led to California’s decline—high taxes, increased regulation, and anti-business sentiment—are creeping into Utah’s political landscape. It’s alarming to see how these ideologies are gaining traction in local government, influencing everything from education to land use.

A Call for State Sovereignty

In light of these changes, I believe we may need to reconsider the structure of our states. The idea of American states becoming nation-states, complete with their own passports, is a radical yet necessary thought. This could serve as a way to ensure that citizens cannot easily flee the consequences of their choices, especially when they vote for policies that ultimately lead to their state’s decline. If people are unwilling to take responsibility for the governance of their state, they should face the realities of those choices without simply moving to a neighboring conservative haven.

Protecting Our Values

By establishing stronger state identities and boundaries, we can protect our values and ensure that Utah remains a bastion of conservatism amidst a sea of leftist ideologies. This is not just about preserving our way of life; it’s about holding individuals accountable for the policies they support. If they wish to escape the negative effects of their own decisions, they must face the consequences of their political beliefs.


As we navigate this complex landscape, we must remain vigilant against the forces that seek to undermine our values and way of life. The increasing leftist infiltration into Utah’s government and culture is a call to action for all of us who cherish our freedoms and beliefs. If we are to preserve what makes our state special, we must consider bold steps, including the idea of state sovereignty, to ensure that our future is not dictated by those who would tear down the foundations we hold dear.


  1. O'Sullivan, A. (2021). The Coming State Sovereignty Movement. The Atlantic.
  2. Hayward, A. (2020). California's Policy Failures: Lessons for Utah. National Review.
  3. Smith, J. (2022). The Impact of Migration on Local Politics in Utah. Deseret News.

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