Friday, September 20, 2024

Navigating Liberal California: The Necessity of Remote Work for Conservative Living

Navigating Liberal California: The Necessity of Remote Work for Conservative Living

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian and conservative, my experience living in California has been a study in contrasts. The stark political divide in this state is palpable, especially in its urban centers, where liberal ideologies dominate. For conservatives like myself, the only feasible way to thrive in California today seems to be through securing a high-paying remote job with a conservative company. This approach allows us to reside in areas far removed from the prevailing liberal atmosphere.

The Urban-Rural Divide

California's urban areas, particularly cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, often reflect a progressive agenda that can feel alienating to conservative values. From excessive regulations to social policies that seem out of touch with reality, it’s easy to feel out of place. In contrast, more conservative regions, often located in the state’s rural and suburban areas, provide a welcome reprieve. However, these areas often lack the robust job markets found in the liberal hubs.

The Remote Work Revolution

The rise of remote work has been a game changer for many, enabling individuals to choose where they live without being tethered to a local job market. For conservatives in California, this means the opportunity to find a high-paying remote position with a company that aligns more closely with our values. This shift not only allows for financial stability but also facilitates a lifestyle that is more congruent with our beliefs.

Finding the Right Company

Not all companies offer this flexibility, and those that do often have distinct cultural leanings. Seeking out conservative firms that promote traditional values can be a challenge, but it is essential for those of us who want to escape the liberal stronghold. Companies that prioritize meritocracy and maintain a commitment to free speech create a work environment that is not just financially rewarding but also ideologically aligned with our principles.

The Challenge of Integration

While remote work provides a viable solution, the challenge remains: how to integrate into communities that share our values. Living in conservative areas while working for a company that aligns with our beliefs allows us to participate in local politics, engage with like-minded individuals, and raise families in an environment that reflects our worldview. However, the increasing polarization can make this feel daunting, as many communities are under pressure from liberal ideologies that infiltrate even the most remote corners of the state.


In today’s California, living as a conservative requires strategic planning and adaptation. Securing a high-paying remote job from a conservative company is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for those of us who wish to escape the overwhelming liberal narratives that dominate much of the state. As we navigate these challenges, it is crucial to remain connected to our values and work towards creating spaces where conservative ideals can thrive.


  1. California’s Political Landscape: Understanding the Divide. (2021). California Journal of Politics.
  2. The Rise of Remote Work: Implications for the Workforce. (2022). Journal of Labor Economics.
  3. The Importance of Corporate Culture in Employee Satisfaction. (2020). Harvard Business Review.

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