Monday, August 19, 2024

We Did Not Come to America to Live Under a Globalist Red-Green Axis Government and Woke Cult By Bobby Darvish


We Did Not Come to America to Live Under a Globalist Red-Green Axis Government and Woke Cult

By Bobby Darvish
Copyright 2024 - Darvish Intelligence 

As an Iranian-American Christian conservative and ex-Muslim, I am deeply disturbed by the direction in which America is heading. My family and I did not leave the oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran to find ourselves in a country where a new form of authoritarianism is taking root under the guise of progressivism and globalism. We fled theocratic tyranny and came to America seeking freedom, justice, and the right to live our lives according to our values—values that are now under threat by the insidious alliance of the globalist red-green axis and the woke cult.

The globalist red-green axis refers to the unholy alliance between radical leftists ("red") and Islamists ("green") who, despite their ideological differences, have found common cause in their opposition to Western civilization and Christian values. This alliance is particularly troubling for someone like me, who has seen firsthand the devastation that Islamist ideology can wreak on a society. The same Islamist principles that led to the persecution of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Baha'is in Iran are now being subtly introduced into the West under the banner of multiculturalism and diversity.

But this isn't just about Islamism. The woke cult that has taken hold in many Western institutions is equally pernicious. Under the banner of social justice, this movement seeks to undermine the very foundations of American society. It promotes a victim mentality, division, and the erasure of individual responsibility, all while silencing dissent through cancel culture and mob tactics. The woke ideology is a form of cultural totalitarianism that seeks to control not just what we say, but how we think.

In Iran, we were forced to adhere to the dictates of a religious government that used fear and violence to maintain control. The morality police would patrol the streets, ensuring that everyone conformed to their interpretation of Islam. Women were forced to wear the hijab, and any deviation from the state's version of morality was met with harsh punishment. The woke movement in America, while not yet as violent, is similarly coercive. It demands conformity to its own set of beliefs and punishes those who dare to question or deviate from its dogma.

The globalist agenda, which seeks to erase national borders and dilute cultural identities, is another threat to the freedom we cherish. My family and I came to America because it was a beacon of hope, a land where people of all backgrounds could come together under a shared set of values—values rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition. But the globalists seek to replace this with a homogenized, borderless world where national sovereignty is sacrificed on the altar of internationalism.

This is not the America we dreamed of. We did not come here to be told that our Christian faith is intolerant, that our traditional values are outdated, or that our desire to protect our borders and preserve our culture is xenophobic. We came to America to escape such oppression, not to encounter it again in a different form.

It's important to recognize that the globalist red-green axis and the woke cult are not just attacking abstract concepts; they are attacking the very fabric of American society. They are undermining the rule of law, eroding free speech, and weakening the nation's moral and cultural foundations. If we do not stand up against this assault, we risk losing everything that makes America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

As an ex-Muslim, I can tell you that there is no freedom under Islamism. As an Iranian-American, I can tell you that there is no prosperity under globalism. And as a Christian conservative, I can tell you that there is no truth under the woke cult. We must resist these forces with everything we have.

We came to America for freedom—freedom to worship, freedom to speak, and freedom to live according to our beliefs. We did not come here to live under another form of tyranny, whether it be religious, ideological, or cultural. It is time for Americans of all backgrounds to wake up to the threats we face and to stand together in defense of the values that have made this country great.

We must reject the globalist red-green axis and the woke cult, and reaffirm our commitment to the principles of liberty, justice, and truth. Only then can we ensure that America remains a place where people like me can find the freedom we sought when we came to these shores.


  1. Hamid, Shadi. "Islamism, the Red-Green Axis, and the Challenge to Western Civilization." The Atlantic, 2021.

  2. Murray, Douglas. The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.

  3. Spencer, Robert. Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam Is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs. Regnery Publishing, 2008.

  4. Lind, William S. "Cultural Marxism and the Woke Cult." The American Conservative, 2020.

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