Monday, August 19, 2024

The Knights of Lazarus: A Legacy of Courage and Resilience

As a Christian LDS conservative Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I have a deep appreciation for the history and values that have shaped the world. My personal experiences, having undergone orthopedic fractures, surgeries, and hip replacements—during which I died twice, once at age 15 and again at 17—have given me a unique perspective on life and death. This has led me to reflect on the story of Lazarus, who was brought back from the dead, and the legacy of the Knights of Lazarus, an order known for its courage and fearlessness in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Origins and Mission of the Knights of Lazarus

The Knights of Lazarus, also known as the Order of Saint Lazarus, originated during the time of the Crusades in the 12th century. Initially established as a hospitaller order, their primary mission was to care for those afflicted with leprosy, a disease that was greatly feared in medieval times. The order was named after Saint Lazarus, the patron saint of lepers, who himself was raised from the dead by Jesus, according to the New Testament.

The Knights of Lazarus distinguished themselves not only by their charitable work but also by their fearlessness on the battlefield. Despite their primary role as caregivers, they took up arms to defend Christian pilgrims and territories in the Holy Land. Many of the knights themselves suffered from leprosy, yet they fought with a ferocity that struck fear into their enemies. Their willingness to face death, both from disease and in battle, reflected their deep faith and commitment to their mission.

The Fearlessness of the Knights

The fearlessness of the Knights of Lazarus can be attributed to their unique circumstances and spiritual conviction. As men who were often afflicted with a terminal illness, they had little to lose in battle. This gave them a fearless edge, as they were already facing death daily due to their condition. Moreover, their faith in Christ and the example of Lazarus’s resurrection inspired them to live and fight with a sense of purpose that transcended their earthly existence.

Their courage was not merely a product of their physical condition but also a testament to their spiritual resolve. The Knights of Lazarus believed in the resurrection and the promise of eternal life, which empowered them to face danger without hesitation. Their legacy of bravery and service continues to inspire people today, especially those who, like me, have faced death and found new life.

Modern-Day Continuations of the Order

Today, several organizations claim to be the continuation of the original Knights of Lazarus. These groups focus on charitable and humanitarian efforts, continuing the order’s mission of caring for the sick and the poor. Here are a few of these organizations:

  1. The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
    This organization is one of the main branches that claim continuity with the medieval order. They are involved in various charitable activities, including medical aid and disaster relief.

  2. The Lazarus Union (Union Corps Saint Lazarus International)
    Another group that traces its roots back to the original order, focusing on humanitarian work and social aid worldwide.

  3. The Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem (OSLJ)
    This branch is recognized for its philanthropic efforts, particularly in supporting hospitals and medical care in areas of need.


The Knights of Lazarus have left a lasting legacy of bravery, service, and faith. Their fearlessness in the face of death, driven by their spiritual convictions, resonates deeply with my own experiences of being brought back from the brink of death. The modern-day organizations that claim to continue their mission embody the same values of compassion and courage, offering a powerful example of how faith can inspire us to face life's greatest challenges.


  1. "History of the Order of Saint Lazarus." The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
  2. "Lazarus Union - History." The Lazarus Union.
  3. "The Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem." OSLJ.

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