Monday, August 19, 2024

Exposing the Globalist Red-Green Axis and the Woke Cult: An Iranian-American Christian Conservative Perspective By Bobby Darvish

 Exposing the Globalist Red-Green Axis and the Woke Cult: An Iranian-American Christian Conservative Perspective

By Bobby Darvish

Copyright 2024 - Darvish Intelligence 

As an Iranian-American, former Muslim, and now a devoted Christian conservative, I have witnessed firsthand the insidious rise of ideologies that seek to undermine the values that have made Western civilization great. One of the most concerning phenomena of our time is the unholy alliance between two seemingly disparate forces: the Globalist Red-Green Axis and the Woke Cult. This alliance represents a significant threat to the freedoms, culture, and faith that we hold dear.

The Globalist Red-Green Axis

The term "Globalist Red-Green Axis" refers to the collaboration between Marxist-inspired leftist movements (the "Red") and Islamist groups (the "Green"). While these two ideologies may appear to be fundamentally at odds, they share a common goal: the dismantling of Western civilization and the establishment of an alternative world order.

Marxism, with its roots in atheism and class struggle, seeks to destroy the capitalist, Christian foundations of the West. Islamism, driven by a vision of global Islamic supremacy, aims to replace secular governments with Sharia law. Despite their ideological differences, both movements are united by their opposition to the Judeo-Christian values that underpin Western societies.

As an Iranian, I am all too familiar with the destructive power of Islamist ideologies. The Islamic Revolution of 1979, which brought the current theocratic regime to power in Iran, was a clear example of how Islamism can co-opt legitimate social grievances to establish a tyrannical rule. The collaboration between leftist intellectuals and Islamist clerics in the revolution is a historical precursor to what we now see on a global scale.

In today's world, the Globalist Red-Green Axis is evident in various ways. For instance, the alliance between leftist politicians in the West and Islamist organizations, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is a clear manifestation of this axis. These groups work together to push for policies that erode Western values, from advocating for open borders to promoting the suppression of free speech through accusations of "Islamophobia" .

The Woke Cult

Parallel to the rise of the Red-Green Axis is the emergence of what can only be described as the "Woke Cult." This movement, which has its roots in postmodernism and critical theory, promotes an extreme form of identity politics that divides society into oppressors and oppressed based on race, gender, and sexual orientation. The Woke Cult is characterized by its intolerance of dissent, its rewriting of history, and its relentless push for "social justice" through methods that often resemble totalitarianism.

The Woke movement's obsession with race and identity echoes the Marxist focus on class struggle but expands it to every facet of human life. It seeks to dismantle traditional structures, including the family, religion, and nation-state, all in the name of "equity." In this sense, the Woke Cult is the cultural arm of the Globalist agenda, aiming to weaken the cultural fabric of Western nations to make them more susceptible to radical change.

As someone who has seen the disastrous consequences of such ideologies in Iran, I am deeply concerned about the Woke Cult's growing influence in the United States and other Western countries. The aggressive promotion of gender ideology in schools, the cancel culture that silences conservative voices, and the rewriting of history to fit a Marxist narrative are all signs that the Woke Cult is gaining ground .

The Threat to Western Civilization

The alliance between the Globalist Red-Green Axis and the Woke Cult is a direct threat to the survival of Western civilization. Together, they work to undermine the core values that have made the West prosperous and free: individual liberty, the rule of law, and the Judeo-Christian moral framework.

The Red-Green Axis attacks these values through political means, pushing for policies that weaken national sovereignty and erode civil liberties. Meanwhile, the Woke Cult attacks from the cultural front, seeking to destroy the shared heritage and identity that bind Western societies together.

As a Christian conservative, I believe it is our duty to resist this unholy alliance. We must stand firm in our faith and uphold the values that have made our nations strong. This means speaking out against the lies of the Woke Cult and the dangerous policies promoted by the Red-Green Axis. It also means educating others about the true nature of these movements and the threats they pose to our freedom.


The Globalist Red-Green Axis and the Woke Cult are not just political or cultural movements; they are part of a broader strategy to dismantle the very foundations of Western civilization. As someone who has escaped the clutches of one totalitarian ideology, I cannot remain silent in the face of this new threat. It is time for all freedom-loving people to recognize the danger and take a stand. We must protect our heritage, defend our values, and ensure that the future remains free for generations to come.


  1. Michael W. Suleiman, “Islam and the Arab Left: Comrades or Enemies?” The Muslim World, Vol. 90, Issue 1-2, 2000.
  2. Mahdi Obeidi and Kurt Pitzer, The Bomb in My Garden: The Secrets of Saddam's Nuclear Mastermind, Wiley, 2004.
  3. James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose, Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody, Pitchstone Publishing, 2020.
  4. Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.

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