Monday, July 1, 2024

Accountability for Political Insurrections Act

Preamble: Whereas, the United States Constitution and the principles of democratic governance uphold the rule of law and require accountability for actions that undermine public safety and lawful governance; and

Whereas, instances of political insurrections, such as the establishment of autonomous zones like CHAZ/CHOP, pose significant threats to public order, safety, and the integrity of democratic institutions; and

Whereas, it is imperative to ensure that all political actors, including elected officials and supporters, are held accountable for their roles in instigating or condoning acts of insurrection that violate federal and state laws.

Section 1: Definitions

  1. Political Insurrection: Any act or series of acts that involve the unauthorized occupation of public or private property, disruption of governmental functions, or defiance of lawful authority in pursuit of political objectives.

  2. CHAZ/CHOP (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone/Capitol Hill Organized Protest): Refers to the unlawful establishment of an autonomous zone in Seattle, Washington, during the George Floyd protests in June 2020, which resulted in significant public safety concerns and lawlessness.

Section 2: Responsibilities of Elected Officials

  1. Oversight and Accountability: Elected officials, including members of Congress, governors, mayors, and local officials, have a responsibility to prevent, mitigate, and address instances of political insurrections within their jurisdictions. Failure to take appropriate action to uphold public order and enforce the rule of law may result in sanctions or legal repercussions.

  2. Investigation and Reporting: Federal and state agencies shall conduct thorough investigations into incidents of political insurrections, including CHAZ/CHOP, to determine the extent of involvement and responsibility of elected officials and their offices.

Section 3: Penalties and Consequences

  1. Civil and Criminal Liability: Individuals found guilty of participating in or supporting political insurrections, including elected officials who fail to uphold their duties to maintain public order, may face civil and criminal penalties as prescribed by federal and state laws.

  2. Financial Accountability: Elected officials found responsible for acts of political insurrections may be liable for financial restitution to cover damages caused to public or private property, costs incurred by law enforcement agencies, and expenses related to restoring public order and safety.

Section 4: Judicial Review and Due Process

  1. Fair Trial and Due Process: All individuals accused of participating in political insurrections, including elected officials, shall be afforded due process rights, including the right to a fair trial, legal representation, and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

  2. Judicial Oversight: The judiciary shall oversee proceedings related to allegations of political insurrections to ensure adherence to constitutional principles, protection of civil liberties, and fairness in legal proceedings.

Section 5: Implementation and Enforcement

  1. Federal and State Cooperation: Federal agencies, in coordination with state and local authorities, shall enforce provisions of this Act to ensure consistent application and enforcement of accountability measures for political insurrections.

  2. Public Awareness and Education: Government agencies shall conduct public awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the consequences of political insurrections and the importance of upholding the rule of law and democratic principles.

Section 6: Funding

  1. Appropriations: Funds necessary to implement and enforce the provisions of this Act shall be appropriated from existing federal budgets allocated for law enforcement, judiciary, and public safety programs.

Section 7: Sunset Clause

  1. Review and Evaluation: This Act shall be subject to periodic review and evaluation by Congress to assess its effectiveness in deterring political insurrections and holding accountable those responsible for such acts.

Conclusion: This legislative proposal aims to uphold the rule of law, protect public safety, and ensure accountability for acts of political insurrections, including the establishment of autonomous zones like CHAZ/CHOP. By enacting stringent measures to hold elected officials and individuals accountable for their roles in undermining public order and lawful governance, Congress reaffirms its commitment to defending democratic principles and maintaining the integrity of the American political system.


  1. BBC News. "Seattle's CHAZ: A Detailed Look at the 'Autonomous Zone'."

  2. The New York Times. "Seattle Dismantles Protest Zone After Weeks of Turmoil."

  3. "The 1968 Democratic National Convention: Anarchy in the USA."

  4. Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Weather Underground: American Radical Left-Wing Organization."

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