Monday, July 1, 2024

Why Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Should Vote Republican, Including Support for Trump, to Protect Their Morals and Values

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) has a longstanding commitment to traditional morals and values that align closely with many conservative principles. As members of the LDS Church navigate their political choices, it becomes increasingly important to evaluate how supporting Republican candidates, including former President Donald Trump, can uphold and protect these cherished beliefs. This essay argues that voting Republican, and specifically for Trump, is essential for safeguarding the morals, values, and religious freedoms that are central to the LDS community.

Defending Religious Liberty and Freedom of Conscience

Religious liberty stands as a cornerstone of the LDS faith, allowing individuals the freedom to practice their beliefs without government interference. Under the Trump administration, significant efforts were made to protect and expand religious freedoms, ensuring that individuals and organizations, including the LDS Church, could uphold their religious convictions without facing discrimination or legal challenges.

  1. Executive Orders and Policy Initiatives: President Trump signed executive orders and supported legislative measures that strengthened protections for religious liberty, such as the Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty in 2017. These actions underscored his commitment to defending the rights of religious communities, including the LDS Church, against encroachments from secular pressures.

  2. Judicial Appointments: Trump's nominations to the federal judiciary, including Supreme Court justices like Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, prioritized individuals with a track record of interpreting the Constitution as written and defending religious freedom. These appointments have long-term implications for safeguarding religious liberties and upholding traditional moral values in American society.

Pro-Life Advocacy and Family Values

The LDS Church holds strong pro-life beliefs and emphasizes the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Trump's administration actively supported pro-life policies and initiatives that aimed to protect the unborn and promote a culture of life. His stance on abortion regulations, support for pro-life legislation, and advocacy for parental rights resonated with many members of the LDS community who prioritize family values and the protection of innocent life.

  1. Executive Actions and Legislation: Trump implemented policies, such as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy (Mexico City Policy), which prohibited U.S. funding to foreign organizations that provide or promote abortion. His administration also supported measures to defund Planned Parenthood and redirect resources to pro-life initiatives and healthcare providers that adhere to pro-life principles.

  2. Support for Traditional Marriage and Family: Trump affirmed his support for traditional marriage between one man and one woman, aligning with the LDS Church's teachings on marriage and family. His administration opposed efforts to redefine marriage and advocated for policies that uphold the foundational role of families in society.

Economic Policies and Welfare Reform

The LDS Church emphasizes self-reliance, hard work, and caring for the poor and needy. Trump's economic policies focused on promoting job creation, reducing regulatory burdens on businesses, and empowering individuals and families to achieve economic independence. These initiatives align with LDS principles of personal responsibility and welfare assistance that encourages self-sufficiency.

  1. Tax Reform and Job Creation: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, signed into law by Trump, reduced taxes for individuals and businesses, stimulating economic growth and creating job opportunities across the country. These economic gains benefited many LDS Church members and their communities, fostering economic stability and prosperity.

  2. Welfare Reforms and Work Requirements: Trump supported welfare reforms that included work requirements and accountability measures, encouraging individuals to actively seek employment and contribute positively to society. These reforms promoted self-reliance and dignity, reflecting LDS principles of compassionate assistance and individual effort.


In conclusion, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a unique opportunity to protect their morals, values, and religious freedoms by supporting Republican candidates, including Donald Trump. Trump's administration demonstrated a strong commitment to defending religious liberty, advocating for pro-life policies, promoting traditional family values, and fostering economic prosperity. By voting Republican in 2024 and supporting candidates who uphold these principles, LDS Church members can help safeguard their cherished beliefs and ensure a future that respects and preserves their faith-based convictions.


  1. The White House. "Presidential Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty."

  2. Americans United for Life. "The Trump Administration: A Pro-Life Presidency."

  3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Life and Choice."

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