Monday, July 1, 2024

Anti-Socialist Democrat Terror and Insurrection Act


Whereas, the United States of America faces increasing threats to its social order and constitutional governance from acts of terrorism, insurrection, and socialist ideologies; and

Whereas, certain political entities and their supporters have been involved in activities that undermine public safety, violate constitutional principles, and threaten the rule of law; and

Whereas, it is imperative to hold accountable those responsible for inciting and participating in acts of insurrection, including but not limited to riots on college campuses and autonomous zones like CHAZ/CHOP; therefore,

Section 1: Definitions

  1. Insurrection: Any violent uprising or rebellion against the authority of the United States government or its institutions.

  2. Terrorism: Acts of violence or intimidation intended to coerce or influence government policy or civilian population, typically associated with radical ideological motives.

Section 2: Accountability for Intifada Riots on College Campuses

  1. Purpose: To establish legal accountability for individuals and organizations involved in riots, violence, and disruptions on college campuses under the guise of political activism.

  2. Provisions: Any individual or organization found to have incited, funded, or materially supported riots that disrupt campus activities, endanger public safety, or violate the rights of others shall be subject to civil and criminal penalties.

Section 3: Accountability for Autonomous Zones (CHAZ/CHOP)

  1. Purpose: To address the threat posed by autonomous zones that undermine lawful governance and endanger public safety.

  2. Provisions: It shall be unlawful to establish or maintain autonomous zones on public or private property without lawful authority. Any person or entity found to have created or sustained such zones, leading to violence, property damage, or other criminal acts, shall face severe penalties including fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of assets.

Section 4: Enforcement and Implementation

  1. Investigation: The Department of Justice and relevant law enforcement agencies shall investigate allegations of insurrection, terrorism, and related offenses as outlined in this Act.

  2. Prosecution: Federal and state prosecutors shall vigorously pursue charges against individuals and organizations violating the provisions of this Act, ensuring due process and fair trials.

Section 5: Legislative Oversight and Review

  1. Reporting: Within one year of enactment, the Attorney General shall submit a report to Congress detailing the enforcement actions taken under this Act and its impact on public safety and constitutional governance.

  2. Review: Congress shall conduct periodic reviews of this Act to assess its effectiveness, make necessary adjustments, and ensure its alignment with constitutional principles and civil liberties.


This Act aims to protect the United States from threats posed by socialist ideologies and acts of insurrection, ensuring that those who incite or engage in violence against lawful authority are held accountable. By addressing incidents such as the Intifada riots on college campuses and autonomous zones like CHAZ/CHOP, this legislation reinforces the rule of law and safeguards the rights and safety of all Americans.


  1. United States Department of Justice. "Federal Civil Rights Laws and Criminal Penalties."

  2. The Heritage Foundation. "Addressing Civil Unrest on College Campuses: Protecting Free Speech and Preventing Violence."

  3. The White House. "Presidential Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence."

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