Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Christianity and the LDS Church in Iran: A Journey from Darkness to Light

By Bobby Darvish, Iranian-American Ex-Muslim, Former Vegan, Former Democrat, Former Socialist, Former CAIR-Columbus Executive Director, Former Muslim Forum of Utah President, Christian Conservative LDS

Iran, the land of my ancestors, is a nation deeply intertwined with its Islamic identity, yet its history and cultural tapestry are far richer and more diverse than many realize. Before the Arab conquest and the imposition of Islam, Iran thrived as a Zoroastrian stronghold with influences from Christianity, Judaism, and even early Buddhism. However, the Arab Islamic conquest sought to erase this heritage, relegating Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians to the status of dhimmis—second-class citizens under Islamic rule.

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, and proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I have witnessed both the darkness of Islamic theocracy and the light of Christian redemption. My journey from being a Muslim leader to embracing Christianity, and ultimately the teachings of the LDS Church, has given me unique insights into the potential for Christianity—and specifically the LDS Church—to bring hope, freedom, and spiritual renewal to the Iranian people.

The Persecution of Christians in Iran

Under the Islamic Republic of Iran, Christianity is treated as a threat. Christians, particularly converts from Islam, face persecution that includes imprisonment, harassment, and even execution for apostasy. The government allows some historical Armenian and Assyrian churches to function under heavy restrictions, but proselytizing among Muslims is strictly forbidden. Converts are often forced to worship in secret house churches, risking their lives to follow Christ.

This systemic oppression stems from the Islamic regime's fear of losing control. Christianity offers Iranians an alternative to the rigid, punitive doctrines of Islam—a faith rooted in love, grace, and redemption. It challenges the very foundation of the Islamic Republic, which derives its legitimacy from the enforcement of Sharia law and the silencing of dissenting voices, particularly those who dare to follow Christ.

The Rise of Christianity in Iran

Despite persecution, Christianity is growing rapidly in Iran. Estimates suggest that hundreds of thousands of Iranians have converted to Christianity in recent decades. Many are drawn to the teachings of Jesus Christ as an alternative to the oppression and corruption they associate with Islam. The underground church movement is thriving, fueled by the courage of Iranian Christians who share their faith despite the risks.

The LDS Church, while not yet officially established in Iran, has the potential to play a pivotal role in this spiritual awakening. Its teachings resonate with the deeply spiritual and family-oriented culture of Iranians. The LDS emphasis on personal revelation, community, and moral values aligns with the desires of many Iranians seeking a faith that restores dignity, purpose, and freedom.

The LDS Church and Iranian Spirituality

One of the most remarkable aspects of the LDS Church is its inclusivity and respect for diverse cultures and traditions. As a faith that recognizes the divine potential in every individual, the Church offers Iranians a path to reclaim their heritage while embracing the universal truths of Christianity.

The LDS concept of the pre-mortal existence, where all individuals are seen as spiritual children of God, deeply resonates with the Iranian yearning for identity and purpose. Moreover, the Church's commitment to education, humanitarian work, and family values addresses the practical and spiritual needs of a people yearning for freedom and stability.

Challenges and Opportunities

Bringing the message of the LDS Church to Iran is not without its challenges. The Islamic Republic's strict control over religious practices and its hostility toward proselytizing make it difficult to establish a formal Church presence. However, digital technology and social media provide new avenues for sharing the Gospel. Online resources, including scriptures, lessons, and testimonies, are already reaching Iranians hungry for truth.

Furthermore, the Iranian diaspora plays a crucial role. Iranian Christians abroad can act as ambassadors, sharing their faith and supporting efforts to bring humanitarian aid and educational resources to their homeland. As an Iranian-American, I feel a profound responsibility to be a part of this movement, using my voice and platform to advocate for religious freedom and to share the transformative power of Christ.

A Vision for the Future

I believe the LDS Church can be a beacon of hope for Iranians. Its teachings of agency, accountability, and eternal progression offer a stark contrast to the fatalism and authoritarianism of Islamic doctrine. The Church's emphasis on family and community provides a framework for rebuilding a fractured society.

As more Iranians come to know Christ, the spiritual renewal of Iran becomes not only possible but inevitable. This transformation will not come easily, but with faith, courage, and perseverance, the Gospel will reach the hearts of the Iranian people.


  1. “Christian Converts in Iran Face Intense Persecution.” Open Doors USA, 2024. https://www.opendoorsusa.org
  2. Elahi, Mansour. Christianity in Iran: The Untold Story. London: International Academic Press, 2019.
  3. “The Growth of Christianity in Iran: A Testament to Faith Under Fire.” Pew Research Center, 2023. https://www.pewresearch.org
  4. Anderson, Scott. “How the LDS Church Supports Underground Christian Movements.” Deseret News, 2022. https://www.deseret.com
  5. “The Role of the Iranian Diaspora in Promoting Religious Freedom.” IRF Summit Proceedings, 2022. https://www.irfsummit.org

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