Monday, October 7, 2024

CAIR: The American Arm of HAMAS

CAIR: The American Arm of HAMAS

By Bobby Darvish -

As someone who once held a leadership position within CAIR Columbus, I have a unique perspective on the operations and motivations of this organization. CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) markets itself as a civil rights organization defending Muslims in America. However, the reality is far more concerning. CAIR is, in fact, the American arm of HAMAS, a designated terrorist organization. It serves as a front for the interests of foreign actors, including HAMAS, Iran, and Hezbollah. This isn’t just conjecture—it’s supported by facts, history, and the company CAIR keeps.

CAIR’s Deep Roots in HAMAS

CAIR’s origins are closely tied to the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), which acted as a propaganda machine for HAMAS in the United States. In 2008, during the Holy Land Foundation trial—the largest terrorism financing case in American history—CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator. The evidence in that trial revealed a significant connection between CAIR and HAMAS, linking them to fundraising efforts aimed at supporting terrorist activities abroad. The FBI has since cut ties with CAIR because of its associations with terrorism, but CAIR continues to operate freely in the U.S., dodging scrutiny by positioning itself as an advocate for Muslim civil rights.

Why CAIR Must Be Registered as a Foreign Agent

Given its clear ties to HAMAS, CAIR should be registered as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). FARA requires individuals or entities acting on behalf of foreign governments or political entities to disclose their relationships and activities. By hiding behind a veneer of civil rights advocacy, CAIR has managed to avoid this crucial designation.

The fact that CAIR has connections to HAMAS, which is itself backed by Iran and Hezbollah, further underscores the need for accountability. Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, has a well-documented relationship with HAMAS and Hezbollah, funding and arming these groups to destabilize the Middle East and wage proxy wars. CAIR, in its role as HAMAS’ American proxy, represents these same interests on U.S. soil.

Iranian, Pakistani, and Arab Doctors in Columbus Donating to CAIR

During my time as the Executive Director of CAIR Columbus, I witnessed firsthand the extent of financial support from prominent individuals within the Iranian, Pakistani, and Arab communities. These donors, often well-educated professionals such as doctors, were not shy about their contributions to CAIR. Their names appeared on donor lists that I had access to. Many of these individuals—despite their professions—were well aware of CAIR's underlying agenda but continued to support it under the guise of protecting Muslim rights in America.

Some of these doctors, particularly in Columbus, Ohio, donated large sums to CAIR Columbus, fueling its activities and enabling its connections to organizations like HAMAS and, by extension, Iran and Hezbollah. This isn’t just a coincidence—it’s a network of financial backing that aligns with CAIR’s mission to further HAMAS' objectives in America.


It’s time for the U.S. government to take action and require CAIR to register as a foreign agent. The evidence is overwhelming—CAIR is not just a civil rights group, but an entity working in alignment with HAMAS, supported by Iran and Hezbollah. For too long, CAIR has hidden in plain sight, using the guise of civil rights advocacy to further the interests of terrorist organizations that are intent on undermining both American security and global stability.

As someone who has been on the inside, I urge others to look beyond CAIR’s public relations campaigns and see it for what it truly is: the American branch of HAMAS.


  1. United States v. Holy Land Foundation trial documents, 2008.
  2. "FBI cuts ties with CAIR over Hamas questions," Washington Times, 2009.
  3. Matthew Levitt, "Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad," Yale University Press, 2006.
  4. Steven Emerson, "Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the U.S.," Prometheus Books, 2009.
  5. "Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah: A Dangerous Axis," Foreign Affairs, 2012.

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