Friday, October 25, 2024

‘The Lying, It's Just Unbelievable’: Examining Trump’s Accusations Against Kamala Harris and the Erosion of Integrity in American Politics

‘The Lying, It's Just Unbelievable’: Examining Trump’s Accusations Against Kamala Harris and the Erosion of Integrity in American Politics

By Bobby Darvish

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, now a Christian conservative, I’ve observed my fair share of political maneuvering and ideological conflicts, both here in the United States and back in Iran. But what’s particularly disheartening is seeing the kind of dishonesty in American politics today that, frankly, I would expect more from authoritarian regimes than from leaders in a democratic nation. The most recent example comes from President Trump’s criticism of Kamala Harris, accusing her of perpetuating outright falsehoods—“The lying, it’s just unbelievable,” Trump said. And I couldn’t agree more.

It’s not that politicians lying is anything new. But the blatant disregard for truth on critical matters that impact millions of lives seems to have become an almost daily occurrence. We now see a culture in which lying is not just excused but actively rewarded, provided it advances a particular agenda or wins the approval of influential media outlets. The consequences of this are profound, and as a Christian, I see it as a grave moral failure that threatens the fabric of American society.

Analyzing Harris’s Statements

Kamala Harris’s statements on various topics, from the economy to healthcare, have drawn considerable attention. Her rhetoric often seems designed not to inform but to manipulate emotions and drive divisions. On several occasions, fact-checkers have highlighted misleading claims made by Harris, such as exaggerations around the Inflation Reduction Act or assertions about economic improvement that don’t match the reality most Americans experience. A fundamental respect for truth is missing, and it shows how far political leaders are willing to go to distort facts to fit their narrative.

One particular claim Harris made concerned America’s handling of COVID-19 and the role of her administration in ending the pandemic. While the administration did play a role in vaccine distribution, it’s misleading to suggest that it was solely responsible for the pandemic's decline. Operation Warp Speed, initiated under the Trump administration, had a crucial role in developing and distributing vaccines. This rewriting of history undermines the contributions of many and paints a distorted picture for political gain.

The Christian Perspective on Truth and Honesty

In John 8:32, Jesus said, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” This fundamental Christian principle underscores the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of life, especially in leadership. When leaders lie, they not only disrespect the people they serve but also disrupt the moral order that upholds a functioning society. As someone who once practiced Islam and found my faith in Christ, I believe that truth is not merely a matter of convenience; it’s a matter of obedience to God.

Lying creates an atmosphere where trust is impossible, where suspicion and division fester. This pattern of behavior, unfortunately, seems pervasive in today’s political climate. As conservative Christians, we should be the first to stand against this dishonesty, regardless of whether it comes from the left or right. But in the current landscape, it appears that many high-profile politicians on the left, including Harris, see truth as optional, as something that can be bent to suit their ends.

The Role of Media in Enabling Falsehoods

It’s no secret that much of the mainstream media has leaned into this deception, offering selective narratives that support figures like Harris while vilifying those like Trump. In cases where Harris’s claims have been proven misleading, corrections are minimal or absent altogether. This favoritism skews public perception and deprives Americans of the ability to make informed decisions based on the whole truth. The media’s complicity in spreading or excusing these falsehoods makes it difficult for Americans to discern fact from fiction—a dangerous situation in any society.

As a former Iranian citizen, I can’t help but recognize the parallels to state-controlled media in authoritarian nations, where information is carefully curated to serve those in power. A society where media amplifies certain voices and silences others cannot truly be free. Yet here we are, in the United States, witnessing this phenomenon in a subtler but equally harmful way. This is not the America our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Calling for Accountability in Leadership

We are at a pivotal point where the American people must demand better from their leaders. Leaders must be held accountable for their words and actions, and that accountability should come from both political sides. The decline of truthfulness in American politics is not just a partisan issue; it’s a moral crisis. When dishonesty becomes acceptable, it undermines trust in institutions, and democracy itself becomes vulnerable. Accountability begins with us as citizens, recognizing falsehoods and calling them out without fear or favor.

I urge fellow Christians and conservatives to remember that our ultimate loyalty is to the truth—God’s truth. Supporting leaders who align with our values should never mean excusing behavior that contradicts those values. Our faith calls us to a higher standard, and as we navigate this challenging political landscape, we must not abandon the principles of honesty, integrity, and justice.

Moving Forward with Integrity and Faith

In the coming elections and beyond, we must prioritize honesty and moral integrity over party loyalty. Supporting leaders who champion truth, even when it’s inconvenient, is crucial for the survival of our democratic system and the preservation of Christian values in society. Trump’s accusations against Kamala Harris are more than political jabs; they’re a wake-up call for every American to re-evaluate what we are willing to accept from our leaders.

In Proverbs 12:22, it says, “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” For me, this passage is a reminder that God holds all of us, especially our leaders, accountable. We must demand a higher standard and work to restore truth as a pillar of American democracy. Let us strive for a nation where our leaders speak with honesty, and where the people can trust in the words they hear—because truth matters.


  1. Kessler, Glenn. “Fact-checking Kamala Harris on COVID-19.” Washington Post, 2023.

  2. Sanders, Reed. “Kamala Harris’s Inflation Claims: A Closer Look.” National Review, 2023.

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