Friday, October 25, 2024

'Kamala—Where Are the Children?': A Critical Look at Eduardo Verástegui’s Message on Child Trafficking and the Biden Administration's Blind Eye

'Kamala—Where Are the Children?': A Critical Look at Eduardo Verástegui’s Message on Child Trafficking and the Biden Administration's Blind Eye

By Bobby Darvish

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, conservative Christian, I’ve seen the impact that political leaders’ priorities—or lack thereof—can have on the most vulnerable in our society. Recently, Eduardo Verástegui, producer of Sound of Freedom, a powerful film shedding light on child trafficking, spoke at a Trump event and directly confronted the Biden administration and Vice President Kamala Harris on the issue. His question, “Kamala—where are the children?” resonated with many of us who are concerned about the fate of thousands of missing children and the continued rise of human trafficking on American soil.

Verástegui’s speech wasn’t just a call for awareness; it was a plea for action. In a country that values freedom, the very fact that so many children remain unaccounted for—and that so little is being done at the highest levels of government—should raise red flags for all of us.

The Reality of Child Trafficking in America

The Sound of Freedom exposes a terrifying reality that many Americans would rather not confront: child trafficking is not just a distant problem. It’s happening in cities and towns across the United States, with perpetrators exploiting legal and social vulnerabilities. According to the Department of Homeland Security, an estimated 50,000 people are trafficked into the United States annually, many of them children. These numbers, however, represent only the cases reported and documented, meaning the true scope of trafficking likely far exceeds these statistics Trump event, Verástegui didn't mince words. He directly questioned why our government, specifically Vice President Harris—who was appointed as the “Border Czar” by President Biden in 2021—has not done more to protect these vulnerable children. Harris’s lack of response to the issue only underscores the need for stronger action and accountability within the highest offices of government.

Kamala Harris: Silent on the Border Crisis and Child Trafficking

When President Biden appointed Kamala Harris to handle the border crisis, the move was met with both hope and skepticism. Many conservatives doubted whether the administration would make significant changes to secure the border, and unfortunately, these fears have proven to be well-founded. Rather than addressing the core issues of illegal immigration and trafficking, Harris has largely avoided direct involvement, only making a few statements and appearances. This avoidance has allowed traffickers to exploit both the physical border and the legal loopholes within our immigration system to continue their operations with frightening ease .

As an who has seen firsthand the horrors of human trafficking and exploitation in Middle Eastern countries, I know that when governments ignore trafficking, the problem only festers. In my journey to Christianity, I was inspired by the call to protect the “least of these”—and that includes vulnerable children who are too often forgotten. When Verástegui asked, “Where are the children?” he was reminding us that Christian values call for both protection and justice for the most innocent among us. But this administration’s silence raises questions about its commitment to these same values.

The Role of Faith and Community in Combating Trafficking

Sound of Freedom has achieved significant success, not just at the box office but in mobilizing faith communities and concerned citizens to take a stand against trafficking. Churches across the nation are using the film as a launching point to raise awareness, discuss the reality of human trafficking, and organize efforts to protect children in their own communities. As a Christian, I believe this is where our greatest strength lies: in uniting faith and action. Verástegui’s message is not just a critique of political leaders but a call for the church to stand up and lead the way where government officials have failed.

The problem, however, is immense. Human trafficking networks are highly organized and well-funded, often connected to cartels and international crime syndicates that operate with little regard for borders or laws. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s border policies, or lack thereof, have created conditions that allow traffickers to exploit the most vulnerable. Until serious border reforms and increased law enforcement are implemented, children will continue to be smuggled, exploited, and lost in the system .

A Call forility and Immediate Action

Verástegui’s question—“Where are the children?”—is one that we, as Americans, need to keep asking. For too long, we have trusted that our leaders would prioritize the safety of the innocent. But the absence of any real effort by Vice President Harris and the Biden administration to combat child trafficking along the border exposes a glaring gap between their rhetoric and their actions.

As a conservative, I stand with Eduardo Verástegui in calling for more transparency and accountability from our leaders. Protecting children should transcend politics. It’s not a partisan issue; it’s a moral one. In Matthew 18:10, Jesus warns against harming “these little ones,” saying, “their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” Our government is failing in its responsibility to protect these “little ones” from the predators who exploit them. Christians are called to be “salt and light,” and this means exposing the darkness wherever it exists—even if it means calling out those in power.

Conclusion: Demanding a Response from Our Leaders

In a just society, leaders would act with urgency in response to the abduction and exploitation of children. Kamala Harris, as Vice President and as the designated point person on the border crisis, owes the American people answers. We cannot afford to look away from this issue, hoping it will resolve itself. The Biden administration’s reluctance to address this crisis head-on only deepens the outrage and suffering of countless families.

As Verástegui powerfully stated, we must ask: “Kamala—where are the children?” The longer this question goes unanswered, the more our nation’s conscience is at stake. I am calling upon every Christian, every conservative, and every concerned American to demand that our leaders act with integrity and prioritize the protection of our children. The time for silence is over; it’s time for accountability, action, and a renewed commitment to safeguarding the most vulnerable among us.


  1. "Human Trafficking Statistics in the United States." Department of Homeland Security.
  2. Chavez, Nicole. "Kamala Harris Faces Growing Criticism Over Handling of Border Crisis." CNN.
  3. Roberts, Patrick. "How Biden's Border Policies are Fueling Human Trafficking Networks." National Review.

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