Friday, October 25, 2024

‘She’s A Low IQ Person’: Donald Trump Disparages Kamala Harris Over Southern Border Crisis and the Consequences of Leadership Gaps

‘She’s A Low IQ Person’: Donald Trump Disparages Kamala Harris Over Southern Border Crisis and the Consequences of Leadership Gaps

By Bobby Darvish

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, Christian, conservative, and proud member of the LDS community, I’ve watched with deep concern as America grapples with serious crises—none more pressing than the ongoing disaster at our southern border. Our country is witnessing unprecedented numbers of illegal crossings, human trafficking, and drug smuggling, each of which directly impacts American communities and threatens national security. Former President Donald Trump, never one to mince words, recently labeled Vice President Kamala Harris a “low IQ person” in reference to her handling (or lack thereof) of the border crisis. This statement may have offended some, but to many of us, it highlights an undeniable truth: Harris and the current administration are in over their heads on this issue.

Leadership and the Border Crisis

When President Biden appointed Kamala Harris as the point person on the southern border crisis, Americans expected action. Instead, we saw hesitance, superficial visits, and deflections. Trump’s blunt assessment of Harris’s intelligence isn’t mere name-calling—it’s a reflection of how out of touch this administration is with the actual needs of American border states and citizens. The border crisis demands someone who understands the complex social, economic, and security concerns at play and can address them with a coherent plan. Under Harris’s stewardship, the border has become a hotbed of cartel activity, with record-breaking numbers of illegal immigrants flooding across it, impacting everything from small towns to urban centers far from the border itself.

The numbers tell a devastating story. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the fiscal year 2023 saw a record-high number of encounters at the border, surpassing over 2 million—an increase from previous years under Trump, who had prioritized border security with initiatives like “Remain in Mexico” and the construction of a border wall. Since Biden and Harris dismantled many of these policies, we have only seen the border situation deteriorate furthertional Security and Human Impact

Harris’s reluctance to take decisive action has had severe consequences. Beyond the skyrocketing number of crossings, there is also the impact of increased human trafficking, drug smuggling, and cartel violence. These problems have exploded under her watch. According to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies, cartels have capitalized on weakened border policies to expand their operations, smuggling not only drugs but also humans, often under horrific conditions .

This heoretical issue for communities like my own. As a Christian, I hold that each human life is valuable, and it pains me to think about the vulnerable women, children, and families being exploited by cartels. The Biden administration’s policies have only incentivized these dangerous journeys. Instead of providing a pathway to safety, they’ve handed the keys over to criminal enterprises, risking lives in the process.

America First: A Christian Conservative Perspective

As a Christian conservative, I believe in the biblical principle of nations respecting and enforcing their borders. Scripture frequently references the importance of boundaries, from the delineation of lands in the Old Testament to the idea of nations in Acts 17:26, where it says that God “marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.” For me, this isn’t a call for xenophobia but rather a mandate to enforce fair and compassionate borders—allowing people to come here legally and safely while protecting American citizens from the dangers that accompany unchecked illegal immigration.

Trump’s critiques may sound brash, but his track record on immigration and border security is one of action and results. As a conservative and a former immigrant myself, I appreciate his emphasis on lawful, structured immigration—a system that rewards those who respect our laws and contribute to our society. Vice President Harris, in contrast, appears to lack both the vision and determination needed to handle such a complex issue.

Why Words Matter: Trump’s Criticism as a Wake-Up Call

Many in the media have dismissed Trump’s remarks about Harris as simply another “insult,” yet I see them as a wake-up call. The “low IQ” remark may be blunt, but it underscores what millions of Americans are thinking—that the current administration’s approach to the border crisis is neither thoughtful nor effective. Trump’s unfiltered language is a stark reminder of the urgency of this crisis and the high stakes involved for the American people.

The Biden administration’s failure at the border isn’t just a policy misstep; it’s a betrayal of its duty to protect American citizens and ensure safe, lawful immigration. The American people deserve leaders who prioritize security and uphold our laws. Trump’s criticisms may lack diplomatic polish, but they serve as a warning of the dangers posed by leadership that is either unwilling or incapable of addressing urgent issues head-on.

Moving Forward: What We Need

America needs leaders who are serious about defending our borders and protecting American lives. As Trump pointed out, Vice President Harris has not lived up to this task. It’s time for a new approach—one that acknowledges the reality of the crisis and takes actionable steps to control the border. We need policies that stop incentivizing dangerous border crossings, strengthen our defenses against cartels, and create an orderly, lawful process for immigration.

As a Christian conservative, I believe that leadership is a responsibility, not a privilege. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” This verse reminds us of the impact that wise, righteous leadership can have on a nation. Unfortunately, our current leaders seem more interested in scoring political points than in genuinely addressing the needs of our country.

President Trump’s remarks may ruffle feathers, but perhaps that’s exactly what’s needed to bring attention to the crisis at our southern border. If America is to remain a safe and sovereign nation, we must prioritize competent, courageous leaders who aren’t afraid to confront our most pressing issues. And that starts with an honest acknowledgment of where we stand—and who is leading us there.


  1. U.S. Customs and Border Protection. “Southwest Land Border Encounters.”, 2023,

  2. Center for Immigration Studies. “Cartels Are Exploiting Our Broken Border Policies.”, 2023,

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