Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Lithium: The New Oil – The Fall of Islamic Jihad Funding for Marxist Groups in America

 Lithium: The New Oil – The Fall of Islamic Jihad Funding for Marxist Groups in America

By Bobby Darvish - darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

As an Iranian-American, ex-Muslim, former Imam, and once the Executive Director of CAIR-Columbus and President of the Muslim Forum of Utah, I’ve seen firsthand the intricate, often covert, connections between Islamism, Marxism, and the forces working to destroy America from within. After my journey out of Islam and into Christianity, I've also become a staunch conservative capitalist Republican who believes in the foundational principles that make America great: free enterprise, individual liberty, and limited government.

Today, we stand at a pivotal moment in global geopolitics, one that holds significant consequences for the future of not only America but also for the Islamic world and the Marxist organizations they fund, such as the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and other leftist groups that seek to erode America’s foundations. What is this pivotal change? Lithium. Lithium has become the new oil, and as the world shifts its energy dependence from oil to lithium, the financial underpinnings of jihad and leftist movements in America will begin to crumble.

Lithium: The New Resource of Power

For decades, the world has been dependent on oil, a commodity largely controlled by Islamic nations in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, and other OPEC nations have used their vast oil wealth to fund global jihad and extremist ideologies while also supporting Marxist and socialist movements in the West, particularly in America. These Islamist regimes know that by aligning with Marxist groups like the Democratic Party, they can undermine Western values and destabilize societies from within.

Oil money has been the lifeblood of these Islamist regimes, allowing them to sponsor terrorism, fund anti-American and anti-Christian propaganda, and prop up regimes that oppress millions of people under theocratic tyranny. Through organizations like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), these groups have infiltrated American society and politics, presenting themselves as "moderates" while pushing an agenda that aligns with both Islamist and Marxist ideologies. As someone who once led CAIR, I can tell you that their rhetoric of victimhood and “Islamophobia” is often just a cover for advancing radical agendas.

However, with the global shift towards renewable energy and electric vehicles (EVs), the demand for oil is waning. The key resource of the future is no longer oil; it’s lithium. Lithium powers the batteries that will drive the electric cars, solar grids, and future technologies of the world. And this shift means that the balance of power is changing, leaving the Islamic world scrambling to find ways to maintain its influence.

Islamic Jihad's Dependence on Oil Wealth

Historically, the oil-rich countries of the Middle East have used their wealth to fund not only their own regimes but also various global jihadist movements. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Hezbollah, and groups like Hamas have long relied on oil revenues to sponsor terrorism across the globe. At the same time, these nations have funneled money into left-wing groups in America to destabilize and weaken the country from within. This alliance is not surprising when you consider that both Islamists and Marxists share a common enemy: Western capitalism and Christianity.

The Democratic Party, and particularly its far-left wing, has become the unwitting (or perhaps fully conscious) recipient of funding and support from these Islamist sources. The radical left's push for policies like open borders, defunding the police, and socialist economic structures aligns with the goals of Islamists who seek to weaken America’s sovereignty and moral fabric. For too long, the oil wealth of the Middle East has fueled both jihad abroad and Marxist revolution at home.

The Rise of Lithium and the Fall of Oil-Driven Jihad

As the world transitions away from oil and towards renewable energy, the Islamic world’s grip on global energy markets will weaken. Lithium, found abundantly in places like Chile, Bolivia, and Australia, is quickly becoming the world's most valuable commodity. It’s critical for the production of lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles, renewable energy storage systems, and nearly all modern electronics. As demand for lithium skyrockets, the world’s dependence on Middle Eastern oil will decline.

This transition will have profound consequences for the Islamic world. The revenues from oil that have long propped up jihadist regimes and their Marxist allies will dry up. Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other oil-dependent nations will find themselves increasingly irrelevant on the global stage. No longer able to wield oil as a weapon, these countries will struggle to maintain their geopolitical influence and their ability to fund global terrorism and leftist movements in the West.

The Implications for America and the Democratic Party

The decline of oil revenues will hit not only the Islamic world but also the Marxist groups in America that have long been funded by these regimes. The Democratic Party, which has increasingly embraced socialist policies and identity politics, has been a major recipient of foreign funding, much of it funneled through various Islamist organizations. As oil revenues dry up, so too will the funds that have propped up these leftist causes.

The radical left’s agenda, which includes promoting Marxism, defunding law enforcement, and undermining American capitalism, has been heavily supported by foreign actors with oil money. With the rise of lithium and the fall of oil, the financial pipeline that fuels these destructive agendas will begin to close. This will create an opportunity for conservatives and patriots to reclaim the political and cultural landscape of America.

As a Christian conservative, I believe that the decline of Islamic oil wealth represents a moment of divine providence for America. For too long, we have been subjected to the influence of foreign powers who seek to destroy our nation from within. But with the rise of lithium, we have a chance to cut off the financial lifeline of these Islamist-Marxist alliances and restore America to its founding principles of faith, family, and freedom.

Conclusion: A New Era for America and the World

Lithium is the new oil, and with it comes the promise of a new era—an era in which America is no longer beholden to the oil-rich nations of the Middle East that fund terrorism and Marxism. As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and now a Christian conservative Republican, I see this as a golden opportunity for America to sever the financial ties that bind us to radical Islamist movements and their leftist allies.

The future belongs to nations that embrace capitalism, innovation, and individual liberty. The shift from oil to lithium will be a catalyst for the downfall of jihadist regimes and the Marxist groups they support. It’s time for America to stand strong, defend our values, and ensure that the enemies of freedom—whether they be Islamist or Marxist—are no longer able to wield their financial influence against us.

Let us pray for America’s future, and let us work tirelessly to ensure that the forces of darkness are defeated. Lithium may be the key to this victory, and with God’s guidance, we will see the downfall of those who seek to destroy our great nation.


  1. "The Rise of Lithium and the New Energy Economy," Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/energy/2024/lithium-rise
  2. "Islamist Oil Wealth and Terrorist Financing," Foreign Affairs, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/middle-east/2023/islamist-terror-financing

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