Thursday, September 28, 2023

Roland Hall: A School's Shift from Conservative Catholic Values to the Woke Agenda

The landscape of education is evolving rapidly, with many institutions facing challenges related to shifting ideologies and values. Roland Hall, long known as one of Utah's most prestigious and capitalist schools, has undergone a transformation that raises concerns for conservative parents. This transformation includes the adoption of a woke agenda and recent events, such as the "Submerge" dance event, which appeared to espouse anti-capitalist sentiments while charging a staggering $30,000 per student for admission. In this article, we explore the changing face of Roland Hall and its potential implications for conservative families.

The Evolution of Roland Hall

Founded as a conservative Catholic school, Roland Hall's transformation into a center for woke ideology is a stark departure from its traditional values. The presence of rainbow flags and the promotion of LGBTQ+ identities among students are indicative of this shift. Many conservative parents may find themselves concerned about the ideological shift and its impact on their children's education.

"Submerge" Event: Hypocrisy in Action

The "Submerge" dance event at Roland Hall stands out as an example of the disconnect between the school's capitalist foundations and its woke agenda. While the event may have appeared to promote anti-capitalist sentiments, Roland Hall's annual tuition of $30,000 per student raises questions about the school's commitment to its own principles.

Woke Ideology and Education

The infiltration of woke ideology into schools like Roland Hall has raised concerns among conservative parents. They worry that their children are being exposed to a one-sided narrative that stifles critical thinking and promotes a particular set of values. It is essential for parents to engage actively in their children's education to ensure a balanced and well-rounded perspective.

Protecting Parental Values

Conservative parents who send their children to schools like Roland Hall must be vigilant in protecting their values and beliefs. This may involve open communication with teachers and school administrators, active involvement in school activities, and fostering critical thinking skills in their children to discern between different ideologies.

The Cost of Education

The hefty price tag of $30,000 per student at Roland Hall raises questions about accessibility and inclusivity. While the school may promote certain woke values, the high cost of admission may limit access to a select few, contradicting the supposed ideals of equity and inclusion.


The transformation of Roland Hall from a conservative Catholic school to an institution promoting woke ideology is emblematic of a broader shift in education. Conservative parents must carefully consider the values and principles being imparted to their children and actively engage in their education. While schools may adopt woke agendas and charge exorbitant fees, it is essential for parents to uphold their own values and ensure that their children receive a well-rounded education that encourages critical thinking and open dialogue. The future of education should be one where all perspectives are respected, and students are equipped with the skills to navigate a diverse and complex world.

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