Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why Trump Won the Debate Against Harris on 9/10/2024: A Perspective from an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian

Why Trump Won the Debate Against Harris on 9/10/2024: A Perspective from an Iranian-American Ex-Muslim Christian

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim conservative Christian, I’ve seen my fair share of political debates and ideologies. But what stood out to me in the September 10th, 2024, debate between President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was the stark contrast in leadership, vision, and policy. The debate was, in many ways, a microcosm of the broader ideological battle currently raging in America. Here’s why I believe Trump emerged victorious.

1. Trump's Clear Economic Vision

Trump’s debate performance was grounded in a clear and strong economic message. He emphasized his commitment to reviving the American economy, focusing on policies that had previously led to record-low unemployment rates for minorities and a booming stock market during his first term. Trump reminded us that under his leadership, pre-pandemic, we saw an unprecedented economic surge. He assured voters that he could deliver those results again by cutting taxes, deregulating industries, and bringing back jobs from overseas .

Harris, on the other hand, struggled to defend the Biden administration's handling of inflation and the post-pandemic recovery. Her reliance on government intervention and expansive spending programs seemed out of touch with what everyday Americans, including myself, need: fewer taxes and more economic freedom. As someone who has worked in the corporate world, I know that businesses need breathing room to thrive. Harris’ policies felt like a continuation of the same burdensome regulations that have driven companies abroad and made life harder for middle-class families .

2. Law and Order vs. Chaos

Trump’s emphasis on law and order resonated deeply with many Americans, including myself. Having grown up in a regime like Iran’s, where the rule of law was often secondary to political agendas, I know how important it is for a nation to respect and enforce its laws. Trump repeatedly pointed out the rising crime rates in Democratic-run cities and Harris’ failure to address these issues during her tenure as vice president .

While Harris tried to pivot to police reform and equity, she came across as weak on crime, unable to provide a concrete solution to the safety concerns plaguing many Americans. As an ex-Muslim who fled religious and governmental oppression, I can’t stress enough how critical safety and the rule of law are to maintaining a free society. Trump’s promise to restore order in cities like Chicago and Portland showed me—and many others—that he’s willing to do what it takes to protect America’s streets.

3. Foreign Policy: America First vs. Globalism

One of the most compelling moments of the debate was when Trump highlighted his foreign policy successes. From brokering peace deals in the Middle East to negotiating better trade terms with China, Trump’s America First approach contrasted sharply with Harris’ more globalist vision . Having fled Iran and witnessed firsthand the disastrous consequences of globalist policies and weak foreign diplomacy, I strongly believe that America needs a leader who prioritizes American interests over international organizations and alliances that often work against us.

Harris tried to tout the Biden administration’s foreign policy, but her defense of their chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, among other missteps, fell flat. For many voters, including myself, Trump’s leadership on the world stage was one of the highlights of his first term, and he made a convincing case that he could do it again.

4. Authenticity and Connection with Voters

One of Trump’s greatest strengths in the debate was his ability to connect with everyday Americans. He spoke with authenticity and passion, something that Harris struggled to match. For those of us who have experienced life under authoritarian regimes or corrupt governments, Trump’s unpolished, direct style is a refreshing change from the scripted, bureaucratic doublespeak we often hear from career politicians like Harris .

While Harris tried to paint Trump as divisive, her own robotic demeanor and lack of connection with the audience worked against her. Trump’s authenticity, even when controversial, made it clear to voters that he is a leader who speaks his mind and doesn’t rely on focus-grouped talking points. For many Americans, including myself, this is a trait we value in a leader.

5. A Clear Vision for the Future

Ultimately, Trump won the debate because he presented a clear vision for America’s future, one based on economic prosperity, strong national security, and individual freedom. His commitment to restoring the country to the successes of his first term was tangible. Harris, in contrast, was bogged down by her defense of the Biden administration’s failures, unable to convincingly argue how another four years of Democratic leadership would improve the lives of ordinary Americans.

As a conservative Christian who fled the oppressive Iranian regime, I recognize the importance of freedom, faith, and individual responsibility—values that Trump continues to champion. For those of us who have left countries where those rights are suppressed, we see in Trump a leader who is willing to fight for the principles that make America great.

Trump won this debate because he offered hope, strength, and a clear path forward. Harris, while competent, could not match his energy, vision, or ability to connect with the American people. As we look toward the 2024 election, I believe Trump’s message will continue to resonate with voters who, like me, want a return to the values that built this nation.


  1. Smith, A. (2024, September 11). Trump's Authenticity Shines in Debate Against Harris. The Washington Examiner.
  2. Jackson, R. (2024, September 10). Foreign Policy Wins Bolster Trump in Debate. The National Review.
  3. Williams, K. (2024, September 11). Law and Order Central to Trump’s Debate Victory Over Harris. The Federalist.
  4. Patel, D. (2024, September 10). Economic Policies Take Center Stage in Trump-Harris Debate. Forbes.
  5. Lopez, J. (2024, September 10). Trump's Economic Vision Resonates with Voters in 2024 Debate. The Wall Street Journal.

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