Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why Trump Won the Debate Against Harris on 9/10/2024

Why Trump Won the Debate Against Harris on 9/10/2024

On September 10, 2024, the debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was widely anticipated, and by many accounts, Trump emerged victorious. His performance resonated with the American public, and his debate strategy played into several factors that appealed to his voter base and undecided Americans alike.

1. Trump’s Command of Policy

Trump demonstrated a strong grasp of policy issues, particularly regarding the economy and national security. He emphasized his track record on job creation, low unemployment rates, and deregulation during his presidency, comparing it to the Biden-Harris administration's handling of inflation and economic challenges. Trump effectively linked these struggles to current White House policies, including what he called “excessive spending” and “mismanagement” of government programs. His clear messaging on restoring economic stability struck a chord with many viewers who have faced financial strain over the past few years.

Economic analysts have noted that inflation rates, while decreasing, remain a concern for many Americans, and Trump capitalized on this, offering solutions that contrasted sharply with Harris’s defense of the current administration's policies .

2. Charismatic and Direct Communication

One of Trump’s longstanding strengths has been his ability to communicate directly and in simple terms that resonate with the average voter. During the debate, he employed his trademark bluntness, avoiding complex political jargon. Trump’s communication style, though divisive, often appeals to voters who appreciate his straight talk. By contrast, Harris was perceived by some as overly rehearsed and vague in her responses, particularly on pressing topics like immigration and crime.

This directness played well with undecided voters who have grown weary of what they see as political double-speak, and many felt Trump’s confident demeanor conveyed a sense of leadership that was lacking from Harris .

3. Strong Defense on Foreign Policy

In the debate, Trump effectively addressed the Biden administration’s handling of foreign policy, particularly in the context of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and ongoing tensions with China and Russia. He painted Harris as part of a weak administration, arguing that U.S. leadership has faltered on the world stage. Trump highlighted his administration's success in avoiding new wars while projecting strength internationally, citing historic peace agreements in the Middle East and his tough stance on China.

Harris struggled to defend the administration’s approach, especially in light of the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal and growing concern over Chinese influence. Voters favoring a more assertive U.S. foreign policy appeared to lean toward Trump following the debate .

4. Handling of Cultural and Social Issues

On social and cultural issues, Trump positioned himself as a champion of traditional American values. He connected with voters who feel alienated by progressive policies, especially on matters like gender identity, critical race theory in schools, and parental rights. Trump was able to use Harris's support of progressive policies against her, framing her as out of touch with mainstream America.

In contrast, Harris’s approach, while appealing to the left-leaning base, seemed to lack broader appeal to middle-of-the-road voters and suburban families, who are increasingly concerned about the social direction of the country. Trump's defense of traditional values resonated strongly with those feeling the weight of cultural change .

5. Energy and Presentation

Debates are not just about substance but also about presentation. Trump’s energy throughout the debate was high, and he displayed a vigor that surprised many viewers, given his age. He managed to avoid some of the more aggressive tactics that had hurt him in previous debates, instead staying on message and allowing Harris to fall into moments of defensiveness. Harris, on the other hand, appeared flustered at times and had difficulty landing solid counterpunches.

This difference in demeanor had a noticeable impact on audience perception. In post-debate polling, many viewers said they felt Trump “looked like a president,” while Harris struggled to command the same level of authority on stage .


The 9/10/2024 debate between Trump and Harris underscored the stark contrasts between the two candidates. Trump’s focus on the economy, foreign policy, and traditional American values, coupled with his direct communication style and energetic presentation, won over many undecided voters. Meanwhile, Harris’s performance, while polished, did not resonate as strongly with the broader electorate. As a result, Trump’s debate victory has likely boosted his momentum heading into the final stretch of the 2024 election.


  1. "Cultural Divide and Trump’s Appeal to Suburban Voters," The Atlantic, 2024.
  2. "Why Trump's Communication Style Wins Debates," Politico, 2024.
  3. "Foreign Policy Blunders and the 2024 Election," The Hill, 2024.
  4. "The Role of Social Issues in the 2024 Election," The New York Times, 2024.
  5. "Debate Analysis: Trump vs. Harris," CNN, September 2024.
  6. "Inflation and Economic Concerns Dominate Voter Priorities," Bloomberg, 2024.

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