Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Rise for Persia" - (A New Iranian-American Revolutionary Anthem) By Bobby Darvish

"Rise for Persia"
(A New Iranian-American Revolutionary Anthem)

By Bobby Darvish 

(Verse 1)
From the mountains of Alborz to the shores of the Caspian,
We rise for Persia, for the proud and free,
Our voices echo through the winds of ancient lands,
For the Shah, for liberty, for our destiny.

The tyrants fall, their lies will fade,
No more darkness, no more charade,
Hezbollah, Hamas, and their wicked horde,
Will face the wrath of Persia's sword.

Rise, rise for Persia, proud and strong!
Against the mullahs and their endless wrong!
From every mountain, let freedom ring,
For our nation, for our Shah, we sing!

(Verse 2)
For years we've watched, with hearts of pain,
As the Islamic Republic brings only shame.
But we are the sons and daughters of kings,
With the blood of Cyrus in our veins, we bring.

No more will Tehran bow to their chains,
No more will Lebanon feel the same pains,
For Persia’s light will shine so bright,
In unity we march, for justice, we fight!

Rise, rise for Persia, proud and strong!
Against the mullahs and their endless wrong!
From every mountain, let freedom ring,
For our nation, for our Shah, we sing!

To the martyrs of freedom, we raise our hands,
To the soldiers of justice across these lands,
No terror can stand, no hate can stay,
For the Shah, for Iran, we'll find the way!

Rise, rise for Persia, proud and strong!
Against the mullahs and their endless wrong!
From every mountain, let freedom ring,
For our nation, for our Shah, we sing!

For the day will come when the chains are broken,
And freedom's name will be boldly spoken.
With the Shah as our guide, we’ll rise anew,
For Iran, for Persia, forever true!

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