Sunday, September 29, 2024

Why the Woke Left Will Hate Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis: A Reality Check

Why the Woke Left Will Hate Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis: A Reality Check
By Bobby Darvish |

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and conservative Christian, I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing the corrosive influence of woke ideology on culture, art, and society. When I screened Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis, it became crystal clear to me why the woke left will inevitably hate this film. They are already setting the narrative, trying to claim it’s a flop—not because it fails artistically or narratively, but because it exposes the fundamental flaws of their leftist worldview.

Megalopolis is a sweeping, audacious work that dares to show the consequences of collectivist thinking and totalitarian control, both of which are hallmarks of the woke ideology. While the film’s aesthetic is visionary, its true brilliance lies in how it reflects today’s societal struggles—specifically, the battle between individual freedom and the oppressive nature of leftist groupthink. Coppola, always a master at tapping into the spirit of the times, delivers a critique of the very forces trying to dismantle Western civilization.

The woke crowd cannot tolerate art that defies their narrative. They are hell-bent on controlling the cultural conversation and will label anything that doesn’t align with their progressive values as problematic or even dangerous. They will say Megalopolis flopped because it doesn’t check the boxes of their narrow worldview. To them, success isn’t measured by creativity or truth-telling but by how much a work adheres to their dogmas: diversity quotas, gender theory, and anti-capitalist rhetoric.

But Megalopolis is a direct affront to this. Coppola doesn’t shy away from showing the consequences of centralized power structures, which the left conveniently ignores as they push for government overreach. The film depicts the downfall of utopian ideals, much like the failed experiments we’ve seen in left-leaning cities in the U.S. today. Just look at San Francisco or Portland, where chaos reigns, crime is rampant, and the very ideals of law and order are trampled under the guise of social justice. This dystopian reality is echoed in Megalopolis, a film that doesn't shy away from exposing the inevitable collapse when woke policies are left unchecked.

They’re trying to bury this film under false accusations of failure before it even has a chance to resonate with the broader audience. This is a classic leftist tactic—smear and destroy what doesn’t align with their agenda. It's happening right now with Megalopolis. Despite Coppola’s illustrious career, the leftist media is painting him as out-of-touch, simply because his film dares to challenge the woke religion.

It’s no coincidence that the same media outlets attacking Megalopolis are the ones who prop up superficial films that promote their ideology. They want sanitized art that pushes climate alarmism, racial grievance politics, and gender confusion. Coppola’s refusal to conform makes him a target for their cancel machine.

In a way, Megalopolis is a bold testament to free expression, the very thing that leftist ideologues seek to strangle. They’ll never admit it, but they hate Coppola’s film because it shows the truth: their utopia is a lie.

For those of us who believe in liberty, individual responsibility, and the importance of maintaining a moral and just society, Megalopolis is a breath of fresh air. Coppola has shown the courage to expose the cracks in the leftist agenda, and for that, the woke mob is desperate to see his film fail. But make no mistake, Megalopolis is more relevant than ever, and no amount of leftist spin can hide the truth it reveals.


  • "San Francisco Crime Surge Amid Defunding Police Policies," The Washington Examiner, 2023.
  • "Portland's Leftist Experiment Fails: Businesses Flee," The National Review, 2022.
  • Coppola, Francis Ford. Megalopolis (Film), 2024.

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