Saturday, September 21, 2024

Why Western Men Are Seeking Brides Abroad: A Conservative Perspective

Why Western Men Are Seeking Brides Abroad: A Conservative Perspective

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian LDS conservative Republican, I’ve observed an alarming trend in Western society: a growing number of men, especially Western men, are looking overseas for wives. This phenomenon, explored in 60 Minutes Australia's feature on "love tourists," reveals a deeper societal issue at play—a rejection of the traditional values many men once held dear in their pursuit of family life.

The reasons behind this migration to find wives abroad are not as simple as the Western mainstream media would have you believe. These men aren’t simply looking for a partner; they’re searching for a wife who embodies traditional virtues—conservative values, Christian beliefs, modesty, and the desire to raise a family. Many Western women, under the sway of Marxist ideologies like feminism, woke culture, and the LGBTQ+ movement, have increasingly embraced lifestyles that Western men feel alienated from.

The Decline of Traditional Values in the West

Western societies, especially in places like the United States, Canada, and parts of Western Europe, have seen a rapid shift toward woke and progressive ideals. Feminism, Marxism, and identity politics have distorted traditional gender roles. Men seeking a stable family life are faced with a daunting reality: many women in these societies no longer desire marriage, children, or traditional family structures. Instead, they pursue careers, engage in casual relationships, and embrace lifestyles that men with conservative, Christian, capitalist values find incompatible with their own.

The shift is evident in what many Western women present themselves as today. Tattoos, piercings, unnatural hair colors, and an embracing of radical leftist ideals, such as body positivity that champions obesity, make these women unattractive to men seeking traditional partnerships. The breakdown of traditional Christian values has left these men feeling abandoned by their own culture. They don’t want women who are woke, Marxist, or entrenched in LGBTQ+ ideologies; they want women who are committed to conservative, Christian, and family-oriented values.

The Appeal of Eastern European Women

In contrast, many women from Eastern European countries, such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and Hungary, offer what these men are looking for. Eastern European women are often white Christian capitalist conservatives who embody the ideals of traditional femininity. These women are raised in cultures that value family, modesty, and marriage. They don’t adhere to the hyper-individualistic, feminist, or woke ideologies that dominate Western culture. For them, the role of a wife and mother is still held in high regard.

Eastern Europe, having endured the failures of communism under the Soviet Union, has a deep-seated aversion to Marxist ideology. Many of these countries now embrace capitalist, conservative, and Christian values, making them a stark contrast to the cultural decay seen in many parts of the West. These women, by and large, want to build families. They respect traditional male and female roles and are looking for partners who share their values.

It’s no surprise, then, that Western men are increasingly turning to these countries to find brides. For men who have been disenfranchised by the Western culture war, Eastern European women offer a glimmer of hope—a chance to build the kind of family they had always envisioned, based on mutual respect, tradition, and faith.

The Globalist Influence and Feminism’s Role

The rise of globalism and feminist ideology has contributed to the breakdown of the traditional family unit in the West. Feminism, particularly in its current third-wave and fourth-wave incarnations, has promoted an anti-family narrative, portraying women who choose to be wives and mothers as oppressed. This, combined with the globalist agenda pushing for a more "progressive" world, has led to a society where traditional men and women find it harder to connect.

Men who reject this cultural shift and want to find conservative women who still value family are increasingly forced to look elsewhere. This is not just about a preference for physical appearance, although the aversion to tattoos, piercings, and other modern Western trends plays a role. It's about finding a woman who shares their worldview—a worldview that sees marriage and family as sacred, a cornerstone of a healthy society.

The Attack on Masculinity and Family

In Western countries, masculinity is under attack. The "toxic masculinity" narrative has painted traditional male behavior as harmful and regressive, leaving men confused and alienated. These men, seeking to fulfill their role as husbands and fathers, are vilified for wanting to protect and provide. In contrast, Eastern European societies still respect the roles of men as leaders in the family.

The attack on traditional family structures—through the promotion of LGBTQ+ lifestyles, feminism, and woke politics—has created a divide in society. It’s no wonder men are seeking women from cultures that still hold to Christian, conservative values. They want to build a legacy, have children, and ensure their future families aren’t subject to the ideological chaos reigning in the West.

Conclusion: The Search for Tradition

As a conservative, I understand the importance of family and faith. It’s heartbreaking to see Western men feeling forced to look overseas to find partners who align with their values. But it’s not surprising. The decay of traditional values in the West, brought about by woke culture, Marxism, and the deconstruction of the family unit, has left them with little choice.

Eastern European women represent the virtues that these men seek: Christian, conservative, family-oriented, and resistant to the woke ideologies that have consumed much of the West. As long as Western societies continue on their current path, the trend of "love tourists" will only grow. Men will continue seeking out brides from cultures that haven’t abandoned their values—because in the end, family is worth fighting for.


  1. "Love Tourists: Single Men Travelling Overseas to Find a Bride," 60 Minutes Australia.
  2. Fuchs, Rachel. Gender and Poverty in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
  3. “The Rise of Eastern Europe: How Communism's Fall Led to Conservative Revival,” The Atlantic, October 12, 2019.
  4. Pappin, Gladden. “The Return of the Family: Traditional Values in Post-Communist Eastern Europe,” American Affairs Journal, Spring 2021.
  5. Paulson, Michael. "Christian Conservatism in Russia and Eastern Europe," The New York Times, August 24, 2023.

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