Monday, September 2, 2024

The Red-Green Axis Ideology and the Attack on the LDS Church: A Response to Alyssa Grenfell

The Red-Green Axis Ideology and the Attack on the LDS Church: A Response to Alyssa Grenfell

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian and a proud member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), I have seen firsthand how dangerous ideologies can manipulate, distort, and destroy. One such ideology is the Red-Green Axis—a powerful coalition between Marxists and Islamists—working to undermine the values and institutions that have made America strong, particularly conservative religious communities like the LDS Church. Alyssa Grenfell's recent attacks on the LDS Church are a prime example of how deeply this ideology has permeated our society, especially in colleges, media, and Hollywood.

Understanding the Red-Green Axis

The term "Red-Green Axis" refers to the alliance between the far-left (symbolized by red) and radical Islamists (symbolized by green). This unholy coalition seeks to dismantle the foundations of Western civilization by promoting values that are antithetical to traditional Christian beliefs. The Red-Green Axis leverages the tools of cultural Marxism, including identity politics, intersectionality, and critical theory, to sow division and weaken the moral fabric of society.

In recent years, this ideology has increasingly targeted religious institutions, particularly those that uphold conservative values. The LDS Church, with its emphasis on family, morality, and self-reliance, stands as a bulwark against the chaos that the Red-Green Axis seeks to impose. Therefore, it is no surprise that figures like Alyssa Grenfell, who have been indoctrinated with this ideology, have turned their venomous rhetoric against the Church.

Alyssa Grenfell's Background and Ideological Indoctrination

Alyssa Grenfell's background is emblematic of how the Red-Green Axis has infiltrated American education and culture. Educated in a system dominated by leftist ideologies, she was exposed to a worldview that is hostile to religious conservatism from a young age. Colleges, particularly those influenced by postmodernist and Marxist thought, often promote a narrative that portrays traditional religious values as oppressive and outdated. Grenfell, like many others, was likely steeped in this narrative during her formative years.

Moreover, the media and Hollywood have played significant roles in reinforcing this ideology. Movies, TV shows, and news outlets frequently depict conservative Christians as bigoted, intolerant, and backwards. These portrayals are not accidental; they are part of a broader effort to delegitimize and marginalize religious voices in the public sphere. Grenfell's attacks on the LDS Church reflect the worldview she absorbed from these sources—a worldview that is deeply influenced by the Red-Green Axis.

The Falsehoods and Hypocrisy in Grenfell's Attacks

Grenfell's criticisms of the LDS Church are riddled with falsehoods and hypocrisy. She accuses the Church of being intolerant and oppressive, yet fails to acknowledge the freedom and empowerment that it provides to its members. The LDS Church has a long history of promoting education, humanitarian efforts, and self-reliance, all of which contribute to the betterment of society.

Furthermore, Grenfell's attacks are steeped in the very intolerance she claims to oppose. By condemning the Church's beliefs and practices, she denies the right of Latter-day Saints to live according to their faith. This is a classic tactic of the Red-Green Axis: to accuse others of the very sins they themselves commit.

The Broader Implications for Society

Grenfell's attacks are not just an isolated incident; they are part of a broader campaign to undermine conservative religious institutions in America. The Red-Green Axis seeks to replace the Judeo-Christian values that have guided this nation with a new moral order that is hostile to freedom, faith, and individual responsibility. By targeting the LDS Church, this coalition aims to weaken one of the last remaining bastions of traditional values in America.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I have seen the devastating effects of Islamist ideology and Marxist totalitarianism in my homeland. The Red-Green Axis represents a similar threat to the United States. We must stand firm in our faith and resist the efforts of those who seek to destroy the moral foundations of our society.


Alyssa Grenfell's attacks on the LDS Church are not simply misguided opinions; they are the product of a dangerous ideology that seeks to undermine the values and institutions that have made America great. The Red-Green Axis, through its influence in colleges, media, and Hollywood, has succeeded in indoctrinating individuals like Grenfell with a worldview that is hostile to religious conservatism.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as Americans, we must recognize this threat and stand firm in our defense of faith, family, and freedom. The battle against the Red-Green Axis is not just a political struggle; it is a spiritual one. And with God's help, we will prevail.


  1. Horowitz, D. (2019). Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America. Humanix Books.
  2. Delingpole, J. (2016). Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing your Children's Future. Biteback Publishing.
  3. Curtis, M. (2017). Islamic State: Racism and the War on Christians. Routledge.

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