Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Black Magic, Voodoo & Blood Sacrifice

Black Magic, Voodoo & Blood Sacrifice 

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, and now a devout Christian, my journey away from Islam led me through many dark paths before I found the true light of Christ. During my youth, I became fascinated with the occult, black magic, and esoteric knowledge, exploring grimoires and ancient rituals. What I discovered is that blood sacrifice is a core component of every significant black magic ritual, including voodoo practices and witchcraft traditions found in texts such as the Grand Grimoire (also known as Le Dragon Rouge), The Grimorium Verum, and The Book of Abramelin. These works are steeped in demonic invocations and consistently emphasize the need for blood offerings to summon spirits, demons, or dark forces.

Blood Sacrifice in Occult Grimoires

In my search for power and forbidden knowledge as a youth, I turned to these grimoires, books that claimed to hold the keys to controlling supernatural forces. One thing that stood out was how blood, and especially the blood of the innocent, was a vital element in these rituals. This was not a symbolic element, but a literal call for life to be spilled to appease dark powers.

Take, for example, the Grand Grimoire—also known as Le Dragon Rouge—which is one of the most infamous texts in occult history. This book, allegedly dating back to the 16th century, contains specific instructions for summoning Lucifer himself and making pacts with him. The grimoire explicitly mentions the necessity of a blood sacrifice to invoke the presence of the devil or his demons. The text provides a step-by-step guide on how to sacrifice animals, and in some cases, calls for human blood to seal a pact with the infernal spirits.

Similarly, The Grimorium Verum, another key text in the occult, goes into detail about using animal blood in rites designed to summon demons. This grimoire, attributed to the 18th century, describes various rituals that demand the sacrifice of goats, chickens, or even the practitioner’s own blood to call forth entities from the underworld. The text includes invocations, sigils, and conjurations that, without the essential component of blood, would supposedly fail to connect with the demonic.

The Book of Abramelin is yet another occult text that I explored during my youth. Although it is best known for its "holy magic" rituals aimed at acquiring divine knowledge, it also has darker elements. While it doesn't call for blood sacrifice in the same overt way as the Grand Grimoire or Grimorium Verum, the undertones of sacrificial offerings—both symbolic and literal—are present in its more cryptic rituals, including the use of various animal parts, oils, and blood to ward off or summon spiritual entities.

Even in modern-day black magic traditions, blood remains essential. Voodoo practices, especially in their darker aspects, emphasize animal sacrifice as part of their rituals to appease the Loa, spiritual entities that are often invoked for both blessings and curses. Blood is viewed as the lifeforce necessary to bridge the gap between the human and spirit worlds, providing a direct connection to these powerful forces.

My Personal Experience with Occult Texts

As a youth, drawn into the dark allure of the occult, I was unaware of the true spiritual dangers these practices posed. I had read texts like Le Dragon Rouge, The Grimorium Verum, and The Lesser Key of Solomon, each of which demands blood sacrifice as an integral part of its rituals. At first, I was intrigued by the power they promised—these books claim that the right combination of invocations and sacrifices can grant the practitioner control over demons, spirits, and even people’s destinies. However, what I realized too late was that these rituals are not just harmless games or psychological exercises—they are dangerous connections to malevolent spiritual forces.

As a former practitioner of these dark arts, I can say with certainty that blood sacrifice is not merely a symbolic act—it is believed to be the key to real spiritual power. The spilling of blood is seen as the ultimate offering to demonic forces, representing the life force that feeds their strength. I’ve come to understand, through the teachings of Christianity, that these forces are not benign—they are demonic, seeking to corrupt and destroy. It took me years to break free from the darkness I had entangled myself in, and it is only by the grace of Christ that I escaped.

The Dark Path of Blood Sacrifice

The theme of blood sacrifice is ancient and echoes through the history of paganism, witchcraft, and black magic. In the occult, blood is believed to contain immense spiritual power. In texts such as the Malleus Maleficarum, blood is often invoked as an offering to Satan or other demons. Historically, many cultures that practiced witchcraft, from the Babylonians to the Aztecs, engaged in blood sacrifices to placate their gods or summon otherworldly beings. This pattern has continued in the Western occult tradition, with grimoires and voodoo practices providing instructions for blood sacrifices to achieve magical results.

Many modern occultists might claim these texts are simply relics of a bygone era or merely metaphorical. However, I can personally testify that these rituals are still very much alive in dark corners of the world, drawing in lost souls who believe they can control spiritual powers without consequence. Blood sacrifice is not just a tradition—it is the core element that opens the door to demonic influence. I have lived it, and I have seen the devastation it causes.


As I reflect on my past and the dangerous knowledge I once sought, I now see it for what it truly was—a path leading to spiritual destruction. The grimoires and occult books that I once revered as sources of power were, in reality, chains binding me to forces of darkness. Blood sacrifice, which runs through every black magic ritual, is a satanic counterfeit to the only true and redemptive blood sacrifice—the blood of Jesus Christ.


  1. Le Dragon Rouge (The Grand Grimoire) -
  2. The Grimorium Verum -
  3. The Book of Abramelin -

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