Thursday, July 18, 2024

Protecting President Donald J. Trump: The Need for Volunteer and Party-Specific Secret Service Praetorians

As America faces unprecedented challenges from the leftist globalist agenda and the red-green axis, it is imperative to ensure the safety and security of our leaders, particularly President Donald J. Trump. The polarization in our country has intensified, with threats against President Trump becoming increasingly brazen. In light of these threats, the formation of volunteer Secret Service praetorian militias or paid party-specific Secret Service praetorians could provide an essential layer of protection, ensuring that our leaders are safeguarded from those who seek to undermine our nation.

The Current Threat Landscape

The leftist globalist agenda, often supported by the red-green axis (a term referring to the alliance between radical leftists and Islamist extremists), poses a significant threat to conservative values and the stability of our nation. President Trump, as a staunch defender of American sovereignty and traditional values, has been a primary target of this coalition. The rising tide of threats and hostility necessitates a robust and loyal protective force dedicated to his security.

Volunteer Secret Service Praetorian Militias

One potential solution is the formation of volunteer Secret Service praetorian militias. These militias would be composed of patriotic Americans who are committed to defending President Trump and upholding the principles he stands for. Volunteers would undergo rigorous training to ensure they meet the highest standards of protection and security. The advantages of such militias include:

  1. Loyalty and Dedication: Volunteers, driven by their commitment to President Trump and conservative values, would provide an unwavering level of dedication to their protective duties.

  2. Community Involvement: Engaging the community in the protection of our leaders fosters a sense of responsibility and patriotism among citizens, reinforcing the bond between the President and the people he serves.

  3. Cost-Effective: Volunteer militias could provide a cost-effective solution, utilizing the skills and dedication of patriotic citizens without the financial burden associated with a fully paid protective force.

Paid Party-Specific Secret Service Praetorians

Alternatively, the establishment of paid party-specific Secret Service praetorians could offer a professional and highly trained protective unit. These praetorians would be specifically selected and trained to ensure their loyalty to the party and the President they are assigned to protect. The benefits of this approach include:

  1. Professional Training: Paid praetorians would undergo extensive training, ensuring they possess the skills and expertise necessary to provide the highest level of protection.

  2. Accountability: As paid professionals, these praetorians would be held to strict standards of performance and accountability, ensuring they perform their duties with the utmost professionalism.

  3. Enhanced Security: The specialized training and resources available to a paid protective force would enhance the overall security provided to President Trump, mitigating the risks posed by the leftist globalist agenda and the red-green axis.

Addressing Concerns

Critics might argue that the formation of such protective units could further polarize the nation and undermine the nonpartisan nature of the Secret Service. However, the reality is that the threats against President Trump are driven by a deeply partisan agenda. Ensuring his protection requires a proactive and loyal response. By implementing rigorous oversight and establishing clear protocols, we can prevent any potential misuse of power or influence within these units.


In these turbulent times, the safety and security of President Donald J. Trump must be a top priority. The formation of volunteer Secret Service praetorian militias or paid party-specific Secret Service praetorians offers a viable solution to address the unique threats posed by the leftist globalist agenda and the red-green axis. By ensuring that those tasked with protecting our President are dedicated, loyal, and highly trained, we can safeguard the continuity of leadership and the principles that define our great nation. It is time to take bold and decisive action to protect our leaders and uphold the values that make America strong.


  1. "Secret Service Agent’s Anti-Trump Facebook Post Prompts Investigation," NBC News.

  2. "Secret Service agent who suggested she wouldn’t take bullet for Trump to retire," The Washington Post.

  3. "Red-Green Axis: The Radical Left, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Progressive-Islamist Alliance," Center for Security Policy.

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