Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Call for Party-Specific Secret Service "Praetorians" in Light of Recent Events

In recent years, the political climate in the United States has become increasingly polarized. This divide has not only affected the electorate but has also permeated institutions that are supposed to remain neutral and above partisan politics. A striking example of this is the revelation that a Secret Service agent, known for her admiration of Hillary Clinton, publicly stated that she would not take a bullet for then-President Donald Trump. This shocking admission raises serious concerns about the impartiality and reliability of those entrusted with the security of our nation's leaders. It prompts us to consider the necessity of having Party-Specific Secret Service "Praetorians" to ensure unwavering loyalty and protection for our elected officials.

The Importance of Unquestionable Loyalty

The primary role of the Secret Service is to protect the President, Vice President, and their families, along with other designated individuals. This protection must be absolute, regardless of the agent's personal political beliefs. The statement made by the Secret Service agent, who openly expressed her unwillingness to protect President Trump, is a clear indication that personal biases can potentially compromise the safety and security of our leaders.

The Need for Party-Specific Protection

In light of such incidents, the argument for Party-Specific Secret Service "Praetorians" becomes compelling. These specialized units would be composed of agents whose loyalty aligns with the party of the President they are assigned to protect. This alignment would ensure that the agents are fully committed to their duty, free from the influence of conflicting political ideologies.

Ensuring Impartiality and Accountability

Critics might argue that this approach could further deepen the political divide and undermine the nonpartisan nature of the Secret Service. However, the reality is that the impartiality of the Secret Service has already been called into question. By establishing Party-Specific units, we can create a system where agents are held to the highest standards of loyalty and accountability. These units would undergo rigorous training and vetting processes to ensure that their primary allegiance is to the security of the President, rather than personal political inclinations.

Historical Context and Precedents

The concept of a protective force loyal to a specific leader is not new. The Roman Praetorian Guard, for instance, was an elite unit responsible for the protection of Roman emperors. While the Praetorian Guard had its flaws, the idea of having a dedicated and loyal protective unit has historical merit. In a modern context, Party-Specific Secret Service "Praetorians" would be subject to strict oversight and regulations to prevent any misuse of power or influence.

Safeguarding National Security

The security of the President is not just a matter of personal safety but also a matter of national security. Any lapse in protection can have far-reaching consequences for the stability and governance of the country. By implementing Party-Specific Secret Service units, we can ensure that the President is protected by individuals who are fully committed to their role, thereby safeguarding the continuity of leadership and the integrity of our nation's governance.


The idea of Party-Specific Secret Service "Praetorians" is a pragmatic response to the increasingly polarized political environment we find ourselves in today. While the notion may seem controversial, it is imperative that we prioritize the safety and security of our nation's leaders above all else. By ensuring that those tasked with protecting our President are free from conflicting political biases, we can maintain the highest standards of security and accountability. The time has come to consider bold and innovative solutions to address the challenges of our time, and Party-Specific Secret Service units could be a critical step in that direction.


  1. "Secret Service Agent’s Anti-Trump Facebook Post Prompts Investigation," NBC News.

  2. "Secret Service agent who suggested she wouldn’t take bullet for Trump to retire," The Washington Post.

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