Friday, October 6, 2023

TYT's Troubling Silence on the Armenian Genocide: A Conservative Perspective

In the landscape of modern media, The Young Turks (TYT) has positioned itself as a prominent voice in progressive politics. While they often claim to be champions of human rights and social justice, it is deeply troubling that TYT consistently ignores the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire during World War I. This failure to acknowledge one of the darkest chapters in history raises important questions about TYT's moral consistency and its commitment to genuine human rights advocacy.

The Historical Context

The Armenian Genocide, which began in 1915, resulted in the mass murder and forced deportation of approximately 1.5 million Armenian Christians. This atrocity, perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks, involved systematic brutality, starvation, and death marches, all in an attempt to annihilate the Armenian population.

TYT's Silence

While TYT frequently addresses historical injustices and human rights abuses, they seem to have a blind spot when it comes to the Armenian Genocide. This omission is glaring and calls into question the sincerity of their commitment to human rights and their advocacy for justice.

The Geopolitical Complexities

It's important to acknowledge that addressing the Armenian Genocide can be diplomatically sensitive due to Turkey's role as a NATO ally and its historical denial of the events. However, TYT's stance on other human rights abuses in different contexts reveals a troubling inconsistency in their priorities. They often criticize nations like Israel for their actions, yet remain conspicuously silent on the Armenian Genocide.

The Moral Imperative

Conservatives firmly believe in the importance of acknowledging historical atrocities and ensuring they are never forgotten. Recognizing the Armenian Genocide is not an attack on modern-day Turkey, but rather a way to honor the memory of the victims and learn from history to prevent such horrors from happening again.


The Young Turks' decision to ignore the Armenian Genocide is a glaring inconsistency in their purported commitment to human rights and justice. Conservatives emphasize the importance of moral consistency and the recognition of historical truths, irrespective of geopolitical complexities. By addressing the Armenian Genocide, TYT would not only honor the memory of the victims but also demonstrate a genuine commitment to the principles they claim to uphold. It is time for TYT to break its silence and acknowledge this tragic chapter in history.

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