Thursday, September 19, 2024

When the Islamic Republic of Iran That Jailed, Tortured, and Exiled Us Is Helping Democrats, How Can an American Be a Democrat?

When the Islamic Republic of Iran That Jailed, Tortured, and Exiled Us Is Helping Democrats, How Can an American Be a Democrat?

By Bobby Darvish 

As an Iranian-American who fled the oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I find myself in an uncomfortable place. My family and I were exiled after the 1979 revolution, a dark period when the country I once called home fell under the iron grip of religious tyranny. The regime jailed, tortured, and killed countless Iranians, targeting people for their political beliefs, religion, or even mere association with Western values. We were among the lucky ones who escaped, but the scars remain. This history makes it incomprehensible to me that the same regime that exiled us is now openly engaging with one of the major political parties in the United States—the Democrats.

How can any American, who cherishes freedom, democracy, and human rights, justify supporting a political party that appears to have relationships with a government that represents everything antithetical to those values? For me, as a former Muslim, now a Christian and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as someone who deeply values conservative principles, this question is both political and profoundly personal.

The Islamic Republic and Its Anti-American Agenda

Since its inception, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been hostile toward the United States. The revolution of 1979 was marked by chants of "Death to America," and this sentiment has been a cornerstone of the regime's foreign policy ever since. Iran’s government has funded terrorism across the Middle East, attacked American interests, and perpetuated an anti-Western ideology. In 2015, the Obama administration entered into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal, with the Iranian regime. Many viewed this as a betrayal, a deal that gave Iran billions of dollars while the regime continued its oppression of its people and destabilizing actions abroad.

It is well-documented that elements within the Democratic Party have advocated for continued dialogue and engagement with Iran, even when it is clear that the regime has not changed its brutal tactics. In 2021, the Biden administration resumed indirect talks with Iran to revive the nuclear deal, despite Iran's continued support for terrorism and human rights violations . This is a stark contrast to the approach taken by conservatives and the Republican Party, which has sought to isolate and weaken the regime through sanctions and political pressure .

Why the Democratic Party’s Engagement With Iran Is Dangerous

Iran’s collaboration with terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, its pursuit of nuclear weapons, and its repression of dissent at home make it one of the most dangerous regimes in the world. By negotiating with and giving concessions to Iran, the Democratic Party is empowering a government that is fundamentally opposed to American values and global stability. I ask myself: how can any American be comfortable with this?

As someone who experienced the brutality of the Islamic Republic firsthand, I find it deeply troubling that the Democrats continue to promote engagement with this regime. It is not just a political disagreement—it is a moral failure. This is the same regime that jailed, tortured, and executed my fellow Iranians, and it is the same regime that now seeks to undermine American democracy through its support for terrorist activities and cyberattacks .

American Values vs. Democratic Complicity

As an Iranian-American Christian conservative, I see American values through the lens of the freedom I now enjoy and the oppression I once fled. The values of religious freedom, individual liberty, and national security are not just abstract concepts for me; they are the reasons I was able to rebuild my life in the United States. These values are inherently conservative, and I believe they are best protected by the Republican Party, which has consistently taken a hardline stance against regimes like the one in Iran.

The Democratic Party's willingness to engage with Iran feels like a betrayal, not only to Iranians like me but to all Americans. When a party is willing to negotiate with a regime that openly calls for the destruction of America, one must ask: how can any American, with a clear understanding of these realities, continue to support the Democratic Party?

The Call for Conservative Action 

For Iranian-Americans like myself, the choice is clear. The conservative movement represents the values of freedom and strength that allowed us to flee tyranny and find a home in the United States. It is vital that Americans—regardless of their background—understand the true nature of the Iranian regime and hold accountable those who would empower it through misguided diplomacy.

As we face the upcoming elections, we must remember what is truly at stake. Iran, a country that jailed, tortured, and exiled us, is no friend of freedom. It is a regime that seeks to undermine everything that America stands for. If the Democratic Party continues to engage with Iran, it is complicit in supporting a government that stands against the very foundations of liberty.

How can an American be a Democrat when the party aligns itself with such a regime? As someone who has seen firsthand the destruction that the Islamic Republic of Iran brings, I simply cannot understand it.


Emma Graham-Harrison and Saeed Kamali Dehghan, "Iran nuclear talks: US and Iran agree to resume indirect negotiations," The Guardian, April 6, 2021,
David E. Sanger, "Trump Imposes New Sanctions on Iran, Adding to Tensions," The New York Times, June 24, 2019,
Joseph R. Biden Jr., "Remarks by President Biden on the Middle East," The White House, July 16, 2021,
Parisa Hafezi, "Iran to Stay on U.N. Terrorism Blacklist for 'Support of Terrorism'," Reuters, February 25, 2020,

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