Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FBI Response to Media Reporting Regarding Counterterrorism Training

This is a great response, hopefully all Islamophobes are purged from consulting any part of our Federal Government. Islamophobes should not be consulting the Government on Islam and Muslims. Not only is this offensive towards America's 10 million Muslims who many serve in the Federal Government and Military, but also a catastrophic dis-service to the FBI and Federal Government. Those teaching such Islamophobic disinformation need to be investigated by the FBI for giving false information. Also the motive behind this disinformation needs to be investigated. The best friends of the FBI are mainstream Muslims who are against fringe groups such as Al-Qaeda, Taliban, etc. The FBI has always been the best agency and hopefully it will continue to be so.

Response to Media Reporting Regarding Counterterrorism Training 

Washington, D.C.September 15, 2011
  • FBI National Press Office(202) 324-3691
The following is in response to current media reporting regarding counterterrorism training previously provided to FBI agents at Quantico:
The FBI is committed to protecting Americans’ rights under the U.S. Constitution, including a person’s right to live, work, and worship as they wish. Strong religious beliefs should never be confused with violent extremism. Views that are contrary should not and will not be taught to FBI employees.
The training segment that is the subject of recent media reports does not reflect the views of the FBI and is not consistent with the overall instruction provided to FBI personnel. It was conducted six months ago, one time only, and was quickly discontinued because it was inconsistent with FBI standards on this topic. It was delivered to an audience of 37 agents as part of FBI career path training.
As of August 2011, the individual who delivered the presentation no longer provides training on behalf of the FBI. These corrective measures were made before recent media attention was given to this topic.
Policy changes have been underway to better ensure that all training is consistent with FBI standards. These changes will help ensure appropriate training content for new agent training and continuing education for all employees, as well as introduce a consultative element from experts outside the FBI.


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