Monday, December 16, 2024

The Case for Prosecuting CAIR and NIAC as Foreign Agents: A Call for Accountability

By Bobby Darvish, Iranian-American Ex-Muslim, Former Vegan, Former Socialist, Former Democrat, Former CAIR-Columbus Executive Director, Former Muslim Forum of Utah President, Former Pagan, Christian Conservative LDS Priest

As an Iranian-American, with deep ties to both the Middle East and the West, I have seen firsthand how dangerous the influence of extremist organizations can be on American soil. One of the most concerning issues facing the United States today is the unchecked power of organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which I believe should be prosecuted as foreign agents, especially under the Trump administration.

When the Obama administration came to power, it had a pattern of downplaying the influence of Islamic extremism within U.S. borders. This reached a disturbing peak when the case against CAIR—an organization with documented ties to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization—was shut down by the Department of Justice. Despite evidence presented in federal court connecting CAIR to Hamas, the Obama administration's decision to dismiss the case was a grave mistake that left the door open for the proliferation of radical ideologies within American politics. It is critical that we revisit this failure and hold these organizations accountable for their actions, especially in light of their foreign affiliations.

CAIR's connections to Hamas, and its role in promoting a narrative of victimhood and Sharia law, cannot be ignored. It has served as a front for Islamist ideology in the U.S., using its influence to shape policies in favor of radical agendas, often in contradiction with American values. In addition to this, its persistent lobbying for the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization with clear ties to terrorism, should raise alarm bells.

Furthermore, individuals like Mohamed Elibiary, a former senior advisor to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Obama, represent another troubling example of how the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence has permeated U.S. institutions. Elibiary’s views aligned closely with the Brotherhood's agenda, and his position in the DHS was not just a career appointment—it was a strategic move that allowed him to push for the normalization of Islamist ideologies within U.S. government structures. Even more alarming is the fact that Elibiary played a role in opening America's first Sharia court in Irving, Texas, an act that was denied and dismissed by both Democrats and CAIR, despite the reality of its existence.

The establishment of such a court is deeply concerning. The introduction of Sharia courts in the United States is not simply about accommodating religious beliefs—it's about undermining the principles of American law and justice. It represents a move toward parallel legal systems, which have the potential to erode the constitutional foundations of our nation. The implications of this cannot be overstated.

The Trump administration has a duty to ensure the safety and integrity of the American legal system. It is essential that the U.S. government takes a strong stand against organizations that seek to advance foreign agendas, such as CAIR and NIAC, by prosecuting them as foreign agents. This move would not only reaffirm American sovereignty but also send a clear message to those who seek to manipulate our legal system and push for extremist ideologies.

As an Iranian-American, I am intimately aware of how these foreign influences can destroy the fabric of a nation. From my own experiences, having been exposed to the realities of the Islamic regime in Iran, I understand the dangers posed by radical ideologies that seek to dominate and suppress individual freedoms. As a Christian Conservative LDS, I stand for justice, freedom, and the rule of law, and I believe that prosecuting organizations like CAIR and NIAC is a necessary step in preserving the ideals that make America great.


  1. Federal Bureau of Investigation, "HAMAS Funding Investigation Involving CAIR"
  2. Investigative Project on Terrorism, "CAIR and Hamas Ties"
  3. Fox News, "Mohamed Elibiary, DHS Advisor, and the Muslim Brotherhood"
  4. Irving, Texas, Sharia Court Controversy, "America's First Sharia Court Opens"

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