Monday, October 7, 2024

CAIR: A Front for HAMAS in the United States

CAIR: A Front for HAMAS in the United States
By Bobby Darvish –

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I’ve had firsthand exposure to both the internal workings of Islamic organizations in the U.S. and the political landscapes of the Middle East. One of the organizations that has long troubled me is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization that claims to be the voice of Muslim Americans but, in reality, serves a much darker purpose: functioning as the American arm of HAMAS.

CAIR and its Ties to HAMAS

Let me be clear—CAIR has deep, established connections with HAMAS. The Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial, one of the largest terrorism financing cases in American history, revealed that CAIR was founded as part of a network created to support HAMAS. During this trial, the FBI named CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator. The HLF was shut down for funneling millions of dollars to HAMAS, and if it weren’t for the Obama administration's intervention, CAIR itself would likely no longer be in operation today.

In 2009, the Obama Justice Department made the decision to shut down any further investigation into CAIR’s role in terrorism financing through the HLF case. According to internal sources at the time, the case had enough evidence to bring CAIR down entirely. But the closure of this investigation shielded CAIR from facing further scrutiny. The ramifications of that decision still haunt the United States today. If the government had continued, CAIR might not have survived the exposure of its direct links to terrorist organizations like HAMAS.

The FBI Cuts Ties with CAIR

Despite Obama’s intervention, CAIR’s relationship with the FBI was permanently damaged. In 2008, after the FBI uncovered CAIR's involvement in the HLF case, the agency formally cut ties with the organization. The FBI made it clear that they would not engage with CAIR until the organization severed all connections with HAMAS. This separation remains in effect, though CAIR continues to posture as an innocent advocacy group for Muslim rights.

But CAIR is not innocent. Their agenda extends far beyond civil rights advocacy. They lobby on behalf of radical Islamist ideologies, all the while disguising themselves as defenders of religious freedom. If anything, CAIR should be registered as a foreign agent. The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) mandates that entities representing foreign governments or political organizations disclose their activities. CAIR’s financial and ideological backing from HAMAS, Iran, and Hezbollah make it clear that they are serving foreign interests, specifically those of Islamist movements.

CAIR: A Tool of Iran and Hezbollah

CAIR’s connections aren’t limited to HAMAS alone. Iran, through its proxy Hezbollah, has a vested interest in undermining American institutions and promoting an Islamist agenda within the United States. Hezbollah, Iran’s militant arm in Lebanon, has been a long-time ally of HAMAS, and their joint effort to promote radical Islam in the West includes financial and ideological support for CAIR. By acting as a tool of HAMAS, CAIR indirectly facilitates Iran and Hezbollah’s agenda on U.S. soil.

CAIR-Columbus and the Doctors Who Fund It

As a former Executive Director of CAIR Columbus, I have witnessed firsthand the financial and ideological networks that sustain CAIR. One of the most disturbing elements was seeing how professionals in our own community, particularly Iranian, Pakistani, and Arab doctors, were contributing to this dangerous organization. I remember seeing their names on CAIR-Columbus donor lists. These are people I interacted with regularly, respected in the community. And yet, they were financially supporting an organization with clear links to terrorism.

Their motivations were often framed as “supporting the Muslim community,” but what they failed—or refused—to see was that their donations were going directly into the pockets of an organization whose ultimate goal is not civil rights, but rather the promotion of Islamist supremacy under the guise of advocacy.

Why CAIR Must Be Stopped

The U.S. government must take decisive action to stop CAIR’s influence. Designating CAIR as a foreign agent and requiring them to register under FARA would be a strong first step. This would expose the organization for what it truly is: a front for HAMAS, backed by Iran and Hezbollah, working to undermine American values from within.

It’s not just about protecting national security, but about ensuring that the Muslim American community is not misrepresented by groups like CAIR, whose ultimate loyalty lies with radical Islamist movements rather than the well-being of Muslim Americans. CAIR’s existence in its current form is a threat to both America’s national security and the integrity of our democratic institutions.


  1. United States Department of Justice, Holy Land Foundation Trial Overview
  2. FBI Public Statement on CAIR, 2008
  3. Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), 22 U.S. Code § 611
  4. Congressional Research Service, HAMAS, Iran, and Hezbollah Connections in the U.S.
  5. Center for Security Policy, The Role of CAIR in Promoting Radical Islam in the U.S.

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