Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Conservative Churches Will Survive in the New Age vs. Woke Cultist Churches

By Bobby Darvish, Iranian-American Ex-Muslim, Former Vegan, Former Democrat, Former Socialist, Former CAIR-Columbus Executive Director, Former Muslim Forum of Utah President, Former Pagan, Christian Conservative LDS Priest 

The modern political and cultural climate has created a stark divide between churches and their role in society. Conservative Christian churches, steeped in the teachings of the Bible and the traditions of their faith, continue to uphold values that are rooted in the preservation of life, liberty, and moral order. On the other hand, the rise of "woke" churches that endorse abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, socialism, and a range of other abominations is a glaring sign of the degradation of spiritual values in the modern age. As a devout Christian who has lived through radical ideologies and witnessed the destructive nature of leftism, I firmly believe that conservative churches will not only survive but will thrive in the new age, while woke churches will collapse under the weight of their own moral corruption.

Conservative churches stand as beacons of truth in a world increasingly filled with lies. Their resistance to the progressive, socialist agenda is not just a political stance, but a stand for the preservation of divine law as written in the Holy Scriptures. Churches that embrace the radical left, promoting abortion, gay marriage, transgender rights, and socialism, are no longer truly Christian. They have abandoned the foundation of their faith for the whims of a world that seeks to destroy everything sacred. These "woke" churches are not places of worship; they are part of the broader globalist agenda that seeks to tear down Western civilization, pervert truth, and replace God’s law with man-made ideologies.

As a former Muslim, former socialist, and former pagan, I have seen firsthand how ideologies can warp the soul and corrupt the body politic. My journey from Islam to Christianity and from leftism to conservatism has allowed me to clearly see the truth: any church that aligns itself with the modern Democratic Party is no longer a church of Christ. The Democrat Party today is the party of abortion, the party of socialism, and the party of the anti-Christ. Its embrace of moral decay and cultural destruction is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who calls on His followers to stand firm in their faith and uphold the values of His Kingdom.

A true church of Christ must be one that upholds the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family unit. It must stand against the tide of abortion and the destruction of the unborn. It must stand firm against the redefinition of marriage and the promotion of homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. It must reject transgenderism, which undermines the very concept of gender as defined by God. A church that compromises on these issues is not fulfilling its divine mission. It has become a tool for the global left, serving as a mouthpiece for anti-Christian values.

In contrast, conservative churches rooted in the Word of God have a clear and unwavering commitment to truth. They do not compromise with the culture of death and moral relativism. Instead, they stand firm as witnesses of God’s laws and strive to bring His Kingdom to the Earth. Conservative Christians believe in the power of the gospel to transform lives and societies. They do not bow to the pressures of the world, nor do they allow the "woke" agenda to infiltrate their sacred spaces.

For churches that remain true to the teachings of Christ, the future is bright. Conservative Christian values are timeless and will continue to resonate with those who seek truth and righteousness in an increasingly chaotic world. These churches will not only survive; they will thrive in the new age, while woke churches, with their abandonment of biblical truth, will fade into obscurity.

The current political climate, especially with the rise of Donald Trump and the resurgence of conservative values, has made it clear that any church that does not align itself with the Republican Party and support the preservation of Western civilization is not a true church of Christ. It is a church of the anti-Christ, serving as a tool for the forces of darkness that seek to destroy the foundations of Christianity and replace it with a counterfeit faith.

In conclusion, the battle between conservative churches and woke churches is not merely a cultural or political struggle—it is a spiritual war. The forces of evil are attempting to infiltrate and corrupt the Church, but conservative churches will stand firm in their faith, and they will survive. Woke churches, on the other hand, will falter as their moral and spiritual bankruptcy becomes apparent to all. It is time for Christians to choose which side they are on: the side of truth and righteousness, or the side of deception and destruction.


  1. "The Bible and Politics: A Christian Perspective on Abortion." The Christian Post.
  2. "Transgenderism and the Bible: What Does Scripture Say?" Answers in Genesis.
  3. "The Democrat Party and its Abortion Agenda." The Heritage Foundation.
  4. "What is the Woke Church Movement?"

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