Thursday, October 17, 2024

YouTube Video by Australian B-Rated Actress "Lily Jay": Muslim ChatGPT Answers Scam Exposed by "Apostate Prophet" on YouTube

YouTube Video by Australian B-Rated Actress "Lily Jay": Muslim ChatGPT Answers Scam Exposed by "Apostate Prophet" on YouTube

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I’ve witnessed firsthand the complex and often deceptive nature of Islamic teachings and the interpretations that follow. Recently, I came across a YouTube video featuring an Australian actress, Lily Jay, who presents herself as a knowledgeable voice on Islam, discussing ChatGPT’s responses to Muslim-related questions. Her approach, while seemingly innocent, raises concerns about the accuracy and authenticity of the narratives presented about Islam, particularly in light of the recent exposé by "Apostate Prophet."

In the video, Jay attempts to highlight how technology, like ChatGPT, can misrepresent Islamic doctrines. However, the core of the issue lies not in the AI's responses but in the fundamental teachings of Islam itself. One of the most troubling aspects of Islam is the concept of jihad, which Muhammad described as a form of warfare that includes deception. This principle is troubling, especially in the context of modern discussions about Islam's role in global politics and society. As Muhammad himself stated, “War is deceit” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Hadith 268). This admission calls into question the sincerity and intentions behind many Islamic narratives, particularly those presented by apologists.

The discussion brought forth by Apostate Prophet in response to Lily Jay's video serves as a critical reminder of the importance of scrutinizing claims made about Islam, especially when they come from those who may not fully understand its deeper implications. Apostate Prophet effectively dismantles the misleading nature of some contemporary Muslim narratives, particularly those attempting to sanitize or reinterpret Islamic teachings in a way that aligns with modern values.

Lily Jay, while attempting to position herself as an authority, fails to confront the problematic aspects of Islam. Her focus seems to be more on defending Islam against perceived attacks rather than addressing the reality that many ex-Muslims, including myself, have faced. The pressure to conform to the traditional narratives of Islam often overshadows the uncomfortable truths about its teachings and history.

As an ex-Muslim, I have experienced the repercussions of questioning Islamic beliefs. The narrative of jihad as a form of deception reveals a broader strategy that has been employed throughout history. This strategy aims to maintain control over followers while manipulating perceptions to outsiders. It is this very manipulation that is exploited in discussions about Islam today, whether in mainstream media or in academic contexts.

In conclusion, while platforms like YouTube can be valuable for disseminating information, we must remain vigilant against misinformation and half-truths. The discussions surrounding Islam need to include voices from ex-Muslims who can provide critical perspectives based on their lived experiences. Apostate Prophet's exposé serves as a necessary counterbalance to the narratives promoted by individuals like Lily Jay, reminding us all that the pursuit of truth must take precedence over blind defense of ideology.


  1. Muhammad. Sahih Bukhari. Book 52, Hadith 268.
  2. Apostate Prophet. "Lily Jay Muslim ChatGPT Answers Scam Exposed." YouTube, [YouTube Link].
  3. Jay, Lily. "Muslim ChatGPT Responses: A Critique." YouTube, [YouTube Link].

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