Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Vicious Attacks of the "Demon Democrat" – A Conservative Response to Globalist Red-Green Axis Hatred

The Vicious Attacks of the "Demon Democrat" – A Conservative Response to Globalist Red-Green Axis Hatred

By Bobby Darvish -

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, former Imam, and conservative Christian, I’ve faced all kinds of opposition for my views. I’ve endured insults, slander, and personal attacks from those who cannot stand that I left Islam, embraced Christ, and now promote conservative principles. But one of the most appalling experiences came recently from a self-proclaimed "demon Democrat bitch" on Facebook, who took the time to send me a vile voice message. She told me to kill myself, said she wanted me dead, and insisted that I should die because I date women between the ages of 18 and 40—legal, consenting adults. To her, this made me a pedophile, and she vowed to get me fired and strip me of my security clearance. Her unhinged attack perfectly illustrates the kind of globalist, red-green axis trash that we conservatives, especially men, have to face today.

Her message was dripping with hate. Not only did she call me a pedophile for dating women who are fully grown, consenting adults, but she also bragged about her past as a former escort, implying that her experience as a "whore" gave her access to information about anyone. She openly expressed her hatred for men, linking it to her time in prostitution, and proudly stated that it’s better to be a communist than to date an 18- or 19-year-old adult. These types of extreme views, rooted in the globalist agenda and radical feminism, are all too common among those who align themselves with the Democratic Party, communism, and the destruction of traditional values.

Let’s unpack the insanity of her accusations. First, dating an adult is not pedophilia. This slanderous claim, often thrown around by radical leftists, is not only legally and morally incorrect but shows the profound confusion they have about basic concepts. Pedophilia involves prepubescent children, not adult men and women dating other adults. In this case, the women I’ve dated range from 18 to their forties—grown adults fully capable of making their own decisions about relationships. Yet, this deranged woman, driven by a toxic mix of radical feminism and authoritarian leftist ideology, felt empowered to smear me with one of the worst labels imaginable.

This tactic is part of a larger cultural and political assault on men, conservatives, and anyone who dares to challenge the globalist agenda. Feminists like her, who have embraced their "whore" past and use it as a weapon against those they hate, are pushing society to accept their radical, anti-male, anti-Christian views. She proudly claimed that women like her could "find out information about anyone," which is a terrifying glimpse into the kind of power and manipulation these people believe they have. They think they can destroy anyone they disagree with—whether by lies, cancel culture, or threats to ruin careers and reputations. This is nothing more than modern-day witch hunting, fueled by a mixture of radical leftist ideologies and personal bitterness.

This woman’s openly stated preference for communism over dating young adults is particularly revealing. It speaks to the red-green axis, the dangerous alliance between the Marxist left (the red) and Islamist movements (the green), which seeks to dismantle Western values and institutions. Both communists and Islamists thrive on the destruction of traditional morality, Christianity, and personal freedom. They have no tolerance for those who stand for individual responsibility, faith, and the sanctity of life. This woman is a living example of the type of vitriol we face as American conservatives who dare to uphold Biblical principles, respect the family, and defend the freedom to live our lives without government interference.

Her hatred for men is also tied to her history as a former escort, which she mentioned with pride as though it were a badge of honor. This extreme feminist, "sex-positive" movement has twisted the meaning of empowerment, turning prostitution into something to be celebrated. Rather than encouraging women to pursue genuine fulfillment in relationships, careers, and family, they glorify the degradation of selling one's body. The result is a twisted worldview where men are hated, relationships are toxic, and traditional values are seen as oppressive. Her disdain for men stems from her own experiences, but instead of seeking healing or understanding, she uses her bitterness to lash out at those who live by different principles.

This type of rhetoric is what we, as conservatives, must contend with on a daily basis. The radical left is obsessed with controlling every aspect of our lives—who we date, how we think, and what we believe. They use the tools of social media, cancel culture, and threats of professional ruin to silence anyone who steps out of line. Their hatred for men, Christians, and conservative values is driven by a deep-seated bitterness that turns everything into a battle for power and dominance.

This woman who proudly calls herself a "demon Democrat" is a prime example of the broader agenda. She’s part of the globalist movement that seeks to tear down the foundations of our society—family, faith, and freedom—and replace them with a soulless, authoritarian regime where traditional values are criminalized, and personal liberty is crushed. She embodies the red-green axis mentality, where communists and Islamists work hand in hand to destroy the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West.

To my fellow Americans, especially those who are conservative Christians, this is the type of venom we must be prepared to fight against. The radical left will stop at nothing to destroy us—emotionally, professionally, and spiritually. We must stand firm in our faith and continue to defend our God-given rights, even when faced with threats, slander, and hatred.

We will not be silenced. We will not be intimidated by people who boast about their past as escorts, who think they can manipulate and control us with lies. And we will not bow down to communists or their globalist allies who seek to dismantle everything that makes America great.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim, I’ve seen what totalitarian regimes do to people. I’ve witnessed the destruction of freedom under Islam and leftist regimes, and I will not allow that to happen here. These people may come after our jobs, our reputations, and even our lives, but as Christians, we know that no earthly power can take away our eternal hope in Christ. We fight not only for our rights but for the future of America—a nation founded on freedom, faith, and the belief that all men are created equal.


  • Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV)
  • Quran 17:15 (Sahih International)
  • Romans 5:8 (NIV)

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